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Sacred Chaos: Sexuality From a New Perspective

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Sacred Chaos: Sexuality From a New Perspective


Iā€™ve gone out of the desire to go and pick up women - in a collective consciousness I guess itā€™s expected of guys like me to go and do it all the time, but Iā€™ve gone against that now. Iā€™m confident enough to talk to any Woman if I want to now, but Iā€™ve given up caringā€¦the expectation to screw girls day in day out would often excruciatingly grind into me but Iā€™ve come to realise it is not an actual desire of mine to pick up as many gorgeous women off the street as I can - Iā€™ve gone into a relationship with divine/cosmic feminine. I live a full-time, creative lifestyle now - it gets tough for guys like me when there are girls EVERYWHERE but you know itā€™s good for you now to go against that guy inside that wants to go bang all of them - even though that could go down as something epic to the men of the world and I could do it, it is not the way Iā€™ve come to embrace. I now love girlfriends - Iā€™ve created internally women to be ā€œWow, how gorgeous they all areā€¦ā€ then *BANG them all with GING ENERGY* and go home and fuck the Goddess with my Guitar, Kung Fu and Pen!


Great decision. Now Iā€™ve gone through problems I used to have, get more creative work done and have a greater relationship with feminine energy than Iā€™ve had before. Because I consciously choose to not go and pick up women. The girls get angry I think, when youā€™re going hard and youā€™ve got juice without going with ā€œjust herā€ for relationship or whatever, but it is better for greater art! I will go out with women who go ahead and ask me out or express interest towards me on the ā€˜net if it feels good, which comes up sometimes, but otherwise I just donā€™t care now. The ones I connect with meaningfully are the only girls I actually give my attention to these days - existing in their own realities, they come along in the right ways at the right times.


All for Music, all for Creative Purpose.



Edited by Unseen_Abilities

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We think we've grown out of the traditional Christian taboo on sex, but we're actually very much still reacting to it in our attitude towards sex even now. The fact that men consider it "epic" to be able to pick up a different woman every night (I used to have this mindset too), and entire social lives are built around this pursuit, shows just how estranged we've become from the original act: two animals having sex, for two reasons -- for pleasure and to reproduce. (Not all animals do it for pleasure of course, but look at bonobos, macaques, is often of evolutionary benefit for it to be pleasurable.)


When I say "Christian taboo", this applies elsewhere too. The (sub)cultural obsession with having sex with as many people as possible probably arises to a greater extent in societies where sex is hidden behind a curtain, portrayed as naughty, and historically "forbidden", but where in reality everyone is (of course) still having sex regardless. This describes many societies throughout the past few hundred years.


I don't know that it's 'natural' for two people to spend their lives together only having sex with each other, but I equally don't know that it's 'natural' to go out frequently in the nighttime with the sole purpose of having sex and not reproducing. Very odd, really.


In a healthy society (paradox?), I think the attitude would be somewhere in the middle. Rather than spend one's early adulthood seeking as many partners as possible, and then getting bored and choosing one to sign a legal contract with saying that you'll never leave each other until one of you dies, it seems to me that a free breed of people would choose partners as and when they found one with whom they had a mutual connection, and then move on as and when that connection broke down.

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