
So my massage therapist had itching at her hair line...

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Just wanted to share a little tidbit. Maybe it's nothing, or not what I think, or whatever. Just feel like sharing. Feel free to speculate to your heart's content, haha.


My massage therapist mentioned that she had an itching feeling at her hair line, center forehead (which, since her hair line is quite high up, would probably be the so-called(?) unicorn point), and had no clue what could be causing it. It must have been a significant sensation according to her description.

Today she told me that later the itching had moved down to between her eyes/eyebrows.


Any interesting information on why the same points can manifest so many various sensations? I myself have a magnetic feeling and rarely it felt like a cool breeze (which in the Kunlun Nei Gung system is said to be when the real energy flow is active, so to speak), but I've read that it can also be heat/burning sensation. Also tingling? And itching is still different from tingling, but is that 'official', too?

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Seems like the niwans blockages. One at the hAirline. There's a ni wan at the centre forehead one between the eyebrows. Find a master to check if they are genuine opening of the third eye or chi deviation.

Edited by Pyramidalcow

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