
Is there a known practice on how to increase the Energy of Intention? ..and how a similar technique apparently bypasses all Karma

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What is the Energy of Intention? The Energy of Intention is the energy that is prior to any thought "you" think. Not that you think any thought at all, but lets say before any thought to any action arises in your perception. Prior to that is an intention. Weather you feel it or not, it is there.


Example: Stand outside in the middle of a crossroad. And just stand there without putting any effort in conscously deciding which way to go. And for what reason. And so on. You know the whole train that the puts itself together. Close your eyes, stand there and do absolutely nothing but focus gently on your breath. Then you develop something that feels like a knowing, more like an intuition in which way you will head in the next milisecond. Every cell in your body starts to vibrate, making itself ready to move BUT you do not move. And there is the energy I speak of. This energy you can built up by repeating the process.


Does anyone know more about this energy? And how to store it, simple Tan Tien storing process?




With a similar technique it is known to bypass all karma. Hack the system so to speak. In Christianity its called "Not letting the devil know what you do". You do an action without intending to do it. Anyone ever did this? It feels so abnormal, but powerful at the same time. You feel like you are remotely controlled. You just do something, without knowing what you are about to do, where and when you are going to do it. Karma is chained to intention (quote Allan Watts). Weather you do good things or bad things, you get karma in return. Acting from this place, creates no further karma. Is this action completely free of ego?


I had instances in which I walked around outside and the wildlife did not seem to sense my presence. Even sudden movements, that when performed consciously would make them fly away, they did not care.


Probably coupling this type of action, possibly living it as an entire lifestyle, by being in our heartspace, should feel much more pleasant and genuine.

Edited by 4bsolute
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4bsolute said:

What is the Energy of Intention? The Energy of Intention is the energy that is prior to any thought "you" think

I like that.

There is no increasing this. There is only awakening to this as yourself.

Prior to thought is not arbitrarily seeing yourself as a separately volitional, circumstantially intending element in a separate reality and things are no longer viewed as fields of speculative endeavor relative to opportunism, emotionalism, or complacent economic and sexual relationships: therefore an energetic barrier is passed through and one then begins to lose the psychological momentum that drives all the mindless activities based on deriving beneficial profit in terms of self and other.

In simply ceasing to invest in the liver of life, as such, one is thoroughly finished with the world all at once. This is enlightening activity, not the provisional individual formative moral expedient of renunciation practiced by those whose understanding works to entertain a separate self to deprive.

Also, it isn't a matter of energy work or a technique using the subtle body as storage, as the OP surmised. Why? Because subtle energy is created, and so is the subtle energetic body. Only the uncreated immaterial body of awareness is referred to as the Storehouse awareness.

Separate volition is the marrow of karmic existence. Spontaneous selfless adaption in response to circumstances is enlightening activity free of karmic energy. Either you go along with circumstances or you go in reverse. There are no half-measures.

One comes to discover the beneficial profit of the pivot of awareness, resting in the highest good at the incipience of potential evolution. This is the basis of adapting to circumstances according to the timing of natural evolution, free of self-reflective patterns.

When this is stabilized in terms of everyday ordinary affairs, potential is recognized as the real essence comprising form, and awareness itself is recognized as one's own presence of selfless intent, pure and whole, spontaneously ready, yet always resting in stillness, not predisposed, therefore without bias or inclination. This is freedom from created karmic energies.

As such, there is no practice involved beyond seeing nonbeing within being as is. This is how wu-wei, mentioned by Silent Thunder, works: not by application, or by occurrence, but by an intrinsic, uncreated functional basis of the nature of reality, which the naming of wu-wei expresses outside of philosophically conceptualized definitions.

One's seeing becomes an open-ended objectless practice as one lives and breathes in the midst of creation without going along with the killing energy of beginningless compulsion, including others' compulsions and intentions, conscious or unconscious, good or bad.

This is the totality of real intent, selfless and complete, as is, oneself. If you understand these words, then you know karma has been transcended completely as there is effectively none to speak of in terms of oneself and others. It is up to you alone.

How is this? You don't go along with anything. You don't want anything because you know there is absolutely nothing whatsoever to want. As if there is anything created~ haha… When you see potential, not things, you have taken over creation, in this regard. This is the meaning of the alchemical phrase "taking over creation and stealing potential".

When you accomplish the takeover according to circumstances, karmic energy cannot steal your potential in terms of the situation itself, therefore you keep it secretly and store it in the immaterial body of awareness which has no location. This is the very same body of selfless intent of human being, the real human with no status, our selfless nature. If there is a practice to speak of with a notion of storage, just this is it. Taoism calls this immortality.


What I mean by your potential is the total essential reality inherent in the situation itself, which becomes you. How becoming!

There is no volition, there is no doing; it is all a natural process, according to circumstances to the extant that one sees this complete reality. It is inconceivable, yet naturally so in terms of having activated one's selfless enlightening being, one's true identity, by seeing potential and radiating the light of open sincere intent of the impersonal body of awareness in one's own everyday ordinary situations.


Who knew the whole world is oneself. This has nothing to do with being a nice person. This is the expression of the function of enlightening being adapting to situations having entered the Tao in reality.

If one has the virtue to arrive at this seeing, this takeover, one turns the light of creation around to shine on its source. That is all there is to reversal. In reversing the light, there is no shift, as light has always been the real unity. Devas and gopi-girls won't come to shower you with flowers. No one knows. it's you already, whether you know it or not.

Those who can arrive at reversal of creative energy can become wizards.

ed note: underline text in 6th paragraph, add "good or bad" in 8th paragraph, add "This is the meaning of the alchemical phrase "taking over creation and stealing potential" in 10th paragraph

Edited by deci belle
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There is a matter which has been on my mind which is the issue of spontaneous action vs spontaneous reaction. I think it's just a matter of refinement in order to peel back the veil of ignorance that blurs the two. In any case it's not so clear cut for me at a subtle level right now.

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4bsolute said:


I like that.


There is no increasing this. There is only awakening to this as yourself.


Prior to thought is not arbitrarily seeing yourself as a separately volitional, circumstantially intending element in a separate reality and things are no longer viewed as fields of speculative endeavor relative to opportunism, emotionalism, or complacent economic and sexual relationships: therefore an energetic barrier is passed through and one then begins to lose the psychological momentum that drives all the mindless activities based on deriving beneficial profit in terms of self and other.


In simply ceasing to invest in the liver of life, as such, one is thoroughly finished with the world all at once. This is enlightening activity, not the provisional individual formative moral expedient of renunciation practiced by those whose understanding works to entertain a separate self to deprive.


Also, it isn't a matter of energy work or a technique using the subtle body as storage, as the OP surmised. Why? Because subtle energy is created, and so is the subtle energetic body. Only the uncreated immaterial body of awareness is referred to as the Storehouse awareness.


Separate volition is the marrow of karmic existence. Spontaneous selfless adaption in response to circumstances is enlightening activity free of karmic energy. Either you go along with circumstances or you go in reverse. There are no half-measures.


One comes to discover the beneficial profit of the pivot of awareness, resting in the highest good at the incipience of potential evolution. This is the basis of adapting to circumstances according to the timing of natural evolution, free of self-reflective patterns.


When this is stabilized in terms of everyday ordinary affairs, potential is recognized as the real essence comprising form, and awareness itself is recognized as one's own presence of selfless intent, pure and whole, spontaneously ready, yet always resting in stillness, not predisposed, therefore without bias or inclination. This is freedom from created karmic energies.


As such, there is no practice involved beyond seeing nonbeing within being as is. This is how wu-wei, mentioned by Silent Thunder, works: not by application, or by occurrence, but by an intrinsic, uncreated functional basis of the nature of reality, which the naming of wu-wei expresses outside of philosophically conceptualized definitions.


One's seeing becomes an open-ended objectless practice as one lives and breathes in the midst of creation without going along with the killing energy of beginningless compulsion, including others' compulsions and intentions, conscious or unconscious, good or bad.


This is the totality of real intent, selfless and complete, as is, oneself. If you understand these words, then you know karma has been transcended completely as there is effectively none to speak of in terms of oneself and others. It is up to you alone.


How is this? You don't go along with anything. You don't want anything because you know there is absolutely nothing whatsoever to want. As if there is anything created~ haha… When you see potential, not things, you have taken over creation, in this regard. This is the meaning of the alchemical phrase "taking over creation and stealing potential".


When you accomplish the takeover according to circumstances, karmic energy cannot steal your potential in terms of the situation itself, therefore you keep it secretly and store it in the immaterial body of awareness which has no location. This is the very same body of selfless intent of human being, the real human with no status, our selfless nature. If there is a practice to speak of with a notion of storage, just this is it. Taoism calls this immortality.


What I mean by your potential is the total essential reality inherent in the situation itself, which becomes you. How becoming!


There is no volition, there is no doing; it is all a natural process, according to circumstances to the extant that one sees this complete reality. It is inconceivable, yet naturally so in terms of having activated one's selfless enlightening being, one's true identity, by seeing potential and radiating the light of open sincere intent of the impersonal body of awareness in one's own everyday ordinary situations.


Who knew the whole world is oneself. This has nothing to do with being a nice person. This is the expression of the function of enlightening being adapting to situations having entered the Tao in reality.


If one has the virtue to arrive at this seeing, this takeover, one turns the light of creation around to shine on its source. That is all there is to reversal. In reversing the light, there is no shift, as light has always been the real unity. Devas and gopi-girls won't come to shower you with flowers. No one knows. it's you already, whether you know it or not.


Those who can arrive at reversal of creative energy can become wizards.





ed note: underline text in 6th paragraph, add "good or bad" in 8th paragraph, add "This is the meaning of the alchemical phrase "taking over creation and stealing potential" in 10th paragraph

So exquisite!

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Ahhh ! Nice question.

Yi in Chinese.

The reason we don't fall through the pavement, because we have absolutely no doubt that it is solid.

Our intention has created the world we live in. We believe it to be the way it is, so it is the way it is.

Intention is just absolute certainty and clarity, I suppose.

Have a look at the holographic universe, really interesting stuff. Lots of new developments in science or as the scientists might say pseudo-science.

The only way to bypass Karma is to regret any wrong doings, say sorry, try not to repeat it and don't beat yourself up about it especially.

It's the guilt that follows you.

Be good. Be happy.

You don't need a practice or some wisened Chinese teacher for this.

It's all there inside you ready for your discovery.

Great stuff.


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Spontaneity is the impersonal response to situations by virtue of the release of one's own potential inherent in the situation itself. It is spiritual, which is another way of saying nonpsychological. The situation is oneself— not in terms of psychology, but in terms of potential.


"Freeing" potential from the karmic matrix is just not cultivating an habitual speculative use of situations in terms of self and other, nor going along with opportunistic relationships (in terms of the situations themselves), i.e.: not using the world to get off. The only way to really get off the world is to free potential from the worldly matrix bit by bit until one's critical mass of attention is free of one's having to maintain a self in the first place, relative to causal conditions.


One is released from the need to maintain the idea of "selfhood", simply by the knowledge of the nonexistence of such a personal self. All the energy that heretofore went toward maintaining the illusion is returned. This is the cause of sudden realization of nonorigination. One realizes essential nature void of self. This is the meaning of the saying, "The function of the Way is in return".


Instead of using the light of unity to follow cycles of creative evolution like deluded people do, one turns the light around to shine on its source, thereby becoming an immortal.


This is what "liberation" refers to. But ultimately, there is nothing to be liberated. That's liberation… the result of self-refinement to the point where there is no longer a self to refine or liberate.


Then one can go on to develop the response-body of a buddha or to again set up the cauldron and furnace for advance practice in the way of taoist immortalism.


Self-refinement is the process of arrival in terms of seeing (there is) no self to refine or liberate.


It's just harmonizing with or seeing reality, the nature of which is selfless, impersonal, uncreated potential.


In the individual whose virtue is sufficient, this potential meets creation and both are nullified. Reality is inconceivable. It is best to see this oneself: as such, it is a rarity. There is no explanation.


The subtle operation of spiritual alchemy is putting cause into causelessness with no remainder. That is the beauty of the subtle spiritual operation inherent in the efflorescence of learning immortalism, zen and awakening to the nature of your own mind. Everything is the natural arrival of nothing whatsoever in perpetuity; nothing is left out, and nothing is left over. Transcendence has nothing to show for itself, as there is no self, good, bad, and, ultimately, no before or after. Some people just hang out here is all… and endeavor to talk about it. Other than gazing into space, skiing off perfectly good mountains, tending to tasks and adapting to situations impersonally unbeknownst to anyone …there's not much else to do.


It is one's simultaneous meeting of created and potential energies in the moment in oneself according to the time and the situation. Karma and Intent aren't different, but one doesn't go along with the causal aspect, and instead meets its conditions without becoming involved in terms of ramifications. Wu wei isn't a thing, or a type of time— it's just a name for how it is: one's action derived from self-transcendence of cause. In terms of enlightening activity per situations, Karma and Intent fuse without remainder.


When one is presently so, it is like always having been so. Time is actually a manipulable element of creative evolution and this too is somehow bypassed naturally in the course of selfless adaption. It's not a wonderment, it is just part of the mystery. At least in terms of the created, there are some unexplained holes. Selfless action is non-action. This is the nature of enlightening being and its activity, which is causelessness— a biG AwRe bLacK hoLE, filled to the cusp, which has never moved, yet has been on the verge of action in perpetuity.


Enlightening being is the expression of this reality no different than the one before your pointed nose.


It is so whether or not one sees it is so. If one cannot see reality, one is changed by causal process. Those who see reality are as immovable as essential nature, because their selflessness is not different from causeless complete reality. Naturally, that which has no cause is not influenced by the caused.


Adepts see potential and ordinary people see illusion. it is not that potential and illusion look any different, as the light of awareness is unity regardless of one's perspective. Reality is seeing essence and not following things.


This is why the false is necessarily accepted as is in order to to pick out the real. "Picking out the real" is just a way to say that there is a subtlety beyond words by which enlightening beings somehow stand outside the movement of karmic activity while in the midst of it.


Buddhism calls this seeing through phenomena without denying characteristics. Those who recognize potential, do not work with the created itself, they just adapt to conditions without following its ramifications. Due to the fact that potential has no ramifications— there is no change for those who see it. By not following tumors of its action, there is skillful means in dealing with creative energy (karmic evolution), so it is left to its own device (killing energy). This is the matter of birth and death of karmic cycles of the beginningless alternations of yin and yang.


The visible and sensory realm is the inert ingredient, whereas potential is the immaterial essential by virtue of karma's created existence. We are inconceivable. This is a secret left behind by prior illuminates who knew reality first-hand and the authentic traditions of this planet are venues that keep the knowledge of reality alive. Though the teachings are different, adapted to different times and mentalities and potentials, they all arrive at the same fathomless reality if taken to their limit by an independent and audacious will to enlightenment.



BD wrote:

There is a matter which has been on my mind which is the issue of spontaneous action vs spontaneous reaction. I think it's just a matter of refinement in order to peel back the veil of ignorance that blurs the two. In any case it's not so clear cut for me at a subtle level right now.


Self-refinement would be a matter of dwelling in "prior to thought", whereby action/reaction are both unrealized. Yun-men's phrase, "East Mountain walks on water" expresses this truth. (East Mountain is where the 6th Chan patriarch assumed the teaching of the dharma). In terms of momentary response, the time(s) of matching potential with created energy is when self-refinement occurs: the alchemical manuals refer to the time(s) as "grain by grain, one picks out the elixir". The elixir is just recognizing the real within the context of the false to free the unrefined elixir (the potential inherent in the situation itself) from its created matrix (karmic processes).


So the two (action/reaction) are both relative to the self, therefore these two are indistinguishable— they are to be discarded in terms of self-refinement. Self-refinement, from beginning to end is carried out prior to thought: this is nonpsychological awareness. Alchemy calls this real knowledge. Real knowledge is immediate, solid, immovable. Another term for real knowledge is true lead. I won't go any further into alchemical terms.



hi little horse, welcome to taobums❤


little horse said:

"The only way to bypass Karma is to regret any wrong doings, say sorry, try not to repeat it and don't beat yourself up about it especially." "You don't need a practice or some wisened Chinese teacher for this."


I hope I don't seem too harsh (for a wizened fill-in or leave blank here)…


Your comment is still relative to a self that thinks itself to exist, therefore abiding in the matrix of creative cycles.


There are no half-measures. Transcendence of creation is NO stuff. Bypassing Karma isn't even intended by Intent.


Are you karmic or not?


This is not seeing all the way through to essential nature before the first thought, good or bad.


Don't be sorry about the past. Do not dwell in the future.


Activating the mind without dwelling on its contents is karma has never existed.


When you get here… there is nothing to know.


Self-refinement is just this. It has a beginning, but it has no end.






ed note: deleted enough to make me happy

Edited by deci belle
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Hi Deci Belle,

Not sure what the "fill-in or leave blank here" is all about. Can't I say Chinese ?

Although your reply was well written and thought out, it was virtually unintelligible to a simple man like myself.

I don't mean that badly, at all. Just that I would like to understand what you said.

Most people are walking this solid earth and are not floating in the ethers with the immortals.

It just makes spiritual ideas the domain of university graduates and not "common folk".

Sorry, bit of constructive criticism from a man that walks backwards.

Peace be with you.


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I'm stuck on something... if the reason we don't pass through pavement is because we absolutely have no doubt it's solid, why don't babies drop straight through the floor when we set them down?

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Not sure what the "fill-in or leave blank here" is all about. Can't I say Chinese ?


haha!! No, little horse!! I didn't know what you would prefer to call me …I'm just wizened, but I'm not Chinese! You have no idea what constitutes need or not in terms of arriving at your impersonal identity. That fact is neither good nor bad.


The topic is a little beyond you right now. That's cool with me… but you probably resent my saying so. Sorry.


I use stairs and ladders and elevators to go from floor to floor, silent thunder. I'll bet you do too… unless you want to be a baby about the depth of this matter.


Change your attitude and you might make some discoveries into the nature of the being you consider yourself that is going to die.


Clear your mind and get real, for starters, before posting on my account~ unless it is fine with you to be a smart-ass about the matter of life and death.


If so, be my guest. I'm already the host.

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Hi Deci Belle,

Not sure what the "fill-in or leave blank here" is all about. Can't I say Chinese ?

Although your reply was well written and thought out, it was virtually unintelligible to a simple man like myself.

I don't mean that badly, at all. Just that I would like to understand what you said.

Most people are walking this solid earth and are not floating in the ethers with the immortals.

It just makes spiritual ideas the domain of university graduates and not "common folk".

Sorry, bit of constructive criticism from a man that walks backwards.

Peace be with you.



ya, ok! It is not smart people who "get this". I don't get this too. But there are those who are born knowing (not me). In finding out for myself, it wasn't a me who has always known this selfless identity— that's how I know nonbeing is real being. Our essential nature is knowing itself: this is our real identity, a knowing open awareness. The hard part though is returning to the world of everyday ordinary situations and starting over again and somehow using the power of nonbeing within being to accord with reality in the midst of delusional conformity with phenomena.


When the path opens up, it has no end. Even delusion is a mystery— how much the more so is the fact that delusion and reality are the same. The thing I talk about here is seeing reality and dealing with illusion.


What I mean by that is the truth is there is nothing to get …it's already your own mind. The reason ordinary people don't have access to this naturally open aware nature and its power to pass through karmic evolution without being dragged away with it is because you are already being perpetually dragged away along with creation without your knowing it.


Ways to arrive at one's inherent virtue so to not be dragged away in complete ignorance is the secret left behind by many, many authentic traditions through the ages. It's already inherent in you, so no, you are correct to say that some people do not need a practice or teachers of a certain ethnic origin to arrive at complete reality.


I don't practice and I never had a teacher, so maybe you are like me in that regard.


The part about understanding is the nature of your mind. I swear to you that there is nothing at all to understand. This is because it is beyond the intellectual faculties. It is inconceivability itself. It is found within yourself— and nowhere else. The whole world is each our own totality of being. Ultimately, there are those who not only arrive at this truth, they learn to enter it completely without remainder.


The man who walks backwards is the one who would arrive at just this nonpsychological basis as is.


I'm not referring to enlightenment. Forget that for all time if you are really the one who walks backwards. If what you say is true, enlightenment will have to catch up with you— and it never will. So forget about all that shit— you already know that much.


The nonpsychological is just not thinking. When you know something without deliberation, knowledge is immediate. Just abide here without focusing on the contents. This specific place is very much a practice you, in fact, do need to arrive at in order to realize the totality of yourself, which is inconceivable. Recognize this place and keep a subtle continuous level of accord (concentration) with it at all times. There is no better practice as it is your own mind already.


I walk backward too.❤


After a long long time, clarification will come of itself.





ed note: add 2nd and 3rd paragraphs

Edited by deci belle
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Sorry Deci Belle not my intention to upset anyone.

The wisened Chinese reference wasn't directed at you or anyone in particular.

I like the subject matter, it's not so hard and I don't resent you in the least, why would I. I like criticism or else how can I grow.

Abuse is different. Like, me being a baby, change my attitude, clear my mind and get real, smart ass ect. Not very polite or constructive. But no problem.

It was nice to read what you said. You write well and obviously have a good understanding.

Just not so easy for a simple man like myself to understand. Which is a bit frustrating.

The more people understand the better we will all be. That's why I like to keep it simple.

For me the idea of Karma is the guilt we carry with us. Not something that needs prostrations, lighting candles, building a church or some esoteric discipline to get rid of. But an effort to right any wrongs we have committed and make the effort not to do it again. Here and now and not in some future life.

Silent thunder, good point. How does a chicken know how to get out of it's egg. Or a baby Kangaroo know how to crawl up its mothers stomach to reach the safety of its pouch. Collective consciousness I suppose. Like the hundred monkey principle. I like the idea that our collective consciousness / Intent has created the world we live in. It gives us back our power and also gives us a greater responsibility, which is a little scary. If our collective intent was to live in a world of love we would be there. But we are tending towards fear. That's why think it's so important to keep things as clear and simple as possible. Once we all get it we stand a chance to turn this rather muddled world around.


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Ha ha !

It's great stuff, really is. Makes me feel much more positive about our future.

I find it much easier to understand than some of the Taoist stuff on the same sort of subject.

Which, I feel, is often hidden from people by those that have the information for reasons of retaining power or collecting wealth.

This is all open and free for all. Beautiful.

Rupert Sheldrake has some great stuff on his website (sheldrake.org) and some great talks with Terence McKenna.

There's been some interesting experiments with random number generators. Where the randomness changes before a major incident like 911 or princess Diannas death. Which also questions the linear idea of time.

But I've just highjacked the conversation, so I'll put my poor whiskey soaked brain back in its box.

Sorry 4bsolute.

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I'm stuck on something... if the reason we don't pass through pavement is because we absolutely have no doubt it's solid, why don't babies drop straight through the floor when we set them down?


Good point.

Maybe babies recognise 'concrete fact'.


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I'm stuck on something... if the reason we don't pass through pavement is because we absolutely have no doubt it's solid, why don't babies drop straight through the floor when we set them down?

The reason you are stuck on it is that it is not correct.


Or, rather, if it is correct then none of the rest matters anyhow.


If the reason we don't pass through pavement is because of electromagnetic forces then babies also experience the same conditions.


If the reason we don't pass through pavement is because we believe it to be so then babies are merely figments of your imagination, too.


The way I see it, "reality" is just part of the Tao. The Tao is not the Ten Thousand Things but the Ten Thousand Things are the Tao.

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oh joy!!❤ I hope that is cool with Silent Thunder~ …works for me~ especially the end part!!


merciiiiiiiiiii, Brian!!❤❤

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The reason you are stuck on it is that it is not correct.


Or, rather, if it is correct then none of the rest matters anyhow.


If the reason we don't pass through pavement is because of electromagnetic forces then babies also experience the same conditions.


If the reason we don't pass through pavement is because we believe it to be so then babies are merely figments of your imagination, too.


The way I see it, "reality" is just part of the Tao. The Tao is not the Ten Thousand Things but the Ten Thousand Things are the Tao.

Yup the bold is what I was driving at based on his statement....


I hadn't considered the part about imagination, or the babies just being part of the maya. That's tasty.

and the last sentence... is going to be outstanding to fall asleep to tonight...


*deep bow*

thanks Brian.

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Neither enlightening intent nor karmic bondage are attached to, mitigated, or fused by energy work.


Chi is created. Channels are created. Reality is not within the realm of more. Intent is not in any manner increasable and karma is not different that reality. It is up to oneself to see reality as is.


One must awaken to this as oneself, inconceivable. There is no trick to it as YOU DO NOT DO IT.


Both nine tailed fox and silent thunder have missed the critical aspect of working with the real.


If you want to arrive at the uncreated, it is crucial to work with the uncreated essence from the start.


As I stated just prior, if this topic is beyond your current ability to penetrate, it is best not to advance blindly.


But if you insist, then be my guest.

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The baby is a figment of our imagination as are you and me and the world around us.

The natural state of an electron and I think I'm correct in saying the nucleus of an atom is a wave form (not solid matter).

They only become a particle (solid matter) when observed.

So the act of being aware brings things into physical existence. Being sentient creates reality, makes things solid. The nature of our collective emotions creates the type of world we live in. Which, unfortunately, at the moment tends towards fear rather than love.

So, whats Karma ?

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Karma is created (creative) process. It is the matrix of eternity comprised of the three times and the two extremes.


But backing up a little, awareness is not action. It has never moved. Awareness is uncreated. Lets work on that basis as it is essential to work with the real in order to clarify it in ourselves to transcend our delusional existence.


Being is sentience relative to a self that thinks it exists. This is the conditional. This is the basis of delusion. Why? Most importantly it is because the delude are unaware they are deluded. Secondly, delusion is going along with created energy and your assumption that that means self and other is bound with no other alternative other than to go helplessly through the rounds of birth and death forever.


Now ask yourself what even the most immature understanding of Christianity promises? Now ask yourself what the Supreme Vehicle of Buddhas is? Now ponder for a moment that you yourself are a buddha right now but you don't know it. Do you know what a buddha is? What is the basic teaching of buddhism?


The basic teaching of buddhism is the entire buddhist canon covering the vast wisdom teachings of the ancients spoken and wordless, and it amounts to just activating the mind without dwelling on its contents. This is not the slightest bit concerned with good or bad. Mind is your nature. Your nature is selflessly aware.


Awareness is itself nonbeing. Karma is being. Complete reality is nonbeing within being. The enlightening expression of complete reality is one's own natural aware function transcending ordinary and holy, that is neither nonbeing nor being. Your own aware nature is the impersonal intent transcending karma without beginning. This is the topic of this thread.


Now, getting back to your statement based on conventional attributes which states that "sentient being creates…" OK, I know what you mean, but not only is the statement absurd ("being sentient creates reality") Oh really? Really it is saying that sentient being is responsible for its own conditions. But who is?


Buddhas are, and that's about it.


I say this much because the reality is that sentient being is not solid. It is flux. You can get all scientific, but that is not the import of the wisdom teachings based on the nature of awareness. Furthermore, since you don't even know your own mind which is selfless and uncreated and is prior to the evolutions of karmic existence of birth and death, until you can quiet and concentrate your mind, all these mental rambling half-baked projections can never clarify the basis of your own aware nature that you have never even considered before.


Unawareness of karma and the fundamental nature of the selfless intent of the immaterial body of awareness that has no location would seem to me a limiting factor in even learning that this thread isn't really the place for you to go off proclaiming what reality, being, sentience, physics, action, fear and love are.


If you can't clear your mind, empty it, how are you going to make room for the very space which is already your own aware nature? Of course, it is immaterial, so it doesn't take up space, but until you empty out your own mental junk, the Way cannot accrue of its own accord.


The Way is empty. It is a void which consists of no such void. One must harmonize with its reality to arrive at its virtue.


Little horse. Please. Get ahold of some books and study them and begin to learn to discern how your fundamental nature has nothing to do with physics and philosophical discussion based on intellectualism— and that goes for silent thunder and nine tailed fox.




"Is there a known practice on how to increase the Energy of Intention? ..and how a similar technique apparently bypasses all Karma."


If you don't even know what karma is, little horse, what are you doing on this thread? Study the buddhist canon for five to ten years and come back, by all means!


Now, please go back and STUDY the posts from the beginning of this thread… or just derail and pirate the thread if you want.


I've said enough.❤





ed note: typos

Edited by deci belle
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