
Tonight is a Full Moon... Did you notice anything?

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Many moons come and go without my noticing, but every once in a while my attention gets drawn to astrological concepts and today in particular stands out. I randomly watched a couple TV shows today - something I don't normally do - and they were both about religious and cultural connections to astrology. I also listened to an interview with Sifu Chris Matsuo, a name I've been trying to remember for a few weeks, and apparently the interview took place on a full moon and was a topic of brief discussion in the interview. My ex also started her menstrual cycle today and I had a brief explosion of uncontained rage while doing the dishes and had to excuse myself from the kitchen.


A kind of Chicago-Shaman character I met last month told me that the moon is kind of like a "psychic vacuum" and stores unprocessed psychological and emotional content in a way, and then reconnects us to those unprocessed vibrations depending on its position in the zodiac and phase.


So I'm curious, any other full-moon experiences today? And do you think anything of the moon in general?

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“The moon does not fight. It attacks no one. It does not worry. It does not try to crush others. It keeps to its course, but by its very nature, it gently influences. What other body could pull an entire ocean from shore to shore? The moon is faithful to its nature and its power is never diminished.”
Throughout its constant changes it always remains the moon. One moon reflects on a thousands ponds but it is just one light.


With the light of awareness we are as much the moon as the moon is itself. The moon not having self benefits all living things.

Humans with self and mental conceptions about how things are benefit from the moon but are unable to be the moon.

Good night Moon

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I'd posit a few changes. The qualities the author attributed to the moon can more universally be applied to all things. Setting up the moon as an exemplification of realization limits the nature of realization, which is conditionlessly self-realized in all things timelessly and eternally. The Entire Nature of Things is without violence, without worry, and without self. The Entire Nature of All Beings and Non-Beings is at Rest in Universal Peace. All things are faithful to their nature and all things are without diminished power. All things influence subtlely and remain themselves forever.


I will say, the reflection of the one moon on a thousand ponds, is pretty damn cool, and as a smaller life form planted firmly upon a planet, I lack the appropriate qualities to reflect in so many ponds, but otherwise I am the moon in all ways. The attribution of unenlightenment to themselves is one of the main factors in keeping potentially awake people asleep. The attribution of enlightenment to themselves is one of the main factors in keeping potentially awake people asleep. Therefore there is no awake, no asleep, no moon, no seer, not one, nor many, nor any quality or quantity that has never been conceived. Everyone is the moon.

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We get our highest tides at full moon.

The sea here can be quite dramatic at full moon especially if there's an onshore east wind behind it.

Edited by GrandmasterP

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The Moon is Kool. Its a luminous mirror that reflects the energies of the 27 lunar mansions, 12 zodiac signs and the four elements. They (yes, 'They'! :) ) say that if you focus the light of the full moon onto a sponge, you can squeeze out a whitish-blue water that is the substance of the moon herself!


Last night the full moon was in Cancer, so it was particularly powerful.


As for moon experiences, I always know when it moves into Leo because I can feel the fiery quality. And I have a phone app telling me when it changes signs ;)

Edited by kio

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Wow, a lot of romantic notions being given about the moon.... Another take is seeing the moon as a source of power that demons and their associated and 'turned' human warlocks and or witch's can convert and pervert to their maximum benefit for raising unholy hell on earth. Thus I'd say that the moon only being described in a poetically peaceful way while a horrific war is going on is incomplete.


(edit: added onto and sentence restructure. )

Edited by 3bob

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Wow, a lot of romantic notions about the moon being given...


How about, "The moon is a big dusty rock in orbit with the Earth which is massive enough and close enough to exert a significant gravitational force at the Earth's surface"?

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such is true on the purely physical level, while other things are true at other levels of vibrations that are not discernible with just 5 outwardly focused physical senses.

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Wow, a lot of romantic notions about the moon being given.... Another take is seeing the moon as a source of power that the demons convert and pervert to their maximum benefit for raising unholy hell on earth. Thus I'd say that an only poetically described moon of la-la land is incomplete.

To be complete we must remove the demons first.

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if they are removed who will take their place and do their job? (so to speak) Thus they to will remain at whatever level, just as do all other forms of beings remain at whatever level - that is until all individual beings or any other types of forms are no more, for then only source withdrawn into itself where it never really left IS, for such is the game.


One might also add something along the lines of the only question is not, "to be, or not to be" and include "to identify oneself only as form, or not to identify oneself only as form".

Edited by 3bob

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Full moon night shifts in secure psychiatric hospitals tend to be quite lively.

Some patients become more agitated.

Now and again you'd get one baying at the moon and disturbing the other patients.

Edited by GrandmasterP

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