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Harmonious Emptiness

Harmonious completion in nature, video

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That is a gorgeous video! Thank you for sharing, HE.


Wolves are fantastic creatures..Im a huge fan of Yellowstone, some of the most beautiful nature in the US

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This is what the Dao is all about, is it that hard for us to understand the inter-connection of all things and how we must preserve the natural order? Ask any government and one draws a blank! Great vid.

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Yup. There's too much to gain by those in power being greedy. "Desires obscure the mystery" says the Dao De Jing. Some have tried to force the absence of desire, with Communist dictatorships, but this never worked either. Just stay on the fringe. I don't know. That seems to be the counsel of Chuang Tzu and some other Taoist leaders.

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