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Energy Transformation 101: The missing piece to successfully Manifest! Finally!

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Finally I have found it. I can barely express my joy in words here with what I have just put together!


Watch this first:



You might have already read my comment there and yes I am expressive by nature when I am fascinated by something. I just LOVE to realize something new! No matter how (in)complete it is at the moment :)

"Everything is energy!" The famous phrase.


Negativity or positivity, both is energy. Why do we care for both in manifestations? Because it is energy. The core principle of both energies IS unconditional love/compassion (call it what you want) the most powerful energy. Source, does not judge what you do with the unlimited energy. It is happy for you to use it, because on the larger scale it is only interested in expansion. To learn to know itself, to realize itself. Through us!


And this has to do with manifestation..?


When you want to manifest something, into your reality, you know that you must put energy into it. And nobody cares where this energy is coming from, as long as it reaches you in some way. You will relearn the tools to properly utilize this energy in a "safe" and pleasant context.

What can you do when someone is really mad at you or wants to deny your creation and/or your entire existance? You Transform the energy! You laugh, you dont take it serious (the famous individuals that take things not serious and we look up to them "how on earth can they do this!" and they live happily onward). If you are pissed, you give away energy. If they are pissed by you laughing at them, they give away more energy to you. Freebies!


Practice, practice, practice. There are of course more holistic approaches. I personally could not deal with sentences like "just send them love" - for I do have some love in my heart but it is surely not overflowing... Momentary circumstances, you know what I mean.


Oh and yes, you can throw "Karma" right back where it came from: Into an age with a very limited belief system.


The energies you work with are non-dual, from that point on, so they are in harmony with heaven and earth. Create therefor no chaos and you can have whatever you want. Just like your famous Qigong Masters you have seen on youtube, deflecting incoming attacks right back to the attackers. For the energy they work with are non-dual aswell. Simple 'higher' nature of these energetic principles. It is (will be) really simple.


The key: Negativity. And we have much of it, everyday. Negative energy, is fundamentally compassion. Just translated momentarily in a very.. raw form. Probably feels unpleasant when it reaches you, yeah, gotta fine tune how to deal with it properly aswell. I freely admit here :)


But this energy is yours! Someone projected negativity towards you, your energy. Utilize it! You have seen that in this video, the author talked about other authors having had issues releasing their books/films due to negative first impressions before releases. And what they did, they held onto it. They did NOT put force against it, no resistance, so They got da Chi ;) HAHA! Yes! They yielded correctly. Simplest of all techniques and most powerful teacher: Push hands. They did not cry on someones shoulder to give the energy away, they took it and they transformed it with their persistance!


The example was given of a bow, pulled back to the max load of negative force, ready to explode and shoot the arrow forward. A positive action was created. It doesnt matter what was used. If the individual pulling the bow would not use force to pull the arrow, rather feel the release first and on shooting would feel the stress of pulling - it does not matter. Energy is energy. We just live in this part of the Cosmos where the law says you have to pull in order to create a release. I didn't build it that way... or did I? ;)


Oh understanding of parallel universes and the purpose of our own individual reality yet to come!


Surely there are more finer parts to manifestation, such as bringing them through various bodies. The typical have a clear picture of it, smell it, feel it, picture the entire situation. This then brings all of what you want, energetically, through all of your entirety, right here into physical reality. But this will set the true foundation!


To-do: Mastering what's so unpleasant and somewhat difficult as human. Overcoming negative emotion. Bathing in heart-energies is the key. Do qigong and bring those heavenly forces into your entire system, to be stable, to not get thrown off by negativity ever again.


The Universe is you(rs)! Enjoy!


God, I love you all :D thank you for letting me express this here!

Edited by 4bsolute
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I just stumbled upon this post and I am blown away because it echoes an experience I had last night. Earlier yesterday and into the evening I had been exchanging anger filled emails and texts with an ex-girlfriend. I then did some Blossoms in the Spring Qigong which I have been learning for the past week. She then phoned and was expressing all of this anger with some profanity. However, this time I was in this really good emotional space from the qigong which had produced relaxation and inner peace so I did not feel angry at her at all. I just hung up the phone to enjoy the inner peace that the brief qigong practice had produced and that was the end of the feuding, on my part. I had been carrying resentment toward this woman since we broke up on Labor Day and then just like that it was transformed by qigong. So 4bsolute is giving wisdom filled advice for those who have ears to hear.

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Just wanted to highlight this!




"Everything is energy!" The famous phrase.


Negativity or positivity, both is energy. Why do we care for both in manifestations? Because it is energy. The core principle of both energies IS unconditional love/compassion (call it what you want) the most powerful energy. Source, does not judge what you do with the unlimited energy. It is happy for you to use it, because on the larger scale it is only interested in expansion. To learn to know itself, to realize itself. Through us!



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