
What Results Do People Here Have From Training?

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I can report without qualification that I am sick much less often and don't hurt myself at work any longer.

I know there are many other connections but one of the other things that comes from the practice is a reluctance on my part to say for sure what caused what.
Your results may vary.
Now I am repeating myself.

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There is a great little book written by John Blofeld, who visited China in the 1930's and 40's - researching Buddhism - and Taoism. 


After commenting to a Taoist recluse in the White Cloud Monastery that "...of the many wise hermits encountered during my wanderings, the few who had betrayed signs of being, as I fancied, closest to illumination had almost all been Buddhist." - the recluse wondered if even one of them surpassed the Taoist recluse known as Tseng Lao-weng. 


Arrangements were made for Blofeld to meet Lao-weng, what follows is part of their conversation.




"Venerable, it is just that, as most of my teachers are Buddhist, I am ignorant about what Taoists mean by such terms as wisdom and illumination, and about their methods of approaching the Tao." 


He laughed. "How strange. Can there be two kinds of wisdom, two kinds of illumination, Taoist and Buddhist? Surely the experience of truth must be the same for all? As to approaching the Tao, be sure that demons and executioners, let alone Buddhists, are as close to it as can be. The one impossible thing is to get a finger's breadth away from it. Do you suppose that some people are nearer to it than others? Is a bird closer to the air than a tortoise or a cat? The Tao is closer to you than the nose on your face; it is only because you can tweak your nose that you think otherwise. Asking about our approach to the Tao is like asking a deep-sea fish how it approaches the water. It is just a matter of recognizing what has been inside, outside and all around from the first. Do you understand?" 


"Yes, I believe I do. Certainly my Buddhist teachers have taught me that there is no attaining liberation, but only attaining recognition of what one has always been from the first." 


"Excellent! Your teachers, then, are true sages. You are a worthy disciple, so why brave the bitter cold to visit an ordinary old fellow? You would have learnt as much at your own fireside." 


"Venerable, please don’t laugh at me! I accept your teaching that true sages have but the one goal. Still, here in China, there are Buddhists and there are also Taoists. Manifestly they differ; since the goal is one, the distinction must lie in their methods of approach" 


"So you are hungry not for wisdom but for knowledge! What a pity! Wisdom is almost as satisfying as good millet-gruel, whereas knowledge has less body to it than tepid water poured over old tea-leaves; but if that is the fare you have come for, I can give you as much as your mistreated belly will hold. What sort of old tea-leaves do Buddhists use, I wonder! We Taoists use all sorts. Some swallow medicine-balls as big as pigeon's eggs or drink tonics by the jug, live upon unappetizing diets, take baths at intervals governed by esoteric numbers, breathe in and out like asthmatic dragons, or jump about like Manchu bannermen hardening themselves for battle - all this discomfort just for the sake of a few extra decades of life! And why? To gain more time to find what has never been lost! 


And what of those pious recluses who rattle mallets against wooden-fish drums from dusk to dawn, groaning out liturgies like cholera-patients excreting watery dung? They are penitents longing to rid themselves of a burden they never had. These people do everything imaginable, including swallowing pills made from the vital fluids secreted by the opposite sex and lighting fires in their bellies to make the alchemic cauldrons boil. I shall have to talk of such follies for hours, if you really want a full list of Taoist methods. These method-users resemble mountain streams a thousand leagues from the sea. Ah, how they chatter and gurgle, bubble and boil, rush and eddy, plunging over precipices in spectacular fashion! How angrily they pound against the boulders and suck down their prey in treacherous whirl-pools! But, as the streams broaden, they grow quieter and more purposeful. They become rivers - ah, how calm, how silent! How majestically they sweep towards their goal, giving no impression of swiftness and, as they near the ocean, seeming not to move at all! 


While noisy mountain streams are reminiscent of people chattering about the Tao and showing-off spectacular methods, rivers remind one of experienced men, taciturn, doing little, but doing it decisively; outwardly still, yet sweeping forward faster than you know. Your teachers have offered you wisdom; they why waste time acquiring knowledge? Methods! Approaches! Need the junk-master steering towards the sea, with the sales of his vessel billowing in the wind, bother his head about alternative modes of propulsion - oars, paddles, punt-poles, tow-ropes, engines and all the rest? Any sort of vessel, unless it founders or pitches you overboard, is good enough to take you to the one and only sea." 


The secret and the sublime: Taoist Mysteries and Magic ~ John Blofeld


This caught my attention. Interesting read, and similar words have been said by other wise people. This seems to imply that there is nothing to seek, nothing to attain to, nothing to strive towards.   Then why do we bother ?  Strangely enough, the super Enlightened ones (like Buddha, Jesus etc.)  did not say do not strive, you are already possess what you seek.  Perhaps i am misunderstanding his message ?

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A growing compassion that allows me to love and forgive everyone.

A non-attachment that makes me always remember that all is well.

The ability to embody peace when there is none around me.

A romance between my body, mind and spirit that reminds me I've already done it all in "other" "times".

I've healed quite a few health issues within myself, family, pets and friends.

The ability to clear any negative emotion.

The gift of knowing many of my "other" lifetimes.

The gift of meeting many of my guides and working with them closely.

The gift of Time Travel (Energy Body only thus far :))

The gift of Astral Travel

The gift of Spirit Body Travel

The gift of Internal Vision

The gift of Remote Viewing

The gift of Energy Projection

The gift of Diagnosing Health Issues

The gift of Receiving a Jin Dan

The gift of extending the astral tube from Yintang

The gift of projecting inside my body

The gift of viewing other people's dantien at a distance (some are massive, like they extend three times beyond the physical body size, others are perfect tai chi symbols, others are glowing disks).

The gift of internal travel and sitting in front of my jin dan, watching it glow.

The gift of internal travel and viewing the internal fire at the lower burner.

The gift of internal travel and watching waves of qi tsunamis flowing through my body.

The gift of internal travel and watching yin and yang qi battle/wrestle/copulate and travel through the internal channels (lower burner) that look like translucent waterslide tubes.

The gift of internal travel and observing "dark matter".

The gift of such a strong will that I pulled up my kundalini by will and breath - to the absolute confusion of a little kundalini guardian/possum like entity, that was doing his best to keep it locked in the base chakra (but, "you'll never do that again, until its ready now I know you can do that", he said.)

The gift of being able to see demonic entities and dispense them when they have been sent by dark magicians.

The ability to "see" angels

The ability to see tree auras

The ability to project many thousand of light years into deep space and observe planets, systems, stars, and deep space objects.

The ability to feel things at a distance.

I once projected to the beginning of time before time and witnessed Source and the first created god.

A much stronger telepathic ability.

An ability to enter and exit psychosis without freaking out.

Ability to communicate with Elementals.

Telepathic ability with animals.

The ability to talk to stars and see them send magnanimous beams of light into me from light years away.

How to balance my organ qi with pulse diagnosis.

Ability to recycle negative energy and grow my energy body.

How to stop my cat from drinking and vomiting incessantly with acupuncture.

Ability to put my body sound asleep while my mind is even more lucid than when awake, and the ability to listen to myself snore while mentally awake/bodily asleep.

Ability to see/know other people's other lifetimes.

Ability to clear emotions from other people by just talking with their subconscious remotely.

Ability to see spirit from a very high place such that they think I cannot see them, as the normal faculties don't appear to be active from their perspective, but I can see them.

The ability to see those tiny darting energy forms/sparks that issue from the central sun, and are all around us (Yang Qi).

The ability to project inside my middle dantien and sit watching the flickering white flame of my soul.

The ability to project inside my upper dantian and see the shen produced from the flame in hy heart center below - and the ability to counsel my soul when I felt such deep sorrow at how little shen there was in that cavity.

The ability to forgive myself for allowing myself to fall so low, so as to make the transition into this plane possible, and how devastating that was for me.

The gift of patience.

The ability to sit in meditation without thinking a single thought for hours.

The gift of feeling the qi arrive when i needle myself, another person, animal, plant, or the earth.

The ability to make my wife spiritually project anywhere I want her to go by asking her to go to where my mind is and she falls asleep and goes there instantly.

The presence to realise that this current humanity is choosing all of this, and that the "control system" is made to order based upon humanity's unwillingness to take responsibility (maybe not a biggy for others, but none the less a very prized realisation for myself).

The ability to experience all of these things and really not give a shit for any of it.

The ability to share all of this in gratitude and really not give a shit what anyone else things or says about it.

The ability to know I am sane when other people see crazy.

The ability to realise that I can overcome any adversity.

The ability to know that (having done all of this before/currently in other past/parallel/happening now lifetimes) I don't need a teacher despite what other less fortunate and less evolved individuals think and say about that.

The ability to sadly let go of other learning opportunities and people that I love because of the semen demon they created to "protect" their fantastic practices, and the ability to not hold remorse for that even when I know they are underestimating me in their judgements, and to keep loving them.

The ability to walk the lone path, and be ok with me.

The ability to see a "yin field".

The ability to sense the energy capacity and mental emotional content blocking or supporting a given energy center.

The ability to know what someone will do before they do it.

The ability to hear other people's thoughts as if they are mine.

The ability to predict earthquakes quite accurately.

The ability to realise it when an earthquake is coming, and that I don't have some debilitating health issue that is making me lay on the carpet until I've re-rooted myself due to the Earth's electromagnetic fields collapsing and rebuilding due to the quake.

The ability to know when someone is about to have a seizure and tell them its about to happen before it does, and then it does.

Feeling stronger, lighter, faster and the ability to let my physical body follow my energy body.

The ability to see the energetic body of plants and witness how they respond to sunlight.

Ability to automatic write, and glean much that I couldn't from mental conversations with spirit and other beings.

Ability to stop breathing and stop my heartbeat and enter a suspended animation.

Ability to hold an object infront of Yintang and perceive its history visually.

The ability to see my ling (soul) as it comes and goes in meditation.

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Cured myself of schizo affective disorder and PTSD, as well as recovery from substance abuse problems.

Strong body, healthy mind, great sex drive, stronger sense of moral responsibilty, learning a new language, culture, becoming an expert in tea ceremony, and learning all kinds of other rad stuff along the way.


I went from being a confused, messed up nineteen year old with serious problems and potential legal problems, to a healthy, functional, happy adult in under a decade.

I fixed my health, my mind, my family, and after making a complete recovery, I have used my time to share this wonderful method with other people all over the world!


Daoism is so great!


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For people who have attained the Way
It permeates their pores and saturates their hair.
Within their chest, they remain unvanquished.
[Follow] this Way of restricting sense-desires
And the myriad things will not cause you harm.

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