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Are there still teachings around of the Original Way of Bodhidharma's Zen?

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Speaking of how it changed over the decades and got more and more mental, with the Koans. Which does not honor the Original Path of Zen in any way.


Yes, funnily enough I ask for a teaching while Original Zen had no teaching at all. They did not want teachings, they did not want to use the mind in any way. They were very strict about that. That's why Bodhidharma was almost killed when he got to China and refused to take on any fixed system.


Any information on Original literature, for example?

Edited by 4bsolute

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4bsolute you might usefully check out Dogen's Bendowa.

Brad Warner ( the Hardcore Zen dude here.... ) will have a Dogen book out soon, that'll be worth looking at too.

Zen's not all about Koans.

Koans are like one of the the concession stands at the festival that is life.

Other concession stands with differing T shirts are available.

Plus there's a beer tent.



Edited by GrandmasterP

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