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silent thunder

what if...

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I learned this game from my mom...

it's an endless game that has no winner and a revolving start point that is whenever...


For her, the game was almost entirely fear based and I watched her play it from her 30's onward.


One day while trying to find a temporary exit from the game, I realized...

The inertia has her and it's not likely to let up barring some massive interference.


I play it too, but having witnessed and realized what I did when I did with her, I catch myself and (breathe)


That game is insidious... whole lives can be chewed up in what if....









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Well, the flashbacks aren't as good as the original trip , but ....


Me; "Why cant I have a dog?"


Mother; "What if ... it dies and then you will be really upset?"


Me; "Why cant I have a bike?"


Mother; : What if ... you crash it and hurt yourself."



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what if most human lives are more concerned 'what if' than 'what is'? :lol: i'll just watch y'all play and be depressed that you are stupid enough to play 'what if'. (not YOU literally, unless the boot fits)

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It's not the what ifs who get to me (fortunately I don't know many of them) it is those who state things as fact. "such and such WILL happen if you do such and such", "you can't do such and such".

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Last night, while falling asleep with my son we played a bit of what if....


me: what if... we could fly


him: what if .... butts had legs and no heads and walked around going ppppffffffffft instead of talking


me: there would be more breath mint companies posting record profits...

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I keep coming back to


what if... i just let it all go


The 'what if' cycle of fear can sometimes be shifted into a light-hearted 'what's the worst thing that could happen if I do?? and what's the worst thing after that if it does?? and then after that??' exploration... which sometimes ends with a laughing 'well, I guess I'm dead then.'


Then again... maybe this works only for those who don't fear death. :D


warm regards

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So good to see you back!


I do love the light hearted version of this game.


what if... no more fear

what if... there were no accidents

what if... one could never be lost

what if... darkness is only light of another frequency

what if... i just released into 'it'

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What if, today, I dont have any plan ... I just follow the whim of the moment with as little consideration as possible and just put one foot after another. What if, today , I just let ' the spirit' lead me?


Well ... you will never know unless you try it ... so I did.


And what a day THAT was .... and the repercussions it had for others ! :D


Amazing !

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Nungali - What If, you did that all the time?

What's the worst thing that could happen?


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That's the way I like to play the game. "what's the worst that could happen?" I could die. Ok. That's not so bad. Let's go!

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What if has its own police force - the 'they'.

My old Granny was forever fretting for example...

"Look at her from number 23 hanging her washing out on a Sunday! What will "THEY" say?"


To a grubby little grandson ( me).....


" Going out without washing your face , " THEY" will think you are a ragamuffin!"


I never met the " THEY" but I always reckoned " THEY" were a judgemental bunch of bar stewards whoever they were.

Edited by GrandmasterP
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silent thunder - yes! With a perpetual 'clean slate' we give ourselves the opportunity for different choices, and we give others the opportunity for fresh start, different choices. By not expecting the person who was mean to me yesterday to be mean to me today, my heartfelt greetings to them sometimes brings nice things. Not always, but that's okay. (-: Another clean slate comes in the next moment; or as Chuang Tzu suggested, Every moment a springtime.


warm regards



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so often, many of my thoughts and idea forms today are the same as yesterday...

good, bad, neutral... doesn't matter so much if the inertia of the cycle maintains


what if... clean slate? ... breathe and just be... now


what if....

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what if... today I don't pick up any of the thoughts, ideas and emotions from yesterday...

Ignoring for the moment that you picked up yesterday's thread for today's comment, of course...




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