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How is your breathing pattern in poluted air?

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Do you know for sure that when you breathe calmly, what our body indicates as toxic air, it leaves the body as it has entered it? Completely


Do you know for sure that when you breathe tightly and with resistance, what our body indicates as toxic air, it leaves the body only in fragments and not completely? We hold onto it


A nice temporal obstacle for our practice. When we walk calmly outside in the fresh air, a car drives by and the smell of burnt fuel enters our being. We feel the taste of it on our tongue and gum, we maybe even (want to) feel it going down into our lung. We stay mindful and do not alter our breathing in reaction. We know that the sensation passes.


Have you mastered this? What is your experience with it?


Personally I do believe in what I have asked in the first two lines. When ever we constrict our being, create resistance, what enters us has a very difficult time to flow out again. Stagnation manifests. Imagine a rough pipe that you constrict in various ways and then let a thicker fluid enter and see how incomplete it leaves. Same with our gut. The more resistance we have, the tighter it is, the more air and rotten food is blocked in it.


Does this make sense?


All the best.

Edited by 4bsolute

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plenty often my breath has been subtle enough so as NOT to pick up on certain unpleasant smells :lol: lots of nerve endings in the sinuses ;)

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From the practice of Chi Kung, my sense of smell is very sensitive. As soon I have detected some odor in the air, immediately, I hold my breath and regulated the breath up and down inside my trachea slowly. Then resume to normal again after I passed the toxic zone.

BTW During my normal walk around my neighborhood, I sense the smell of each house as I was passing by. Sometimes, I smell the odor of food and the bleach from the laundry. Luckily, I didn't sense the odor from their bathrooms...... :)

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