
Personal Practice Discussion Thread Request

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I would like to have a space to publish my daily meditative practice, thanks in advance.

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Hello Steve, I would also like to request a Personal Practice Discussion thread please. Thank you! 

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Could I have one too, please? 

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I appear only to have permission to edit or to hide my redundant PPF threads.


Is it possible to obtain permission to delete an entirely redundant thread?

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The forum currently does not give members the option to delete posts and threads, only hide. Even the mods are discouraged from deleting anything. This is all to preserve the integrity of posts others may have added to the thread and also to allow mods/admin to see what has been posted in the event of a conflict or issue of some sort. If you want to delete something, I can help. Either post here or send me a PM.


Of note, if you hide something you will not be able to see it in order to unhide it unless you have moderator permissions (which you do do your own PPF). 


Thanks and welcome back!


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5 hours ago, Camellia said:

Hello! May I please have a PPD? 🌻


Yes. :)

However, could be lag of up to a couple of weeks as our tech is away from the board for a bit.

thanks for your patience,


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