
How does eating lots of Sugar affect your Chi?

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Title, how does eating lots of sugar affect your Chi?


For example figuratively speaking if you would eat on one day of the week 2 large boxes of icecream while being the rest of the day on a mostly vegan, occasionally vegetarian diet.


How would this spike in sugar intake be noticable in your system? How would it affect the organs and the Chi?


Purely unbiased question asking from a scientific point of view. Toying with the notion to experiment with modern days sensual food, only once a week, while cleansing the rest of the week.


- - - - - - Edit: Added last reply - - - - - -


I figured, the more I am in my heartspace during the day - doing radiance practice to establish a stable universal connection and increasing my holy fire for healing and stronger metabolism/inner alchemy proceses - the less I crave sugar.


The heart's main qualities is making you sweeter. So logically you need less external sweeteners.


Combine that with an alkaline diet (sweet) so you crave even lesser. Cravings for sugar often (always?) mean our bodies are too acidic due to stress, anger.. all those negative qualities we want to transform.


And as we all know, an acidic body is a rapidly decaying body. Spiritual development happens on an alkaline basis.


It really is that simple.


Personally my body requires (source why I wrote this topic) on the 1 day we go out into the city, buying groceries, much more sugar, then during the other 6days of the week. Last week I ate two buckets of ice-cream in one afternoon and evening. You would not believe this if you see me and how lean I am. My GF still goes ape when she sees what I can eat, if I desire to do so. While she is picky with every calory. Probably due to a low metabolism, naturally. But that's not the point here. Results were that day that I was happy but lethargic. Meditation? Not gonna happening with that sugar high. And lateron I was dead sleeping when I came down.


Limit the drug use per week guys.. more inner drugs. Lets all grow up, discover and use the grandness from the inside.

Edited by 4bsolute
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Same here.

Total sugar junkie.

Might there be a pattern emerging here?


Might be. :D I'm thinking of chocolate cream pie while just now running for a snack cake in the kitchen...

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Gabriel Cousens, author of the Rainbow Diet and several books on diet and meditation, says the secret to the success of his meditation training for enlightenment was to avoid all sugar, even fruit.


That's when he was at the ashram meditating all the time with Muktananda.


For me - basically sugar creates free radicals in the body and the chi energy neutralizes the free radicals causing an internal tingling sensation. Sugar feeds anaerobic bacteria also - so then for me this leaches out of my skull as impurities.


So lower the glycemic index of food you can add vinegar or sulfur foods like onion or garlic or salt.


Salt though also shuts down the chi energy because salt spikes the stress sympathetic nervous system - overcharges the dopamine while the chi increases from potassium and positive ions. Salt has the chloride negative ion.


So anyway this is a huge issue for me everyday since I work with fruit - another thing you can do is "burn" off the sugar - by benchpressing or some other type of intense activity - say horse stance with thighs horizontal for as long as possible.


Or pull ups, etc.


Sugar causes a spike in the stress cortisol hormone and so it causes inflammation.


Another thing is to take cayenne which relaxes the nerves and increases parasympathetic activity.


Or you can take terpenes that are antiseptic since again sugar increases the crap in the body - e. coli as anaerobic bacteria.


Corn syrup is especially evil since it is an "unbound molecule" contrary to sugar being a bound molecule of glucose and fructose. So that's why the t.v. lies promote corn syrup as the same as sugar when in fact it's way worse than sugar - corn syrup is digested by the liver and turns straight into fat causing a spike in insulin and also obesity while sugar is digested in the small intestine after enzymes have to break it apart.


So it depends on the fiber ratio for the sugar - like a banana is the same as a cookie while cherries or blueberries are pretty low glycemic level.


Sugar also spikes the insulin levels and then this causes the "sugar blues" - a crash of lethargy which then forces the adrenals to get more sugar from your extremities - and this causes cold hands and cold feet. That's why corn syrup, worse than sugar, actually forces people to get feet amputated.


Sugar is a gateway drug since your brain on sugar is the same as your brain on cocaine - and any other substance that spikes your dopamine levels.


Green apples have lower sugar levels than red ones.


That's about it. good luck with it.

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Cane sugar...well now that's a drug. It's pretty obvious given the society wide addiction. Try giving it up. It's hard...but pays dividends for your health :)

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I'd suspect

Surrendering, allowing the impulse , indulging the attatchment to sugary self placation , isnt going to increase your control

or your health , unless its the lesser evil ( vs giving up entirely).

The body isnt really built for high sugar intake but youre feeling that the better diet the rest of the time would counter that, and yes Id think that would be true, even though I dont think highly of the vegan thing either.BUT it does get people to eat more vegetables and fruit and beans, which is probably a good thing.

Folks often overlook that starches are chains of glucose , yes with a lower glycemic index, so a big bowl of rice or pasta is still basically a big bowl of sugar, it just doesnt dump into the bloodstream as fast.

Would you feel OK eating a big bowl of rice ? if so , then you likely shouldnt have much problem with a weekly ice-cream binge once a week.

Thats assuming you arent diabetic or borderline.

Edited by Stosh

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I think fruits can be very good. Since i have read books from arnold ehret i think fruits are the best and most simple foods for the body. I think its also important to give the body enough time to do its job the break down the foods. I think everyone can enjoy eating as long the person gives his / here body enough time to balance itself.

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Refined Sugar will be the death of me. I love it, but I too get lethargy/come downs.


Makes it hard to concentrate/cultivate when overloaded!

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Cane sugar...well now that's a drug. It's pretty obvious given the society wide addiction. Try giving it up. It's hard...but pays dividends for your health :)

I thought cane sugar was meant to be the "better" alternative?

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I'm not an expert on this, but from my understanding, breaking down sugars is our primary (and only?) source of energy. Over endulgence of anything is bad... cutting out fruit seems misguided.

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Well I've just enjoyed six Tesco Choc-chips-Digestive Biscuits for my pre-bowls lunch.

Now that is a good biscuit.

They have tiny chunks of chocolate embedded throughout.

Very tasty.

Everyone has a different metabolism and your body tells you if and when it needs sugar.

Too much of anything isn't to be recommended but a little of what you fancy does you good.

Edited by GrandmasterP

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"How does eating lots of Sugar affect your Chi?"

It makes your qi too sweet. A balance of sweet and sour qi is needed for one to attain the Golden SS Body (it fuses together at Dan Tian and too much sweet will make it so that it is too imbalanced to fuse).


I advocate the Path of the Golden Mean. Moderation in all things but don't withhold from experiencing things that one wishes to experience. You may look down from your energy body one day and wonder what ice cream tastes like.

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"How does eating lots of Sugar affect your Chi?"

It makes your qi too sweet. A balance of sweet and sour qi is needed for one to attain the Golden SS Body (it fuses together at Dan Tian and too much sweet will make it so that it is too imbalanced to fuse).



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Speaking of chocolate, unless specified otherwise, it is grown and harvested by child slaves.




Just joking!




Watch the doc folks.


Yeah and there's some fake certification labels - that have just 10% non-child slave chocolate in them and get to be labeled "fair trade" - watch out. Read the fine print.


Target sells fake "fair trade" chocolate for example.


I like my ice cream too - I just put cayenne and vinegar in it. haha.

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"How does eating lots of Sugar affect your Chi?"

It makes your qi too sweet. A balance of sweet and sour qi is needed for one to attain the Golden SS Body (it fuses together at Dan Tian and too much sweet will make it so that it is too imbalanced to fuse).



Golden Sweet & Sour Body - that gave me a laugh. :lol:

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I'm not an expert on this, but from my understanding, breaking down sugars is our primary (and only?) source of energy. Over endulgence of anything is bad... cutting out fruit seems misguided.


The advent of agriculture allowed societies to grow crops like wheat rice corn barley millet etc , which are storable , and allows for higher population densities. Resulting in the tradition of eating mainly carbs which is presented as a norm nowadays, but physiologically there is a price to pay in the health of the population from eating like that , exacerbated by sendentary lifestyle. ( diabetes ,heart disease, obesity, food allery etc which are rampant nowadays and due to diet primarily)


The way foods ( carbs fats and proteins) play into maintaing a body is complicated , one can live well on a diet high in fat and protein , with only a small amout of carbs and some vitamins and minerals like in spices fruit and nuts. ( protein can be converted to glucose in the situation of low carb diet to supply your brain with the glucose it MUST have )


Vegetarian diets can be easy or difficult for adults to abide , but its not suggested for kids especially.

Theres a whole science to it , a lot of misinformation floating around , there are many variations that can work , and many considerations to take if you want to try to arrange for yourself an ideal diet. Thing is , we are all in the dark about exactly what our particular makeup needs us to provide... so the fallback postion is eat a variety of stuff and take your chances.

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Speaking of chocolate, unless specified otherwise, it is grown and harvested by child slaves.




Just joking!




Watch the doc folks.


Yeah and there's some fake certification labels - that have just 10% non-child slave chocolate in them and get to be labeled "fair trade" - watch out. Read the fine print.


Target sells fake "fair trade" chocolate for example.


I like my ice cream too - I just put cayenne and vinegar in it. haha.


Chocolate - harvested by kids.

For kids.

Edited by GrandmasterP

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