
What you see infront of you is all not really there and constant subject to change by your inner reality. You, are and were always in control.

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It is one gigantique video game. And I am glad I have experienced video games for how Life's intelligenc teaches fundamentals through everything, wether it be you selling hot dogs or working in an office in a skyscraper. Wether you are a monk or a pimp. If you are interested in learning fundamentls, Life teachings you it everywhere, regardless of your surrounding.

All the beings you encounter, all the interactions with humans, animals, plants, maybe non-physical beings are for the most part all NPCs. NPC is a term taken out of video games and means "Non-player character", a character set into the world with certain day and night duties which should give the idea of continuous lifecycle. If you choose to ask him why he does it, he will answer you with a generic "I dont know, well it feels right / good." This can be understood as the subconscious mind. A gigantique recording of everything that ever happens and has every happend and out of which the NPCs "intelligence" is puzzled together to give the idea of an intelligent being. It is controlled by thoughts and emotions. All here is in essence truly one paradise in which you are getting handed everything, what you want to have. If you can not see this yet, then you are not paying correct attention to certain parts of your life or live out of alignment. In essence all is set so that you are satisfied with everything you always want to have. Regardless of what it is.


The waking conscious mind is like the actual player in the video game, discovering what is there to be discovered and experiencing all the possible experiences. When seemingly all is experienced or enough ignorance is accumulated, the player wishes to change the game. And life gives it a new game, the player stranded again on the "tropical isle" with complete memory loss (of so called "previous lifes") and learns all basics again so he can continue his "epic adventure" one more time.


It is mindblowing how many similarities there are between actual developed games, coming from the subconscious ideas of the developers and actual "human life". The similarities are so equal it makes this life at some points a complete farce...


That is the case because the mind became so conscious that it discovers the looping nature of the subsconious mind and that he sees "I am not that", so s/he wants to discover who s/he really is.

And at that point one will actually reveal that ALL of what happens here in this world is one gigantique "I press this button and I see what happens" game. One action followed by a reaction. Always. And that is why every individual becomes manipulative at some point, because s/he feels that s/he was "manipulated" the entire time by the game itself so it's one big payback game.


Of course this doesnt last for long eather because the reaction of this great pain that s/he attracts in return and so many realizations follow and one actually finds interest in the greater picture and eventually bring harmony to oneself and ultimatelly to "everyone else".


So when I change myself my entire reality shifts. "You" from your perspective will possibly read this with your ego and think "wait how can he do it? If he can do it, he will affect my reality aswell?" Yeah.. we can not really talk in this way because we want to talk on equal dimensions of being "the only I that there is and ever will be" to understand this.

You can see it as infinite multiple realities crossing eachother in which you are the author. In the end of all ends and the beginning of all beginnings: I am the only one who ever existed and will ever exist.


Does this sound sad? Yes it does, for the human mind. For some reason. I want to ask myself, "David why does this sound sad? Have you ever experienced it directly?" - "No, not yet. Oh maybe I did but I cant precisly remember it right now. Lets continue..."

That was I talking to I. Not very different as you talking to "someone else". It just gives the impression of being less of a depressive situation. Have you ever faked own likes on facebook or other community sites to "look better to others"? Now you feel like God all the time^^ and see I, as God, can even laugh about it.


Because all is filtered through total bliss and so all of this here is meaningless. Edit: And VERY important at the same time :)


Satsang with one's self is such a beautiful yet strange thing...



See you.

Edited by 4bsolute
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It is one gigantique video game. And I am glad I have experienced video games for how Life's intelligenc teaches fundamentals through everything, wether it be you selling hot dogs or working in an office in a skyscraper. Wether you are a monk or a pimp. If you are interested in learning fundamentls, Life teachings you it everywhere, regardless of your surrounding.


All the beings you encounter, all the interactions with humans, animals, plants, maybe non-physical beings are for the most part all NPCs. NPC is a term taken out of video games and means "Non-player character", a character set into the world with certain day and night duties which should give the idea of continuous lifecycle. If you choose to ask him why he does it, he will answer you with a generic "I dont know, well it feels right / good." This can be understood as the subconscious mind. A gigantique recording of everything that ever happens and has every happend and out of which the NPCs "intelligence" is puzzled together to give the idea of an intelligent being. It is controlled by thoughts and emotions. All here is in essence truly one paradise in which you are getting handed everything, what you want to have. If you can not see this yet, then you are not paying correct attention to certain parts of your life or live out of alignment. In essence all is set so that you are satisfied with everything you always want to have. Regardless of what it is.


The waking conscious mind is like the actual player in the video game, discovering what is there to be discovered and experiencing all the possible experiences. When seemingly all is experienced or enough ignorance is accumulated, the player wishes to change the game. And life gives it a new game, the player stranded again on the "tropical isle" with complete memory loss (of so called "previous lifes") and learns all basics again so he can continue his "epic adventure" one more time.


It is mindblowing how many similarities there are between actual developed games, coming from the subconscious ideas of the developers and actual "human life". The similarities are so equal it makes this life at some points a complete farce...


That is the case because the mind became so conscious that it discovers the looping nature of the subsconious mind and that he sees "I am not that", so s/he wants to discover who s/he really is.


And at that point one will actually reveal that ALL of what happens here in this world is one gigantique "I press this button and I see what happens" game. One action followed by a reaction. Always. And that is why every individual becomes manipulative at some point, because s/he feels that s/he was "manipulated" the entire time by the game itself so it's one big payback game.


Of course this doesnt last for long eather because the reaction of this great pain that s/he attracts in return and so many realizations follow and one actually finds interest in the greater picture and eventually bring harmony to oneself and ultimatelly to "everyone else".


So when I change myself my entire reality shifts. "You" from your perspective will possibly read this with your ego and think "wait how can he do it? If he can do it, he will affect my reality aswell?" Yeah.. we can not really talk in this way because we want to talk on equal dimensions of being "the only I that there is and ever will be" to understand this.


You can see it as infinite multiple realities crossing eachother in which you are the author. In the end of all ends and the beginning of all beginnings: I am the only one who ever existed and will ever exist.


Does this sound sad? Yes it does, for the human mind. For some reason. I want to ask myself, "David why does this sound sad? Have you ever experienced it directly?" - "No, not yet. Oh maybe I did but I cant precisly remember it right now. Lets continue..."


That was I talking to I. Not very different as you talking to "someone else". It just gives the impression of being less of a depressive situation. Have you ever faked own likes on facebook or other community sites to "look better to others"? Now you feel like God all the time^^ and see I, as God, can even laugh about it.


Because all is filtered through total bliss and so all of this here is meaningless. Edit: And VERY important at the same time :)



Satsang with one's self is such a beautiful yet strange thing...



See you.

I can dig it :)

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We can't help identifying with the NPC we have always identified with. It takes us along time to lose interest in that guy, and it's hard to let go of him. A halfway stage is to take interest in other 'past' selves, but in the long run we have to lose interest in these too.

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