
in My Humble opinion- practices everyone should do

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do anything walking, sitting, chanting, mantra, yoga, sex. Then take passion out of it, im sure not many would continue doing these exercises anymore.

Edited by allinone

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I would say a constant will or heart to attain enlightenment, and then very likely some kind of prayer or request to be guided to what one needs. 

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after you realize what prayer is it becomes empty and has a function. Otherwise your prayer is still a guess.

will is rising, you evoke it after some things are fallen away and will is many more things.


The guides what are showing right things to you at the right time is your own karma.

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huh, my thoughts on the subject seem to gravitate toward undoing destructive habits, and they all seem tied together

  • relearn to breathe
  • relearn to listen and observe
  • relearn to be honest
  • relearn body awareness

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after you realize what prayer is it becomes empty and has a function. Otherwise your prayer is still a guess.

will is rising, you evoke it after some things are fallen away and will is many more things.


The guides what are showing right things to you at the right time is your own karma.


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I would agree that The Work by Byron Katie is very powerful and based on some of the comments needed.



Is it true? (Yes or no. If no, move to 3.)

Can you absolutely know that it's true? (Yes or no.)

How do you react, what happens, when you believe that thought?

Who would you be without the thought?

Edited by Jonesboy
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Foster a willingness to change ones diet.


On all levels within those things we like to bring into our bodies and awareness - we tend to find our comfort foods and often they begin to work against us.


Our comfort foods such as the news media we prefer, the radio and screen media, drugs such as sugar, caffeine, alcohol, processed adulterated foods, levels of anger and sarcasm, cynicism and judgment.


We sit in our patterns often way beyond our capacity for more openness and truth. We become more and more myopic and indulgent. Society and schooling creates great pressure to take a side - any side but TAKE A SIDE. And we begin to abhor those who do not define their positions. We then take ourselves and positions far to seriously - on guard to defend, deflect and mangle opposition - less able to listen and laugh.

Edited by Spotless
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I would agree that The Work by Byron Katie is very powerful and based on some of the comments needed.



Is it true? (Yes or no. If no, move to 3.)

Can you absolutely know that it's true? (Yes or no.)

How do you react, what happens, when you believe that thought?

Who would you be without the thought?


The turnaround at the end is also useful I find, so the original statement can be turned around to the self, to the other, and to the opposite. 

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Foster a willingness to change ones diet.


On all levels within those things we like to bring into our bodies and awareness - we tend to find our comfort foods and often they begin to work against us.


Our comfort foods such as the news media we prefer, the radio and screen media, drugs such as sugar, caffeine, alcohol, processed adulterated foods, levels of anger and sarcasm, cynicism and judgment.


We sit in our patterns often way beyond our capacity for more openness and truth. We become more and more myopic and indulgent. Society and schooling creates great pressure to take a side - any side but TAKE A SIDE. And we begin to abhor those who do not define their positions. We then take ourselves and positions far to seriously - on guard to defend, deflect and mangle opposition - less able to listen and laugh.


You just picked your side. Your side isn't yet introduced itself to you. Spend your vacation time well.

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I reach the bottom faster than you guys and also take a notice of it and i'm connected to this drain.


No need to do years of practice and discover that it aren't working or leading to results what you need to undo later, I know that's the trigger for many here. Its hard to swallow it.

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The turnaround at the end is also useful I find, so the original statement can be turned around to the self, to the other, and to the opposite.

I agree it is very powerful. I actually was able to teach this at work this year. It is our diversity theme of the year


A powerful book that goes along with it it Real Love by Greg Baer. Amazing book on loving unconditionally and taught me to love what is.


Highly recommend them both together.


In addition I would very highly recommend The Presence Process by Michael Brown. An amazing book that teaches you how to integrate emotions. Very powerful and a very good thread at ayp on it for more information.


Hope this helps,



Edited by Jonesboy
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A practice that calms the mind...for 15 minutes a day, pick something in nature to look at. When the mind wanders, bring it back to the object. Try to extend the times that you're only paying attention to the object with the mind not fluctuating elsewhere.


A healthy lifestyle...go to sleep very shortly after it gets dark out every night, eat 3 balanced meals a day, exercise akin to more than an hour of walking daily, stay well hydrated with pure spring water.


Calm and healthy...a solid foundation for other stuff.

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Reading now past posts, no such feelings arise as before. So there is nothing behind the words, no chi, no other kind of force outside. It was all my own mind clutter what led me to write these things.


It should be kind of obvious too. Since we read posts many times and try to figure out what someone told, it itself is a proof that something is made up from using pieces what is already ready.


Having power and abilities is at the same level as everything else. So i am thinking about powers. It came out that it was my bias for posting this post. Now i know my motivation, i haven't never thought about it this way yet, hmm now exitement rising, energies moving in lower body i sense i need to take a dump, see you later. Edit, i noticed 30 seconds later that it is more above that center, i didn't go.

Edited by allinone

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