
Throwing Out The Subconscious or Unconscious Mind

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Just moments ago I threw out all my previously held beliefs about this concept or idea called the subconscious or unconscious mind. I admitted and allowed all my beliefs, feelings, thoughts, programming - everything on the subject, then I accepted them, warmly embracing each one as if they were house guests who had stopped by for a visit and provided interesting conversation, but now it was time for them to go home. I opened my arms, releasing them, letting them go, to work themselves out. I feel so much freer, lighter now. If following your emotional guidance system, as Abraham teaches, is the way to go, then mine is telling me this is the right move.


In the material I read as I studied self-hypnosis last year I was taught that the conscious mind is like the tip of the iceberg with the subconscious aspect being the greater part below. That somewhere in the subconscious mind is all your beliefs and programming. Self-hypnosis became a way to access these normally hard to reach areas of myself. But as I look back on these teachings tonight I see that they have broken a new sort of golden rule of mine:


I choose to invest my energy only in those things which empower me!


To my mind anything that takes away my power is attempting to coerce or control me in some way. It turns out I had consigned my unwanted beliefs and programming to the "dark forest" (as Seth calls in in, "The Nature of Personal Reality") of my subconscious mind. In other words, I had no control over what the authority figures of my past, including my parents, programmed into me. I had no choice in the beliefs I adopted as a child. I was coerced, forced or herded to believe certain things and think a certain way. I am powerless, I am a victim of my circumstances, there was nothing I could do, I was at the mercy of others bigger and more powerful than me, I have no control over my life, everything I am is decided already by fate, destiny, genetics or karma. When you adopt a belief in the subconscious or unconscious mind, these others are innate within it.


I realized that I always had more success with visualization, and what is that but a conscious way to train my thinking? It is how I worked through depression and anger. I can't say with any certainty that I had any success at all with self-hypnosis. I think there is a reason I can hypnotize myself. Maybe I should use it, with visualizations, to engage the conscious mind at a deeper level. I don't know. I have decided to accept Seth's teachings as true, or a direct pointing to the Truth. Releasing and letting go of my previous baggage about the subconscious or unconscious mind allows me to throw myself completely into Seth's teachings. That is the course of action I choose to take right now.


I find Seth's and Abraham's teachings to be empowering. Some may disagree with the LoA teachings as they are called. They may say that we have no control over our lives and things don't work that way in the real world. My only response to that is this... Maybe in your experience you have no control over your life, and you experience the world in a certain way. Maybe you always have. But just because something has been one way for a long period of time does not mean it always has to be that way. Also if there is one way things can be, they can certainly be another. Finally if life does not work that way, then why not? Why does life have to work as you think it does and not this other way? Some reading material:



I am interested to see what others think about this. Do you believe there is a subconscious or unconscious mind? If you do, why? If you don't, why not? Also if you haven't made up your mind yet about this subject, maybe these words will help you decide for yourself. I have experienced no benefit believing in the subconscious or unconscious mind. In fact I suspect that my current life situation, the beliefs I have that manifested this experience, were reinforced by those beliefs. I think letting them go will help me to break apart the physical reality I am experiencing and create something better.


If this is the path you wish to take, the first step is to let go of the concept or idea of the subconscious mind. Doesn't matter if it is really there are not. Just adopt a "don't know" or nonchalant attitude about it. If its there, cool. If its not there, cool. For now you are just ignoring the question of its reality so you are free to engage with the conscious mind for a while, see where that takes you.

Edited by DreamBliss
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If you want others opinions (as you asked) here is mine.


The whole LOA thingo is crap. I have extensive posts on it here showing how polluted it became due to the money hungry egotists involved and the resultant court cases and ripping each other apart. The ridiculous multi million $ amounts of money involved. The absolute crap in the related DVD.


If you want to continue damaging yourself with silly new age practices (that aren't new at all, just revisions of old ideas - they are also tracked in the articles and posts) by just affirming, saying, believing and fooling yourself that the years and life long processes of learning, conditioning and programming can be released or declared non-existent at the wave of the magic simplistic wand ... thats up to you. I do not recommend it.


If you knew how much that 'other world' could empower you (if that is what you seek) you would not be rejecting it, supressing it, or trying to convince yourself with new age' mantras' that it doesnt exist.


The mind isnt a bird cage with the unconscious the bird inside it. You cant just open the door and say "I release you" and it will fly off.


This system is about pandering to people's weaknesses under the guise of spirituality or 'development ' (or in the case of 'The Secret' DVD (-the world's all time ever record breaker of DVD 2nd release sales - pander to people's materialistic greed ; how to get more jewels, parking spaces, kids bikes, etc ) to make money out of you by offering you a pretended 'valid' path and method that is easy while secretly appealing to one's inner selfish materialistic ego = $$$$$ (for them).


No matter what you believe , your 'below the conscious mind' world (I use that term as you dont seem to even know the territory ; subconscious ? ... Unconscious ? ) is still there.


Things are dealt with, utilized, and transformed into helpers and assistants, not by pretending they dont exist (we all know what happens when things are suppressed or swept under the carpet ) or just declaring it so, but by acknowledging them and learning how to work with them ... otherwise, in some cases they WILL 'split' off and can actually become a psychological syndrome, trying to maintain their existence 'outside' of your psyche, asserting their independent existence ... have fun with that one !



.... ​emotional GUIDANCE system ? ? ? .... no.gif

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Thank you for sharing that.


Some clarity needed here... When I say I am throwing out the concept or idea of the subconscious or unconscious mind, it just means that I used to believe in its existence. I subscribed to the iceberg idea. I am simply no longer subscribing. Maybe it does exist. Maybe it doesn't. I am letting it exist or not exist and not investing my energy in a belief in either state.


Think of it like an email newsletter I used to get in my email. I can throw it out, but that does not mean I deny its existence. I can unsubscribe, but again I am not denying its existence. Years may pass, I may never visit the site again and I never get another email. So the newsletter could exist, or it may no longer exist, but I am not aware of either state, as I am not subscribed to it anymore.


There is no denial here, no oppression, repression or suppression. There is a belief I picked up, held for a while, and have now dropped. Also just dropped the whole idea of programming moments ago too. I realized that this was tied in with it. If I experience the truth of the subconscious or unconscious mind for myself, then I can choose to pick it up again. As it has not proven true in my own experience I am not holding on to it anymore. It is really that simple.


I have never seen the planets out there in the solar system. For that matter I have never seen the solar system. I can see the moon, the sun and the stars. I can agree with what others tell me these things are. But the moon could be made of cheese or rock for all I know, and I will never know unless I set foot there myself. There could be other planets but I will never know for sure unless I hop into a spaceship and head out to mars. All I have right now are the pictures and words of others - no physical evidence whatsoever. I could drop any belief in what the moon is made of, and whether or not there are other planets, and it will make no difference. It is not a denial of their reality. How can I deny something that is not real for me? When it comes down to it this is just acceptance of their unreality in my own personal experience.


However I have experienced the truth of the LoA teachings for myself, many times now. They have proven true in my own personal experience. They are more real to me than the content of the moon or the existence of any planets outside this one. They are more real to me than this concept or idea of the subconscious or unconscious mind. They empower me. As long as they continue to prove true. I will consider them to be true, or a direct pointing to the truth. I will teach others as if they are true, or a direct pointing to the truth.


Now I ask you, can you prove, categorically and scientifically that the concept or idea of a subconscious or unconscious mind is true? Have you experienced this for yourself? I know you can tell me about mental states. Things like self-hypnosis, dreams, alpha, beta and theta waves, the effect of meditation. But can you prove any of this is going on anywhere else other than consciously? If you can't, why would you choose to believe it? What benefit can you possibly gain by believing in some hidden aspect or part of your mind?


I don't know about any of these court cases you are referring to. Have you any links to these? Can you prove that the conscious mind is not just a bird in a cage? Where did you get the idea I wanted to release it? Have you actually tried the LoA teachings? By tried I mean dropped all your beliefs and resistance to them, opened yourself to them, and applied them. Because if you tried them, believing as it seems obvious you believe now, there is no way they could be proven true in your own experience.


As far as, "Emotional Guidance System" this is a phrase from Abraham. What it refers to is how the things you choose to think make you feel. If you are considering hurting yourself or another, chances are you do not feel good about it. If someone says something to you that demeans you or takes away your power, chances are you do not feel good about it. That not good feeling is telling you that what you are thinking about or what others are saying about you is not in alignment with the truth of who you really are.


When a course of action or thought makes you feel good (I like to add that it also makes you feel light, like I felt when I released and let go of my beliefs in the concept or idea of the subconscious or unconscious mind) that is in alignment with who you really are, the truth about You. When you use this to guide you in the things you do and the thoughts you think, you will experience happiness and joy. You will be living in alignment with your Self. When you are joyless and unhappy you are not living in alignment with your Self. You are not living the life you came here to experience. That is the whole concept or idea of the emotional guidance system.


One last thing... What you makes you think it is wrong to be selfish? What is selfishness? How would you define it exactly? What does the concept or idea of selfishness mean to you? Is there a difference between selfishness and being self centered? Why is it wrong, exactly, to be either?


As for me I am Selfish and Self-Centered. I choose to believe in things that empower me and bring me into alignment with my Self. I choose to live my life centered in my Self. By Self, in case this is not obvious, I mean my Higher Self or Soul or Spirit or Inner Self or Being or whatever you want to call it. As I understand it, selfishness and being self-centered typically refer to a person doing things for themselves at the expense of others. They would have to be driven by a mindset of lack or limitation. Interestingly, the LoA teachings instruct that such a mindset blocks you from your good. Instead we are instructed to be allowing, open and receptive. So tell me, under a typical view of selfishness, how is that selfish? Is it really selfish to choose the best life experience I can possibly have for myself?



BTW, in order to call someone selfish you have be critical and judgmental. Which means your focus is on the outside, not on the inside. You are likely trying to change your life experience by trying to make others around you change (which you will quickly learn is impossible.) If you learned nothing else from the LoA teachings you would learn that the best way to change your life experience is to change yourself first. If your happiness depends on or is at the mercy of the actions or behavior of others, you may never be truly happy.

Edited by DreamBliss
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I agree with Nungali about LoA being a money scam, but if something is working for you, that's what counts.


I guess my concern is that some things we try, do seem to work at first, only to cause more problems further down the line, when we find life slipping through our fingers again...and we say "what!? I thought I had finally cracked it"


The subconscious mind is a tool that has to be used correctly. Not something I'd want to get rid of. The problem is, our subconscious mind is often not set up correctly. That's where all the internal conflict comes from. Rather than pushing it aside (that will probably come back to bite you in the ass, I'm sorry) try working through your subconscious and train it to carry out the tasks you want it to do.


Even easier, is to just stop thinking about it all together. But inside, I'm sure you love the chasing game of thoughts and working things out.


To conclude: stick to what you're doing if it makes you happy, but be willing to flow on into the next cup, should the current cup show signs of wear and tear. If you get bored of that and decide you just want peace, without all the mind games, empty that cup into the ocean whenever you see it filling up.

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Well considering I have come from Christianity, positive thinking, mysticism, and mental studies, I can say with a fair amount of certainty I have traveled through many cups, as you call them, so far. So the process is familiar to me.


For now, however, I would prefer to stay away from containers altogether. Containers are limited, Being or Source is limitless. I choose limitlessness.

Edited by DreamBliss
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No, I am not going to explain psychology for you ... we would have to go back to psych kindergarten I feel. I am not going to offer my proofs either as I already know what each response would be.


You wanted an opinion - there it is. Good luck.

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Beliefs are not true or untrue. They're useful or not. Preoccupation with finding 'truth' is a mental trap.


I find the idea of the subconscious a helpful distinction for myself, it enables me to make finer distinctions in attending to myself and watching the processes that happen within myself and others. I don't view the subconscious as 'my' subconscious - like it's something "I" possess.


Similarly I find the LoA teachings in the way that I've seen most people apply them to be worse than not useful - I think they're detrimental to growth and development. Luckily most people tend to snap out of this fad sooner or later.


Apologies if this is not the sort of feedback you wished to attract :P

Edited by freeform
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If LoA worked consistently some of us would be lottery millionaires by now.

Still trying for that here.

Nothing so far - but a boy can dream.


If something works for you though DreamBliss then go with it and best wishes for all success to you on the journey.


Edited by GrandmasterP
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Similarly I find the LoA teachings in the way that I've seen most people apply them to be worse than not useful - I think they're detrimental to growth and development. Luckily most people tend to snap out of this fad sooner or later.


Apologies if this is not the sort of feedback you wished to attract :P


Thank you for your reply.


I feel compelled to ask... In what way, in your perception, are LoA teachings detrimental to growth and development?

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If LoA worked consistently some of us would be lottery millionaires by now.

Still trying for that here.

Nothing so far - but a boy can dream.


If something works for you though DreamBliss then go with it and best wishes for all success to you on the journey.



As I understand it, trying (doing something in order to make it work) doesn't work. Any more than trying to become enlightened would work. There is this idea that if we work hard enough at something we can make it happen. But all that really does is create more work for us.


Also you can only buy a lotto ticket out of a mindset that would keep you from winning it. Same as if you were to steal things to make money. Somewhere there is this idea that money (a lot of it) will bring a desirable experience, typically happiness. But happiness that depends on money only lasts as long as the money does.


The key is to live the life you came here to experience, because in living that life, joy and happiness are the natural byproducts. This is a happiness that does not depend on circumstances. The question to ask yourself is whether or not the things you are doing in your life right now are enjoyable, fulfilling and meaningful. If not then the next question is what are the things you can do in your life that you would enjoy, that you would find to be fulfilling and meaningful?

Edited by DreamBliss
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I have denied myself the right to speak for or against various practices but I did "Like" your opening post.


There is a lot to be said about our subconscious mind.


But then, there is a lot that can be said about rip-offery.


Buyer Beware!

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No, I am not going to explain psychology for you ... we would have to go back to psych kindergarten I feel. I am not going to offer my proofs either as I already know what each response would be.


You wanted an opinion - there it is. Good luck.


Thank you for your opinion. You are correct, I asked for it.


It must be awesome to have psychic powers! I don't even know what my response will be to any given thing until I encounter it!


I am surprised to see such strong opinions against LoA, offered without anything to back them up. I had a similar mindset when I was a Christian, against anything that went against my beliefs. Plenty of heated opinions I would defend at the cost of friendship and forum accounts, no real proof to back them up.


I hope that someday, when you are ready, you will find your way out of this cage. I speak to you as one who has been steadily deconstructing many of my own cages in which I trapped myself.

Edited by DreamBliss
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I have denied myself the right to speak for or against various practices but I did "Like" your opening post.


There is a lot to be said about our subconscious mind.


But then, there is a lot that can be said about rip-offery.


Buyer Beware!


I guess the way I see it is that in order for me to buy any LoA teaching related stuff, like books or seminar seats, I would have to manifest the money first. In other words, the teachings would have to work in order for me to go. I see this as a sort of challenge.


I want to go see Wayne Dyer in Portland on April 19th. I must have $175.00 by March 19th for early registration. The price doubles after that. I could complain about the price. I could criticize or judge Mr. Dyer. Or I can see this as a way to apply what I have been learning, have faith the Universe provides, and leave it in its capable hands.


Which is what I have done. I have set my intention, made my request, and now the practice is to be allowing, open and receptive. The main thing I am struggling with is this "meant to go" mentality, a mutated form of my previous Christian belief in "god's will."


Maybe I will get to go, maybe not. I will continue a practice of no attachment, no aversion, or nonchalance if you prefer. Whatever happens happens. I can't control the actions of those teaching LoA. I can't change what they are charging for things. But I am not going to spend my energy criticizing or judging them. It's none of my business.


My business, my focus, is on how I see things. I work on that, work on my mindset and perception so that I am allowing, open and receptive. If I was to criticize or judge I would effectively close myself off from the provision of the Universe. What they do that have to live with. So the practice here is to see that this is their game, this is their path, and to leave them to it. I just continue to walk my own path.


Besides money is just paper with an agreed-upon value. It has no more value than toilet paper outside human society. It is a tool, to be used as needed or wanted. The practice here is to stop obsessing over how much I spend or what things cost. Again being allowing, open and receptive. Having faith that money is provided. Spending whatever I have for any purpose without reservation.


In the end, despite the fact I have no steady employment, I find money and opportunities to earn it have just come to me, without any effort or trying on my part, outside of remaining in a mindset of allowing, openness and receptivity. Obesseing over or worrying about money just makes us poorer. My parents taught me that by their example, and I have experienced it for myself.

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OK, now back to the subject at hand...


Is there such a thing as a subconscious or unconscious mind?

Yes, there is a subconscious aspect to our brain. Most of us have a lot of trash in that area of our brain, myself included.


Some memories just won't be forgotten. So we have to acknowledge them and let them go their merry way.


I hear what you are saying. I understand you wanting to clear out a lot, if not all, the false knowledge (memories) from your subconscious. Lao Tzu and especially Chuang Tzu told us that we need do this.


How to do it is the question at hand. Different methods for different people. What works for one will not necessarily work for another.


My Sincere Best Wishes.

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OK, now back to the subject at hand...


Is there such a thing as a subconscious or unconscious mind?


Yes, there are deeper depths of "mind" that are beyond one's conscious perception. The spiritual process is really about sort of like "pulling" the subconscious parts into the conscious (or you could also say expanding the conscious to include those greater depths). This is primarily done by dropping issues, fears and obstructions which limit one's perception of these deeper levels.


Best wishes.

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Putting aside the existence of the subconscious would be the same as denying the force of potentiality. It is that area of psyche which receives flow-overs from mental activities and catalogs everything. Without it, we would probably all have died by now from short-circuited synapses.


Think of the subconscious as a cellar which provides the optimum conditions for wine storage. One can choose to store all kinds of wines there... rare ones, common ones, red ones, white ones, rose ones... the thing is, no matter how ideal the storage condition is, filling the whole cellar with cheap whites won't transform them into vintage reds, no matter how long its been kept there, in that ideal setting. LoA, in my opinion, is simply making its adherents aware of this ideal condition where potential can be harnessed optimally, but those who don't understand fully its function seem to think that adopting its principle can miraculously help them transform cheap white wine into vintage reds, or champagne, or premium rosé.


Not sure if you will get what i am alluding to, Dreambliss, but basically thats it - LoA is neither good or bad, as with most things we bring into our practice routine. If we do not match these principles with a systematic cultivation of virtue, ethics & discipline, its the same as storing cheap wines in the cellar while entertaining the idea of these yielding something of value given a certain length of time in its keep.

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There is something in you that is deeper and wiser than your thinking mind. Your thinking mind thinks it is in charge, and finds the L.O.A. to be a most suitable prop to its self aggrandization.


But Its position in the scheme of things is vastly overrated.

Its ability to understand is negligible. It takes decades to even decipher clearly what Ideas are ideas that were programed into it, or that it actually 'chose' to believe.
Even ideas that it think it 'chose' may just be logical flow ons from earlier indoctrination. Or it just chose what ideas felt best based on faith in or reaction to previous sets of worldview... not on truth or reality.


Its ability to control the body is negligible. It partially manages walking and talking while the lions share is looked after by the ever patient deeper place. Just try being 'totally conscious' of walking down the street. Make sure you are 'choosing' to move every single muscle, choosing to perform every stage of breath, toe position, spine alignment, knee bending and straightening...


Thinking mind and its awareness are specialists. They generally, or hopefully can do what they are concentrating on,. as long as it is one thing. It can focus like a torch, sharp and pointed or wider and more diffused {multitasking} but that is it.



And you want to give that part primacy over the rest of you? The part that could potentially believe in any stupid thing, like people who believe in scientology or Hitler or my little pony? The part that is so easily misled?



L.O.A. is newage crap, twisted away from a much greater set of teachings, by 'spiritual' narcissists who are too afraid to admit that they are not in control of everything, and that bad things might happen to them.

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OK, my two cents worth...




We can not be aware of the unconsciousness, because if we aware of it then it is already conscious. So from a purely empirical perspective the unconscious is devoid of any possible existence, or indeed meaning.


We infer the unconscious because we see ourselves automatically behaving and responding to the world in meaningful and intelligent ways. We imagine that we must possess a storehouse of knowledge that we are unaware of.


But our own body is an object in our subjective consciousness in a way that is no different to other objects: trees, stones and so forth.


Nature is full of meaningful patterns. If we grant ourselves an unconscious intelligence, then we must for logical consistency, ascribe the whole cosmos with the same unconscious intelligence. The wind blows in autumn in order to remove the leaves from the trees.


The concept of a private unconscious is therefore untenable whichever way you look at it. The concept of a private consciousness is also totally untenable for the same reasons - this is a hard statement but fact nevertheless.


Law of Attraction


When consciousness is discovered to be cosmic rather than individual and private, this does not remove our sense of being a creative agency but rather enhances it.


Part of the same realisation is that any distinction between private thought and objective event is an illusion. Thought and form are of the same stuff - which we can call energy. Thought is like a seed and form the full grown tree - but both share the same identity.


These thought seeds grow into eventual manifestation through immersion in this conscious consciousness. To immerse in consciousness is nothing other than giving it conscious attention.


The law of attraction is a formulation of the highest principles of creation. To deny it outright is not only unintelligent, but a denial of the spiritual life in general.


All creative acts are achieved in abidance by the law of attraction.


But...and this is a very big BUT...


The person who is trapped in the sense of being an individual consciousness has extremely puny powers of manifestation. Their erroneous beliefs constrict them at every turn. They privately doubt the power of their own little consciousness, and they are a maelstrom of conflicting desires. One moment they give attention to what they want; the next moment they are denying the same desire and doing what others want of them.


Some people can be totally like this, and yet still able to identify the deep cosmic wisdom that is contained within the Law of attraction teachings. They therefore think they can use the laws and manifest themselves a Ferrari. In 99% of cases this shows deep ignorance of their own spiritual immaturity and scattered attention.


But, as usual, there are rare exceptions that confuse everything. in some cases it is possible to have 100% faith in the LoA teachings, with no private feelings of their own puniness. Monstrously egotistical, they combine absolute confidence with all the commonplace desires of the average person. Its money they want more than anything, they have no doubt that they deserve it, and then they manifest themselves a real lottery win!


What these people lack - and they must be pitied for it - they lack any doubt that a lottery win will make them happy. They have no conception at all that there is more to life. Most people do know this deep down, and this undermines their ability to manifest. But if they truly study the heart of the LoA teachings they will eventually gain much more in compensation.


In summary, the LoA is true, but it will only work when you become worthy of it (or totally unworthy).

Edited by Nikolai1
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Thank you everyone for your replies. I apologize that this thread wandered so far into LoA territory. That was not my intention and I accept full responsibility.


I find myself feeling hurt, desiring to defend myself. I know that is coming from the ego. I am not in that state of being or place where I can be aware of what is going on around me, but not caught up or engaged in it.


I feel as if I have become more argumentative than loving. That is not my chosen practice. I think I see what the mirror of your replies here is telling me. But I need to step away for a while.


So I intend for this to be my last reply. I am abandoning this thread. If there is anything else anyone wants to say to me on this subject please do so by 12:00 AM tomorrow evening. I will visit one last time, save the pages, and leave.


I feel that all my life I have had people telling me that life is not in my control. It's in God's control, or that's just the way the world is, or something. I have always felt so powerless, as if I could not change anything out there in the world I did not like. As if I could not change anything in my life I did not like. I was told I was imperfect, a sinner and that I needed to be "saved."


As a result I had low self esteem and was extremely self conscious. I became depressed, then angry, then full of rage. All the happiness was sucked right out of my life. I hid away in my room with my nose in a book or in front of a computer screen. I grew up, essentially, online. Lost friends due to my stupid beliefs, which seemed to mean so much at the time. Argued my case until the mass of torn flesh I was beating on was not recognizable as a dead horse.


So when I found these teachings of Abraham, Seth and others I clung to them like a drowning man would to a scrap of wood on the waves. Finally I had a way to change what I wanted out there, starting with changing things in here! I had the power to change things. I could ask for things, not worrying if it was God's will for me to have them or not. And it worked! At least in my perception. I asked, and I received. I finally found a way through, a way to provide for myself the life I wanted, and to provide for my future family as well. Hell I could provide for myself a future family!


But with this thread and others here at the Tao Bums, I feel as if people are trying to take this away from me. My last hope, the only reason to keep going. I learned my lesson from when I was a Christian, I have to accept, and I do accept, that these people may be right. But if they are, then what? What is left? If the world is the way it is, and I have no power to change it or my own life, what then?


I will drop these beliefs if they prove to be false in my own experience. Until then I choose to hold on to them. But I don't want to be in an environment that seems hostile to my choice. So I am stepping away for a while. When I do return, I am setting an intention to refrain from talking about LoA here, like a child who would avoid showing a crayon drawing to the mean adult who always criticizes it. So I will be back, but I am going to take a break for now. Work through things, figure things out. I don't want to be in an environment that causes me to have doubt, fear or worry about something I have chosen, at this time, to believe.


In short, being here, at these forums, at this time, does not feel good. It hurts me. I am not a masochist, whatever other ist you may think me to be. I do not enjoy pain, either having it inflicted on me or giving it to others. For now I wish to stick with those things that empower and support me, to surround myself with those things.


Blessings and love to all of you!

Edited by DreamBliss
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I feel that all my life I have had people telling me that life is not in my control.

I have never, ever been one of those. Yes, I have stated that we have limits; both regarding our own capabilities and capacities as well as external limits. But we will never know how far we can go until we start pushing the envelope.

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Thank you for your opinion. You are correct, I asked for it.


It must be awesome to have psychic powers! I don't even know what my response will be to any given thing until I encounter it!


I am surprised to see such strong opinions against LoA, offered without anything to back them up. I had a similar mindset when I was a Christian, against anything that went against my beliefs. Plenty of heated opinions I would defend at the cost of friendship and forum accounts, no real proof to back them up.


I hope that someday, when you are ready, you will find your way out of this cage. I speak to you as one who has been steadily deconstructing many of my own cages in which I trapped myself.


I said quiet clearly it is my other posts and they are extensively researched and referenced. You are tending to ignore that aren't you ? Now you try to turn my cage analogy back on me.


Sorry, I am an old hand at deflecting others psychic BS , the game wont work on me and I wont engage.


The truth is out there ... and evidence of the damage actually caused by this stupid way of thinking, I have seen it and the damage it has done. Its one step above 'breatharianism' and its associated 'Spiritual New Age Gurus'.


And here I will put a reference .... not that they are hard to find .... if one has the will, a desire for the 'independent investigation of truth ' (and the facts), and access to wikipedia (even there it is clear) that over rules one's delusions:











especially from 7:40 !







who cares as long as it brings in




Edited by Nungali

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OK, now back to the subject at hand...


Is there such a thing as a subconscious or unconscious mind?


Of course there is, but you need to find the distinction between the two.

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Thank you everyone for your replies. I apologize that this thread wandered so far into LoA territory. That was not my intention and I accept full responsibility.


I find myself feeling hurt, desiring to defend myself. I know that is coming from the ego. I am not in that state of being or place where I can be aware of what is going on around me, but not caught up or engaged in it.


I feel as if I have become more argumentative than loving. That is not my chosen practice. I think I see what the mirror of your replies here is telling me. But I need to step away for a while.


So I intend for this to be my last reply. I am abandoning this thread. If there is anything else anyone wants to say to me on this subject please do so by 12:00 AM tomorrow evening. I will visit one last time, save the pages, and leave.


I feel that all my life I have had people telling me that life is not in my control. It's in God's control, or that's just the way the world is, or something. I have always felt so powerless, as if I could not change anything out there in the world I did not like. As if I could not change anything in my life I did not like. I was told I was imperfect, a sinner and that I needed to be "saved."


As a result I had low self esteem and was extremely self conscious. I became depressed, then angry, then full of rage. All the happiness was sucked right out of my life. I hid away in my room with my nose in a book or in front of a computer screen. I grew up, essentially, online. Lost friends due to my stupid beliefs, which seemed to mean so much at the time. Argued my case until the mass of torn flesh I was beating on was not recognizable as a dead horse.


So when I found these teachings of Abraham, Seth and others I clung to them like a drowning man would to a scrap of wood on the waves. Finally I had a way to change what I wanted out there, starting with changing things in here! I had the power to change things. I could ask for things, not worrying if it was God's will for me to have them or not. And it worked! At least in my perception. I asked, and I received. I finally found a way through, a way to provide for myself the life I wanted, and to provide for my future family as well. Hell I could provide for myself a future family!


But with this thread and others here at the Tao Bums, I feel as if people are trying to take this away from me. My last hope, the only reason to keep going. I learned my lesson from when I was a Christian, I have to accept, and I do accept, that these people may be right. But if they are, then what? What is left? If the world is the way it is, and I have no power to change it or my own life, what then?


I will drop these beliefs if they prove to be false in my own experience. Until then I choose to hold on to them. But I don't want to be in an environment that seems hostile to my choice. So I am stepping away for a while. When I do return, I am setting an intention to refrain from talking about LoA here, like a child who would avoid showing a crayon drawing to the mean adult who always criticizes it. So I will be back, but I am going to take a break for now. Work through things, figure things out. I don't want to be in an environment that causes me to have doubt, fear or worry about something I have chosen, at this time, to believe.


In short, being here, at these forums, at this time, does not feel good. It hurts me. I am not a masochist, whatever other ist you may think me to be. I do not enjoy pain, either having it inflicted on me or giving it to others. For now I wish to stick with those things that empower and support me, to surround myself with those things.


Blessings and love to all of you!



I thought that would happen too. You would do a runner and go and join some LoA site or whatever.


Just in case you come back and read this. Some of the sterner responses to you could be seen like this;


We have all been in a shipwreck, some of us have climbed into a lifeboat, you are floating around clinging desperately to driftwood that has saved you, up to now. Some are extending their hand from the lifeboat to you, some are persuading. I am hitting your hand that clings to the wood with the oar and pushing the wood away from you. That wood will eventually become waterlogged. If I seem harsh, I am not going to apologise for that.


Some of the people in this lifeboat here are experienced at 'survival'. I value the experience and sharing.




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