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in this world one has to earn the right to know who they are

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i think something different happens if one is able to become one with the universe. 


A master told me that when people die they go through processes to gain a new body, However, the universe itself is also a body, so those who become one are able to utilize the universal body. 



This is an interesting thought you've stumbled upon:

What "use" does the "universal body" have for an individual within the universal body?


How and WHY does one "utilize the universal body"?

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This is an interesting thought you've stumbled upon:

What "use" does the "universal body" have for an individual within the universal body?


How and WHY does one "utilize the universal body"?

I cant answer that question, because i'm not at that level to be frank with you. 


It basically escaping continual rebirth. becoming one with the universe. you are the universe. 

Ascension is entering into "shared knowledge" through merging. 


One utilizes the universal body to be in less of a bind.


The more expanded one is the less of a bind they are in. The more control. 


There is a teaching on this similar to the last one i posted if you read it. But it is in a publication so i dont want to keep posting them. But 

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I cant answer that question, because i'm not at that level to be frank with you. 

:wub:  i know, 'salllll good :D haha


It basically escaping continual rebirth. becoming one with the universe. you are the universe. 

Ascension is entering into "shared knowledge" through merging. 


"Escaping" is a bit harsh and inappropriate...  All are one with the universe, and you're not all wrong there, but it's a little more subtle than becoming what you already are.  becoming aware and actualizing what you are - ACTING on it as frankly and aloofly as you might breathe. "Shared knowledge" is immaginary (not to say nonexistant or ineffective).



One utilizes the universal body to be in less of a bind.

read as: loosening the shackles...? perhaps?




The more expanded one is the less of a bind they are in. The more control. 

"control" is again a bit harsh and less appropriate, but not inappropriate either.  "personal power security..."


There is a teaching on this similar to the last one i posted if you read it. But it is in a publication so i dont want to keep posting them. But 






I think you're well along the right path in all this, however.



Just keep observing the universe observing itself through itself as itself, etc.  :lol:


You'd be amazed at what the subconscious loses track of...! ;)

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