Daode Center has recently started on-line classes in English. We decided to begin with Daogong, preliminary exercises from the traditional Qigong (Yangsheng) legacy. Daogong helps to obtain self control, cheerfulness and ability to work with the energy-Qi inside and outside of the body. Usually it takes about 3 months to learn, then students continue by the first level of Internal Alchemy as taught in Yu Xian Pai school.
Before we've used on-line video a lot, but the actual knowledge transmission has been done in person. Now we work with people we've never seen before. So far the results are really good, and some people even could start the first level of Yu Xian Pai's Internal Alchemy. You can read their opinions on our forum: http://forum.daode.ru/f1461/new-online-students-32179/?langid=1
The classes are being held once a week on weekends. If you are interested in joining the group please contact me by PM or send an email to [email protected].