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Interesting find about negative emotions and our gut. In our stomach, negative emotions can be localized and neutralized.

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So I do daily cleanses of the Inner Cosmis Smile, washing all my 5 organs from their daily dose of negative energy and freeing them from memories.


I found out when ever I take a walk outside and do not think, focus on internal processes, I stir up negative emotions while I walk. They come out and the local wildlife reacts alerted.


Contrary to this, I sat down in the middle of the woods and meditated. The wood went quiet and I heard birds, especially two woodpeckers get extremely close nearby and didnt mind me at all.


And then from this stillness negative thoughts arose and I could feel the impact, the ripples through out this silence and how several smaller songbirds got alerted. Then I had an inner arguement on how to get these birds quiet. Totally forgot that I (personally) did not have to do any concious effort at all, other than letting go of wanting to do change something. Done, solved. Trance-like, wood quiet again.


I got up, did Qigong and again thoughts came up of failure, of not getting the movements right. But I didnt pay them attention and the patterns went mostly smoothly up to completion.


Then I continued the rest of the walk and here began the funny and (for this limited mind) magical part:


Ever had tiny non-harmful flies flying around your head, just flying there and flying.. and you wonder what they do, maybe get a little annoyed by them, by their sound etc, because you dont want to break your trance-like walk with angry intentions. So I stopped and watched what the flies would probably do next. My guess, they would land on my face. Nothing, flying around, even infront of my eyes and infront of my nostrils. For me this is a true test in staying calm, no matter how funny it sounds, but it is.Then I took an attempt in shooing the flies away. I stopped my walk, stood there, flies disappeared. Continued, flies came back. Stopped, gone - continued walking, flies "Hello!"

And then negative thoughts came back up. And the birds were already upset again and then I questioned straight into the woods about what truly was going on here and could give myself the answer to every question I have straight in return. All of it regarding negative feelings, pain in my stomach and the associated thoughts arising first. I had uncomfortable feelings in my gut and checked in which locations, put my middlefingers on that location, pressed inside, focused on my thymus gland, life-affirming intentions, cancelled the thought+emotional connection by looking left+right a certain set of times and sealed it. I am just a beginner on this level, in terms of how many times I have done it yet, but I instantly feel drastic improvements with this method! It's a complete overwrite in thoughts and emotions.
Then I did what I do when I am around with my girlfriend and I am very calm. Unusual calm compared when I am alone. Wild animals do not take much notice of us, of me. In made a conscious and playful effort in particularly talking to the birds, talked About myself and To my self and this had the effect of the birds, the most wildest and shiest species we have here, came an armslenght close. Continued their business, seemed somewhat amused.

Very relax play this afternoon..

And on my way home again, when I did not talk, negative thoughts came back up. Mostly doubt. Had to do a lot of pauses and working on my gut before I actually arived home.


I hope you do not see these negative thoughts and stomach cramps as something common. Because it isn't. And I suggest dealing with it as soon as possible. Because it interfers with so much you could observe outside. Our stomach is a memory database. This means when negative thoughts arise, negative emotions are triggered and present us on the outside negative results. This continues over and over and over again, until we solve these negative thought patterns and their associated negative feelings in our organs. The 6 Healing Sounds from Mantak Chia is the most powerful tool known to me.


Wanted to go for 45mins, came home 4hours later. Was surprised, said to myself: Next training, do not be surprised by such timeless events. For this Surprised-ness is then contrary the Tao-way, the natural way, this walk presented itself to me. How many of you went "OH MY F*CKING TAO!" when you saw something extra-ordinary (again such a term that does not vibrate with Tao) in your perception, instead of amused and ordinary? :)


I feel so young and immature at times like this on my spiritual practice. Funnily when I am about to cultivate one month straight microcosmis orbit I feel like a wise old man. I am not shy outside, it feels like I have seen it all. Contrary to the last days, months without practice, I am like a skittish deer, not wanting to make contact with any other human individual. Probably energy-leakage? Yes, mostly due to sex, city visits and inconsistant practice.


So .. much .. to .. re-collect.


Thank you for having the opportunity to share all of this.

Edited by 4bsolute

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I feel so young and immature at times like this on my spiritual practice.




This is a great thing, no?

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This is a great thing, no?


No. It is a feeling of insecurity. Nothing one wants to dwell long in.

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