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And please nobody profess a position above and beyond positivity and negativity. Unless you have no electrolytes in your blood -- in which case you're a different species and have no business teaching humans.


I'd say that sounds like a strange thing to say Taomeow considering you were giving us some good reminders about water recently...


for there is an ocean inside an ocean inside an ocean and while swimming there one will not come across negative or positive water for its all one pure ocean. (and its ok to go skinny dipping once in awhile without all our baggage on)

Edited by 3bob

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That's like putting your fingers in your ears and going LALALALALALA.


If you want to ride the seesaw of positive and negative then be my guest. I'm not even on it.

Ok, would you care to offer your two cents?

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I'd say that sounds like a strange thing to say Taomeow considering you were giving us some good reminders about water recently...


for there is an ocean inside an ocean inside an ocean and while swimming there one will not come across negative or positive water for its all one pure ocean. (and its ok to go skinny dipping once in awhile without all our baggage on)


Oceans produce negative ions. Negative ions heal.

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yep, for an H2o related ocean - if that is the only type of ocean one is pointing to

Edited by 3bob
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I´m reminded of the following quote...



“I blame the daffodils. Who wants to hear summery sounds while they’re in prison? Who wants to hear summery sounds even when they’re free. Not me. I hate summer. The same old outings, happy people going on long-planned holidays. Children sucking ice-cream, pregnant women wearing blousey dresses. Why can’t it be winter the whole year round. Do we really need summer?”


June Gibbons

I "Like"d that even though I am totally against such mentality.

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yep, for an H2o related ocean - if that is the only type of ocean one is pointing to


As the Yuandao put it, "it's not useful to talk to fishes living in the well about the ocean, because their view is limited." By "fishes living in the well" the sage meant humans of the Middle World, of course.


I always talk things human with humans in the Middle World. It's a huge and complex world, the human world, it has enough in it in need of sorting out, and jumping out of it like a fish jumping out of the well -- in which case it seldom if ever lands in the ocean -- is usually premature, as responses to human concerns go.


And when I state my position regarding not talking to humans from some above and beyond, no positive/no negative perspective of this or that celestial realm, the ocean of all worlds, and so on, that's because fishes living in the well are not the ocean and are not IN the ocean even if they are historically OF the ocean, and to me, sound less than convincing when they talk from the perspective of the ocean as though it is their current state. Much of the time they just wind up sounding preachy and artificial and ridiculous. Though some do fool some others some of the time, I'll give them that. But not all, and not all of the time, most definitely.


See, it's one thing to have a philosophy in one's head and another thing to come like the spring, benefitting all beings. When someone of the former type talks as though he's of the latter type of being, that's what I ask them not to indulge in, ask it of anyone who would. That kind of a line of thought.

Edited by Taomeow
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Two cents aren't worth what they used to be worth.

Depends who is giving the two cents.

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Two cents aren't worth what they used to be worth.

(Answer 2, to cover the literal)


I can imagine. Why am I using Americanisms anyway?!

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I can imagine. Why am I using Americanisms anyway?!

Because American is more fun than English is?


We even have some French words in our language.

Edited by Marblehead

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Because American is more fun than English is?


We even have some French words in our language.

True. Sidewalk makes more sense than pavement too. I love the "douche" insult as well...that's funny. Is that negative? Maybe it's positive because it's a joke. Idk any more =P

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I love the "douche" insult as well...that's funny. Is that negative? Maybe it's positive because it's a joke. Idk any more =P

Yeah, it's negative but is most time said and taken jokingly so it ends up being positive.

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As the Yuandao put it, "it's not useful to talk to fishes living in the well about the ocean, because their view is limited." By "fishes living in the well" the sage meant humans of the Middle World, of course.


I always talk things human with humans in the Middle World. It's a huge and complex world, the human world, it has enough in it in need of sorting out, and jumping out of it like a fish jumping out of the well -- in which case it seldom if ever lands in the ocean -- is usually premature, as responses to human concerns go.


And when I state my position regarding not talking to humans from some above and beyond, no positive/no negative perspective of this or that celestial realm, the ocean of all worlds, and so on, that's because fishes living in the well are not the ocean and are not IN the ocean even if they are historically OF the ocean, and to me, sound less than convincing when they talk from the perspective of the ocean as though it is their current state. Much of the time they just wind up sounding preachy and artificial and ridiculous. Though some do fool some others some of the time, I'll give them that. But not all, and not all of the time, most definitely.


See, it's one thing to have a philosophy in one's head and another thing to come like the spring, benefitting all beings. When someone of the former type talks as though he's of the latter type of being, that's what I ask them not to indulge in, ask it of anyone who would. That kind of a line of thought.


Umm, even a blind ground hog can find an acorn once in awhile and enjoy it, and only a fool would turn down a true oceanic gift horse no matter how it came to them! As for being holier than thou about not being holier than thou, that's odd... Btw, I'd give those fish, (as aspects of ourselves) no matter where they may be or not be one hell of a lot more credit than you do! Other than that you do have some points about the pit-falls of being misled or a fake.

Edited by 3bob

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Her song reaches from above to below and from beyond to inside although such places are only apparent,

She never mutes her voice for humans or anyone else for if it was she did she would be un-done and so would we,

thus in hearing her sing the ears can not be broken but hearts easily can.

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