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Watch This about "Humility / Being humble" - the old Power pyramid, still in today's spirituality. Waiting for you to Shatter it once 'n for all!

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The shit...


you know you always felt that way!


Pride without consciousness is equal to Humility with full consciousness. Both are useless. Pride without conscious wrecks havoc, humility with full consciousness is not existant due to the realization that everything is of equal importance. So no one must play the humble part.


Open your 1st Eye, complete your Triangle through which you can see and fathom the Ultimate Reality. See beyond Agendas. Religion IS an Agenda.


Drop religious faith once and for all and rediscover your own intuition, connected directly to what you need any why you are here for.


All the best.

Edited by 4bsolute
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No pride, no creation. Too much pride, identified and lost in what has been created. Stuck, downward spiraling. Therefor, let go and be formless in your creative nature. Be open.


You can be truly humble, if you are already proud. Be honest to your Selves, you are just humble because you were told to be humble by some "master". This humble nature did not grow in your Self. You have took the idea and (hopefully not) identified with it.


Masters and Gurus teach you to be humble, because they fear if everyone is not, the world would go mad. But it wouldnt. Self realization, like it is happening RIGHT NOW, would go / and IS going, much faster this way. Yes it is bumpy, but there really is no use to downplay your true nature.


Follow once, follow forever. Realize yourself as follower.


I am Creation.


Ask your Self what do you want to become? A servant (requires ALWAYS something greater) or an ever undefined creative aspect, constantly expanding, learning and therefor growing? You ARE God Consciousness, be decisive in what you want to become slash realize your Self into. The Universal Self, Higher Selves will tell you no different.


Doesn't matter if you reach Tao with a humble nature, completely empty or with a proud nature and being crushed millions of times due to successful shedding the skin and releasing all of your resistance. When you are 'there' you are here. You willst just realize your Self as both of these aspects, probably million more and can choose with full view.


Pride acts like a foundation from which you can give. I am proud of my actions, yet I have no need to tell anyone how much transformation and learning it had cost to get there. So I am humble in my expression, if anyone asks, showing him/her that he can do it too. Which s/he ultimatelly can.


Of course pride is something that wants to be honed is lateron refined into greater concepts, otherwise it leads straight into cockiness and ignorance. Pride is what makes us believe in our power to transform.


..or let go. Let go off all concepts, all desires and dissolve into nothingness. My mind can, at this stage, not go further and discuss more about it.


PS: Did you notice? All creative and yang aspects of spirituality are not told to the masses. Each and everyone has to discover it for him- or herself. Possible safety mechanism.

Edited by 4bsolute

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Through this active way, I have today encouraged my Self to call the information and ask for a number. My throat point was locked up due to a traumatic experience in my childhood, developed stuttering for years in my teens. Today, I successfully did this step.


Regardless of how miniscule it sounds, it is a gigantic leap in my Selves getting into alignment.

Does it bite you to speak about my Self?


My Self ultimatelly is connected on a deeper level with Your Self. But it is important to discover My Self. My intention is not on an ego-basis. I want to clearly discover My Self in all of us. But clearly be able to be everything. Both individual and a we.

Edited by 4bsolute

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Mmmmmm. Bit of a recipe for selfishness IMO, but - each to his own.


And on which path are you? Self discovery or hows the other one called ;)


Self is important, Ego is also but not really. Source, as You, trains it's Self to realize it's Self through what we call Ego. So Ego is of equal importance as ascending from the Ego state and merging with greater States of Self realization.


Quick reminder: You are here to realize your Self. So everything that you do for your Self, to realize your Self, is what we call Self-ish. Yes. See what you did there, with this term? You just threw your Self into Self doubt and Self blame :)


Do your Self a favor and clean your system of these patterns. They really dont serve your Self other than realizing just that.

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Our path's not about 'self discovery', quite the opposite.

I suspect we're trying to equate apples with bananas here.

I suppose Teal's right insofar as if one wishes to be selfish then one needs to explore the self if only to locate it.



Edited by GrandmasterP

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