
Lama Dorje

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Everything in Western astrology progresses through the zodiac in the same way--Aries through Pisces. Except for one thing--the wobble of the earth's axis. The earth's axis is slowly wobbling backwards through the zodiac. Each "Age" of the earth is the time the earth's axis spends in each sign, and takes about 2000 years. We are leaving the Age of Pisces and entering the Age of Aquarius. I think we already have, to be frank.


Don't believe people who say it's going to be all wonderful. Pisces is the sign of compassion and spirituality and mysticism and gentleness, and it didn't stop two world wars and all the other frightful things that have happened in the last two millenia. Also Aquarius isn't just the sign of brotherly love. It's also the sign of revolutions and violent extreme change. Mankind has a choice, as always in astrology. We can work together in brotherly love or we can face the earth's violent, extreme change which will lead to violent upheavals worldwide.


Aquarius is also the sign of kundalini or chi or whatever you want to call it--the sexual energy that rises in the body. Also the sign of electricity and science and kinkiness and bisexuality. It's the shocking sign. The Age of Aries produced the Roman Empire, the Age of Pisces was ruled by Christianity (the Fish), it will be interesting to see what will happen now. Clearly the Internet is an Aquarian thing. Aquarius is also the sign of the astrologer, and here at the beginning of this Age, the zodiac is now complete, all twelve planets have been discovered (counting the Sun and Moon).


Probably a lengthier answer than you wanted! I am nothing if not long-winded!

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Thankyou for the breakdown, do you think for someone practise Chi Kung, Med and energy work will achieve higher goals now that Aquarius is near or here?



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Yes indeed. I also think the discovery of the planet Eris might be helping things along.

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I just spoke to Max about your situation and he says to walk on the earth bare foot, or dig into the earth with your bare hands. Do some gardening or something. Also he says to take about two weeks off and come back to the mundane world for a while.


This is a trip down the rabbit hole. It gets weird, but we are just seeing a bigger reality.



Cool. I was strongly thinking of coming to SF so you think it would best not to practice until then?

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It's so great I can't tell you about it? Visions of little chinese men? And snakes? Solar flares are screwing things up for now but later it'll be OK? Maybe if just a few more sheep sign up for the next seminar the Lama will make that mean old Sun stop screwing things up! Baaaaaaa!


How many shekels does good ol' Max relieve one of for the privilege of getting to participate in this "trip down the rabbit hole"?


Word up...REAL Lamas don't charge. Snake oil salesman do.


Save your exhortations against me or my comments, this is just a public service announcement. If it doesn't help you, fine, shut your trap and open your wallet!


Love (doesn't charge a fee).



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I can appreciate you thinking all of this is bullshit, but the truth is that when you start to experience the Tao directly, things do get weird.


Regardless of your skepticism (which is encouraged) and regardless of your (or my) opinions, these things are real. The experiences people have are real. The truly bizarre nature of reality is part of the reason these things never left the temples.


Remember, Max simply taught the method, the resulting bizarre experiences are accounts from people who have just started this practice. He mentioned none of these things in the seminar. They are reported from self-discovery.


This is what Kunlun gives you: the ability to perceive the higher realms on your own terms and allow your own interpretation.


You will eventually find out for yourself.

Edited by Mantra68

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While I totally trust Cam with my life, I can completely understand not buying into it.


I think it's $300 for Friday night through Sunday afternoon.



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It's so great I can't tell you about it? Visions of little chinese men? And snakes? Solar flares are screwing things up for now but later it'll be OK? Maybe if just a few more sheep sign up for the next seminar the Lama will make that mean old Sun stop screwing things up! Baaaaaaa!


How many shekels does good ol' Max relieve one of for the privilege of getting to participate in this "trip down the rabbit hole"?


Word up...REAL Lamas don't charge. Snake oil salesman do.


Save your exhortations against me or my comments, this is just a public service announcement. If it doesn't help you, fine, shut your trap and open your wallet!


Love (doesn't charge a fee).




For $300 it is DIRT CHEAP and worth every single penny...thousands of times over. Thing is that Sifu Max doesn't run a religious institution with the appropriate tax exemptions. Something has to be done in order to make sure that it is an ongoing operation. If I didn't have any other practices right now, then I would do it at the drop of a hat.

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I can appreciate you thinking all of this is bullshit, but the truth is that when you start to experience the Tao directly, things do get weird.


Regardless of your skepticism (which is encouraged) and regardless of your (or my) opinions, these things are real. The experiences people have are real. The truly bizarre nature of reality is part of the reason these things never left the temples.


Remember, Max simply taught the method, the resulting bizarre experiences are accounts from people who have just started this practice. He mentioned none of these things in the seminar. They are reported from self-discovery.


This is what Kunlun gives you: the ability to perceive the higher realms on your own terms and allow your own interpretation.


You will eventually find out for yourself.



Some of the experiences postd up here on the manner of states and such are very similar to certain Shen Gong practices.

Very nice... and they are high level methods.


It is that people have their own states, and own representations of outcomes. As long as they are guided properly, there will be no problems.


Good stuff indeed.


Peace and Blessings,


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Xeno you seem upset?

Xeno is always upset. Every post screams sad and bitter loud and clear despite the trite "love" references. Didn't you see the entire thread he started dedicated to "poor me, I can't understand why no one wants to study with me?" Boo hoo. Somebody call the waaahmbulance quick, an "enlightened" guy is upset that no one will follow him and is now lashing out in topics about teachers people are actually interested in.



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Regarding 100 days-


Sifu said something might be helpful to those not able to do the workshop(and is not in the book).


For men...Imagine/feel/connect to the energy that you are a young girl.


I grew up the older brother of 3 sisters and my other main teacher is basically Kuan Yin and her daughter is like super Kuan Yin or something.


Anyway..connecting to that innocent childlike female energy is I think key.


Also, connecting to the Earth..developing an innocent, humble realationship with Mother Earth. Not being a brat but being a good kid :lol:


If you are in a long term realationship probably don't bother..harmony and love with your partner is probably more balanced.


As a single's just where the energy is moving for me now.

Edited by Cameron

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You know, to be fair to Catholicism last time I went to Church with my Mom the Preist looked me right in the eyes and said see Jesus in your lover/wife whatever(other adult human of your liking)


I am doing the celibacy thing but that seems pretty fucking fair and balanced to me.

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...I don't want to participate in any battles, perceived or unperceived - but coming from someone not involved, I haven't detected any ill will from Xeno's posts on this forum. I have some friends that communicate in a similar manner (at least when I am communicating with them online;) it just looks direct and to the point - but not necessarily condescending, as some have taken it. Extensive vocabulary, knows how to use it...invariably at times subtle precision leads to confusion; some of his posts look like the Architect from the matrix wrote them. Looks to me like some have taken his comments as attacks on their way of practice. Does one need to take it personally if he says 'I don't believe you' or something of the like? ...


We're all here to learn in some fashion or another. I'm sure we're all good spirited in general, and none of this nonsense would take place if we were having discussions face to face. It's all too easy to infer things that aren't there when you are just reading text.


:) Just my humble opinion.

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Thanx for the tip Cameron, enhacing the feeling of innocence over you seems to help indeed, maybe imyust crazy :) possible also.


In most posts i read the relation with the kunlun exercise with the earth, its yin and female nature. Intresting !

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You're quite mistaken sean.


And predictable.



My brother Sean has clearly lost this fight Xeno.


Please take your high seat :)

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Its about my fifth day doing Kunlun, I'm taking slow and steady. I did 'the position' last night. The morning I woke up in agony. My left calf seized up as tight as a fist. An intense charlie horse that lasted a few minutes and left me limping for a few hours til it worked itself out.


I wonder if it was due to lifting up the back of my foot during kunlun? In any case I won't do it so late at night and I'll stretch a little more before and after.


Nothing huge happening, but I am feeling more magnetism and heat in my palms. Yesterday was my first day doing it over a sheep skin :)



Slightly off subject: The practice feels like a static version on Pangu that Michael Winn had on his Fundamentals II video. Pangu had a similar palms facing each other position but had you making small circles w/ the facing hands. Pangu was supposedly a powerful medical chi gung received by channeling (not Winns originally). Its a nice short simple routine.




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Its about my fifth day doing Kunlun, I'm taking slow and steady. I did 'the position' last night. The morning I woke up in agony. My left calf seized up as tight as a fist. An intense charlie horse that lasted a few minutes and left me limping for a few hours til it worked itself out.


I wonder if it was due to lifting up the back of my foot during kunlun? In any case I won't do it so late at night and I'll stretch a little more before and after.


Nothing huge happening, but I am feeling more magnetism and heat in my palms. Yesterday was my first day doing it over a sheep skin :)

Slightly off subject: The practice feels like a static version on Pangu that Michael Winn had on his Fundamentals II video. Pangu had a similar palms facing each other position but had you making small circles w/ the facing hands. Pangu was supposedly a powerful medical chi gung received by channeling (not Winns originally). Its a nice short simple routine.




Oh... You know of Pangu Shengong.. its nice. Very good practice. And yes its not Winns...hahaha

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Well, this is a little disturbing.


I tried to do standing meditation like I did many times before and after 15 minutes my body started shaking around just like in Kunlun. And the ground is still shaking.




Hows this going for you Cam?

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A couple of thoughts.


1) I think that the MantraProductions team ought to consider having their own online forum. Not because it's getting too crowded here, but because - if you're going to be presenting widely (book, seminars, movie) - then it's important to provide an avenue of broad feedback. No system, teacher, presentation, method is perfect nor danger-free. People will get injured, guarunteed. An avenue for feedback allows you to note the common patterns where people could be taught better, where your presentation could use improvement - so that your students will have fewer bumps on the road (knowing that "perfectly smooth" simply doesn't exist). Something like that, if not a discussion forum, is just common sense responsible.


2) It's dangerous for us, as students, to idealize teachers or methods. Appreciate, learn from, even be devoted to (if that's your genuine relationship with a teacher). But part of learning is being willing to, interested in, seeing what something is and isn't - at whatever pace things reveal themselves. That's part of curiosity, patience, genuinely productive learning.

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I agree. There should be more feedback and presented in a more balanced way


Frankly..though this is mind has been too much.


My Dad emailed me saying I am fired from my job. I was leaving anyway but have 2 more months to go before I graduate and this does sort of fuck up things for me.


My Dad told my Mom he is afraid around me.


Not exactly sure what to do.

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