
during meditation

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I am following the tien-tao-chi-kung course and I am experienceing something strange, During Meditation, before I feel Oneness, my whole body starts to teeter back and forth and with each exhale It teeters more and more, sometimes I have to concentrate on stilling myself before my head hits the floor. Is this my chi awakening\circulating? If not what is it. I have heard about shaking while getting the Microcosmic Orbit going in the right direction, But I haven't heard of tilting back and forth. I call oneness when in deep meditation I feel as though i am floating above my body and in unity with everything. I am fairly new at chi kung so forgive me if I lack proper terminology

Edited by kamilavalamp

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Check out the interview below - it is regarding the Awakening experiences of Igor Kufayev

In it he explains similar activities during meditation:





(This post was originally meant to be posted here)

Edited by Spotless

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I am following the tien-tao-chi-kung course and I am experienceing something strange, During Meditation, before I feel Oneness, my whole body starts to teeter back and forth and with each exhale It teeters more and more, sometimes I have to concentrate on stilling myself before my head hits the floor. Is this my chi awakening\circulating? If not what is it. I have heard about shaking while getting the Microcosmic Orbit going in the right direction, But I haven't heard of tilting back and forth. I call oneness when in deep meditation I feel as though i am floating above my body and in unity with everything. I am fairly new at chi kung so forgive me if I lack proper terminology

Yes this an energetic expression. It is also quite common with kundalini awakenings. Events like rocking back and forth, rocking side to side, even, leaning forward until the head hits the ground. It is the clearing out of the two channels, called Ida and pingala in Hinduism. It is also the body's mechanism to help release blockages, tension and hot spots as the Nadis are clearing filling with energy/prana/chi. Perhaps someone like JoeBlast can explain it in precise, excrutiating detail.


I am not that familiar with Chi Kung, but I'm sure the principles are the same, although in different terminology.



Kundalini shaktipat!



Check out this link








Edited by Tibetan_Ice
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