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Plants Can Hear Pests Attack

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Interesting and logical. They bend to track light, they'll position leaves to funnel water, not surprising that they can spit out defensive chemicals due to sound and vibration. I wonder how we can use plant intelligence for better growth? Nietschefy them.


I was looking at a design for tomato trellis that used 3 pvc pipes interconnected at various levels. The designer said to poke the pipes 8 (or was it 6?) inches below the soil and water through their top. That way less water hit the surface so less evaporation and it would be less likely to start and feed weeds.


I might try it next year. Bet I could substitute thick bamboo for the pvc..

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The concept is valid, as far as I understand it, but I think the use of the word "hear" is an error. Yes, they can "sense" these things.

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