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Killing Joke

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I was led to type this in conjunction with realizing further and deeper how our forced expressions leech energy from us and limit our lifespan. This was during watching a comedy show and laughing hysterically for a while, and feeling drained by the emotional reaction and then realizing that my life force was spent on entertainent vs. seeking liberation. Then my spiritual friends inserted the word 'mukti' into my head and I looked up the meaning in several webpages and came across this: which led me to conclude that if liberation can only happen within a single lifetime, it is advantageous to avoid seeking frivolous entertainment, instead, direct all energies towards realization. Jokes kill, should we avoid all entertainment? It would seem advantageous, if one were in a rush to deliver moksha.

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I think that if you look real hard you will find the key to the lock of the door of the prison that is holding you.  Once free you can get back to watching TV or whatever.

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I think humor provides insight, and can be a great teacher.





(edit to point out that that "joke" is pretty profound)

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In theory, full-time practice would be fastest. But most people, me included, need to do other things too. A certain amount of quality practice alternating with normal life is better than some quality practice and a lot of crap practice forced through restlessness and frustration.


And if someone becomes awakened out in a mountain cave, then they still have to face the challenge of going back down to the city and handling normal life well.

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