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I would like a spiritual alternative to as my homepage. Suggestions?

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I have been using as my homepage for my web browser for some time now. I like the daily images. I do not like the news. As I can not find a way to disable the news and keep the daily image, I am looking for an alternative homepage.


I would like something that gives some sort of daily image, like Bing, but no news or other garbage. I would LOVE something artistic or spiritual or both. Imagine opening your web browser to one of Alex Grey's images! I would prefer it have a search engine for the web, or be part of a search engine, but I don't have to have that.


Just some place with a new image, HD quality, every day, which I can open my browser and see, maybe be inspired. Heck maybe one of the images will make me "wake up!" I mean if someone can become enlightened in a butcher's shop when the guy in charge says all their pieces of meat are the best, then an image can certainly do it!


Please suggest any sites you know of that provide some sort of daily image as an alternative to Bing. Thank you.

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I use  It allows great personalization, like the old igoogle used to.  Thus you can make a page or several pages linking to favorite sites.

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From my understanding of spiritual progression, you begin with, then transition to, find that empty and shallow, so seeking something with more substance choose, only to find that they are exploiting your spirituality with commercialism, so you eventually settle for, however with age, you become disillusioned with their youthful idealism and choose once again, starting the spiritual cycle all over. 

Edited by Aaron
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I have an artist's spirit. I like to look at beautiful, inspiring things.


Thank you for your suggestions.

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If you can't find the homepage you are after, maybe try contacting one of the artists you like and humbly ask him to put his artworks into a rotating homepage!  Win-win.

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