
Inner heart or above the head...

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But eventually, you might come down on another planet or vanish in a black hole.

Yeah, science is finding evidence for more and more black holes all the time.


But if I do end up on another planet I hope it has the resources necessary to support my life.

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I've heard the way above described as a road towards the light.

I wonder if it may also be a road for the light to return to one's center.

Guess it depends on where one is going.

The light is IN the center channel....:)

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I've heard the way above described as a road towards the light.

I wonder if it may also be a road for the light to return to one's center.

Guess it depends on where one is going.

Yes, I think it would have to work both ways.


But then, if one is not going anywhere ...

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Neither. Nothing has value but the light and the light is all and everywhere. The rest is metaphors and superimpositions of those metaphors on the images the mind creates to understand the incomprehensible infinitude of form.


well, somethin like that...

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I've heard the way above described as a road towards the light.

I wonder if it may also be a road for the light to return to one's center.

Guess it depends on where one is going.


only when one is not going anywhere, the light will become one

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Yeah, science is finding evidence for more and more black holes all the time.

There is an intriguing theory that there are actually microscopic black holes being created in washing machines - accounting for the mysterious phenomenon of vanishing socks. That's why "2001" astronaut David Bowman, when he looked into that trans-dimensional gate, exclaimed: "Oh my God... It's full of single socks!"

Edited by Michael Sternbach
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When you make a decision like this you have to establish a clear direction of practice. In this case you have two yogic practices and wish to focus on one practice.


The heart and the crown chakra are connected. While the crown chakra is the gateway for energy from the higher self to flow into the human experience, the heart is the center of the divine in human experience.


In my experience working with the crown chakra may just cause interference with the natural functioning of the gateway. This tends to lead to a sort of abstract intellectualism, and a sort of self righteous egotism.


Working with the heart on the other hand will allow a person to gather and activate the divine energy. When the divine energy if flowing from the open heart the crown chakra will naturally open as more divine energy can be accepted by the heart. Working with the heart leads to actualizing the divine energy in the human incarnation.


As above, so below, As within, so without.


If the divine energy is not actualized then the divine energy can not serve its purpose, whether the crown is open or not.


If you wish to cultivate the higher chakras, I recommend the throat and third eye. When these are combined with a primary focus on opening the heart, the result tends to be a great degree of communion between the human mind and the divine energy and a natural opening of the crown.


Ive worked with both is the past and experienced the effects of either. I have also observed people, including teachers, who have emphasized either.


Love and Light


Edited by phore
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