
Can we not love our brother as ourselves?

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Another bootlicker from the liar press. Most of it is basically owned by the main political parties.

But it's a free press, Right? Therefore they are allow to tell any lies they wish to tell as long as it isn't defamation of character of any individual.

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Yes. (To what I don't know.)




And agree.


So why the "No,"?


You just added to and supplemented what I had said.


Getting involved in Afganistan was not France's way to make up with the US for being so verbal about being opposed to the war in Iraq.


ISIS would not have a base of operations in Iraq but for the incredibile stupidity of Bush and Blair.

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Hahah...are you Muslim??? My dear friend, I have a precognitive dream about the new existential threat the Israelis are currently facing. You can say I am almost Jewish and how else I could have some Karmic affinity to the Jews. Hahaha......A Jew and not a Jew? A mere semantic. LOL..... Just remember that this is Tao Bum. Some of us have "special insights" about the world beyond your traditional worldview.


I hope you realize I wasn't really asking if you were Jewish.. what religion/"race" one is isn't really relevant. And it would be quite racist to assume that only Jews can or should defend Jews.

Indeed, I agree that it's mostly about semantics as far as "Jew" and "Muslim" and "Christian" and "brown" and "black" and "white" etc are concerned.

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Getting involved in Afganistan was not France's way to make up with the US for being so verbal about being opposed to the war in Iraq.

I'm not sure I can agree with you here but I lack enough knowledge to further disagree with you.


ISIS would not have a base of operations in Iraq but for the incredibile stupidity of Bush and Blair.

Now that I can agree with.

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No need for bold.

Sorry, I have a habit of boldly telling the truth. ^^



Obama sees the Oneness of all, and therefore didn't want to solidify standing with the Western leaders in such a manner. Only time will tell as to his enlightenment. All I know is that I can see it.

But you don't know whether what you see is the truth.

Down-to-earth political self-education and empirical search for truth easily trumps supposed metaphysical insights.

This is a spiritual confusion that I have encountered (here) before: That if someone appears wicked, we just cannot see how they're actually a saint with a grand agenda or world peace or such crap.

Real truth is usually very simple. You do something wicked and it taints your soul; it is an act in the services of fear. You keep doing that and it rots your soul.

You are still suffering from the indoctrination. And I won't try too hard to convince you, but when people were celebrating about Obama becoming president, I already knew what would ensue, but people would have skinned me alive for saying such. Yet those things did happen, so I called the bluff. I did lots of studying on deep psychology, marketing methods and such along with world politics and many other disciplines, putting them all together.

There is no apology. If you think something is rotten, have the courage to not do it. Just as one of many examples, Obama is still spreading obvious lies about the Iranian nuclear program, repeatedly outright ignoring any solid evidence presented.

If I were Obama, I could go on TV and say: "Manitou has still failed to supply sound evidence proving that she is not a pedophile." Now, would you assume I have your best interest in mind and you just cannot comprehend my enlightened agenda? Or would you go "What the hell?!"?

Edited by Owledge
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I'm not sure I can agree with you here but I lack enough knowledge to further disagree with you.




Perhaps you can agree with this?: -


Sarkosy was/is at least as stupid as Blair.

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I hope you realize I wasn't really asking if you were Jewish.. what religion/"race" one is isn't really relevant. And it would be quite racist to assume that only Jews can or should defend Jews.

Indeed, I agree that it's mostly about semantics as far as "Jew" and "Muslim" and "Christian" and "brown" and "black" and "white" etc are concerned.

Purely a matter of semitics. ^^

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Sarkosy was/is at least as stupid as Blair.

Sure, I can agree with that.


Everyone who accepted the Big Lie about Iraq was either stupid or they just didn't understand what was really going on.

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Sure, I can agree with that.


Everyone who accepted the Big Lie about Iraq was either stupid or they just didn't understand what was really going on.


... or they were self-serving/religious nutcases...



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Hehehe. Do we have to consider this too?


I'm generally in favour of freedom of thought, so, from my perspective, that would be entirely a matter of individual choice.

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Lol, so basically - State propaganda is self-righteously promoted and protected as "free speech," while any dissent that counters it is rebranded as "hate speech" and punishable or illegal. :lol:

Good example of a propaganda apologist. When you can't cover up anymore, try to lead the movement. I already realized the intention of the commentary in the introduction. And then also providing an allegedly 'real' fake for contrast, while that's no more deception than what the media did with the march.
The guy has the audacity to actually claim manipulate pictures are alright, because 'iconography matters' and the 'gesture is still sincere' (which it is not, and every sane person knows it).
Another bootlicker from the liar press. Most of it is basically owned by the main political parties.

Interesting different views on this photo op...

Mainstream media:
A "higher" perspective:
Orthodox Jewish revisionism (photo actually manipulated and all women deleted) :lol::

You are still suffering from the indoctrination. And I won't try too hard to convince you, but when people were celebrating about Obama becoming president, I already knew what would ensue, but people would have skinned me alive for saying such. Yet those things did happen, so I called the bluff. I did lots of studying on deep psychology, marketing methods and such along with world politics and many other disciplines, putting them all together.

"Enlightened" Obama & "Free Speech:"

In a just released, lengthy New Yorker article, Jane Mayer — with the diligence and thoroughness she used to expose the Bush torture regime — examines a topic I’ve written about many times here: the Obama administration’s unprecedented war on whistleblowers generally, and its persecution of NSA whistleblower Thomas Drake in particular (Drake exposed massive waste, excess and perhaps illegality in numerous NSA programs).

Obama Regime Trampling Free Press

AP’s Washington Bureau Chief, a reporter who has been illegally spied upon by the Obama regime, has just given a talk about the ways the president is trampling press freedom.

The remarks of Sally Buzbee to a meeting of editors and reporters, spell out how Obama is subverting the constitutional guarantee of a free press.

Sharyl Attkisson seeks $35M from Obama White House in alleged hacking


Conservative author Sharyl Attkisson is seeking $35 million in damages outlined in legal filings against the U.S. Department of Justice for allegedly spying on her while she was reporting on scandals involving the Obama administration.

The former CBS News correspondent claims to have “pretty good evidence,” including results from three separate forensic exams, that a series of hacks to her computer between 2011 and 2013 were connected to the Justice Department

Edited by gendao

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Orthodox Jewish (photo actually manipulated and all women deleted) :lol::

Well, hey, those Orthodoxies already have enough problems. I almost feel sorry for them when they have to go home and put up with the wife.

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Well, hey, those Orthodoxies already have enough problems. I almost feel sorry for them when they have to go home and put up with the wife.

I have nothing against deleting the Merkel. It doesn't matter.

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Yeah, but you have a very sound history of seeing things that really don't exist.


There, I got back at you for the finger comment. Hehehe.


Yeah, but this counterbalances your very sound history of not seeing things that really do exist. The finger stands, :)


What I see in Obama is one who travels within the wu-wei, whose timing is impeccable, who waits for all situations to come to him before he acts, and always takes the high road in every decision he makes. Things must be done incrementally, he is not king. He can take only one day at a time, and unless we're all privy to the Presidential Daily Brief, I'm not sure any of us can stand in his shoes. There are times when he must make the lesser of two awful decisions.


As for other seers on the forum, I'm not sure that one can have Eyes and a mean spirit at the same time.

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They say that hindsight is always 20/20.

Not when you are asleep!


People who still worship Obama are vulnerable to abusive relationships.

Edited by Owledge
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Seeing the good in others means worshipping them?


How odd.

Some more scrutiny in text comprehension, please. This is not about seeing the good in others. It's about assuming motivations and perceptions that are not supported by actions/facts. And when we start doing that, to just assume stuff regardless of what we can learn, then I could also claim that Hitler was in fact a selfless martyr-saint who played the role of the great evil in order to unite the people of the world and cause a spiritual shift. Sounds special, but neither is there any way to EVER confirm or disprove it, nor is such a belief helpful. ... On the internet this phenomenon is called "fanboydom". And this mindset also supports a bullshit self-indoctrination that such influential people like Obama could be practicing in order to make themselves feel better. With many people being fanboyish and in denial like that, it really invites the next tyrant who believes himself to be a gift to humankind and a holy crusader for virtue.

Based on personal experience, I suspect an imbalance between connection to higher realms and proper grounding. Proper grounding is what helps you to separate your own lies from higher truths. I remember the words of a shaman who said: "Ayahuasca can be the greatest of liars." It can show you divine realms, but first you might have to wade through your own crap, and if you lack grounding, you will confuse the two.

Politicians are schooled in rhetorics and related skills. Their speeches are designed to manipulate people by appealing to their emotions, not their intellect - for good reason. And anybody who hasn't cultivated the mind's critical thought to a sufficient degree will fall for it.

On the highest level it's all just theater of course, but who in their mortal shell wants to enjoy a theater of pain?

Edited by Owledge
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Hi Manitou! Just watched what i thought was an awesome TED clip by Jill B. Taylor called 'Stroke of Insight'. Its just 20 minutes. I think its a little related to this topic, and hope you will feel inspired from it as i did. :)


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Hi Manitou! Just watched what i thought was an awesome TED clip by Jill B. Taylor called 'Stroke of Insight'. Its just 20 minutes. I think its a little related to this topic, and hope you will feel inspired from it as i did. :)


It shows the importance of balance. There's a reason why we have been given those two hemispheres.

The Buddha nature, it is said, is not pure formless heart realm, but strong mind and strong heart in balance.

Striving for feeling good and loving by any means, as much as possible, will create conditions that urge a restoring of balance.

Humankind as a whole is a mixed bag of course, all kinds of more or less extreme imbalances in both directions, and, as hinted at in the video, can also fluctuate depending on the situation.

If things were simple, we wouldn't have the problems we have. Get attached to the divine realm and you will eventually be told that you have to return to the world of form. Worship the form and you will eventually receive feedback urging you to open your heart to the divine.

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Yeah, but this counterbalances your very sound history of not seeing things that really do exist. The finger stands, :)


What I see in Obama is one who travels within the wu-wei, whose timing is impeccable, who waits for all situations to come to him before he acts, and always takes the high road in every decision he makes. Things must be done incrementally, he is not king. He can take only one day at a time, and unless we're all privy to the Presidential Daily Brief, I'm not sure any of us can stand in his shoes. There are times when he must make the lesser of two awful decisions.


As for other seers on the forum, I'm not sure that one can have Eyes and a mean spirit at the same time.

Hahahaha...wu-wei? Where was his wu-wei when Crimea was planning their referendum? I had my wu-wei. I have already foreseen the epic battle of divisions in the Ukrainian crisis in the form of the Luke vs Vader analogy and allegory.


Read here...


Don't get confused with inaction and ignorance with wu-wei. Knowing the wu-wei is like a doctor seeing how the illness is progressing and you attempt to prevent the illness from deteriorating. Obama makes things worse because he couldn't see how events are unfolding. How's the sanctions on Russia is going right now???? He literally brought back the Cold War!!!

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Based on my warrior's creed:


"I will help you if I can, I will kill you if I must."

The child must be saved, The father must be killed.

yup, killed or brought to severe justice.

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If Obama is enlightened, then he's an enlightened person who personally fought for the unconstitutional aspects of the NDAA to be passed and continued to fight for it in legal battles (worth looking up if you don't know about that). He's an enlightened person under whose watch our debt has more than doubled (worse than Bush's record). He's an enlightened person who withdrew our troops from Iraq early, and indirectly caused "the Islamic State" to take over large portions of it, which wasn't a certainty at the time but was a significant likelihood...and it seems he only did it in order to appease the people who voted for him. Under whose watch racism has suddenly become an issue, with the country almost coming to the point of a race war, when previously it really wasn't an issue (as in the 90s for instance) and there definitely wasn't any hints of an actual race war. Who permitted the militarization of local police forces, and the expansion of the surveillance state. Remember how the big issue with Bush was the patriot act? Look at how things have gone since then...literally everyone is constantly watched, and no one seems to care.

I wouldn't mind him at all as a person or as a President, if he didn't do things like these. In suggesting that he's "enlightened"...well, there are various types of enlightenment. He's not a Buddha. He's a lawyer turned politician turned President. And perhaps enlightened people don't make the best decisions, or even have ulterior motives...if he is that at all.

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In other news, this is disturbing so don't click if you wish to avoid seeing people be killed (not gory)...but look at what our "brothers" are doing to our brothers.

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