
Summoning Entities Easily- LoneMan Pai Version

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Great stuff, SOTG!  :D


I'm apologizing In advance. You know I've always got to lay the roadmap out first, In order to make my point. :D


Please bear with me.


As you know, a lot of the confusion, and fear, about this, comes from people's lack of understanding of the terms "I",

"Mind", "Thought", "Philosophy", "Psyche", and especially "Subconscious".


Everything In the noumenal (mental), & phenomenal levels of "reality", is Spirit, "Breath", "Emanation".


Spirit is energy/matter, of varying levels of density. This energy/matter takes on different patterns, different forms,

according to the Intent (Yi) of The Primary Consciousness/Will.


The Primary Consciousness/Will differentiates itself into various energy/matter patterns, and forms (Ancient Egyptian "Khepera", the Infinite manifestations of Life).


Like a Corporation (Coporeal: Matter), You have The Chairman of the Board, Board of Directors, Administrators, & Workers.


These are known In Traditional Western Magick under various names, such as Ain Soph (Primary Consciousness/Will ),  Seraphim, & Cherubim, Powers/Virtues, Dominions, Principalities, Archangels, Angels, Demons/Daemons, Elementals, Man (Adam Kadmon), & Hu-Man ("Humus/Earth" Man/Adam(from adamah"ground").


This is a Judeo-Christian framework. I used it, because it tends to be the one that Americans are most familiar with, If only peripherally. 


These energy patterns/forms/ primary Ideas (I Deities) function as different aspects of mind. They ARE mind. They ARE "the subconscious"


These are the Intelligences, the "Genii" that make up your mind. They function both within your mind, and In the world at large

(although at the end of the day, there IS no "In Here/Out There"). :)


The mind is not the Intellect. The Intellect is the faculty that handles reasoning, logic. In other words, describing, categorizing, separating things, & events. The"Left" side of the brain. The "Right' brain hemisphere allows us to Interface with mind.


What most people are talking about when they say "I", is not I. I is the Chairman of the Board. 


The false "I" is the ego, which is a mental construct. An amalgamation of memories, thought patterns, and conditioned responses to stimuli. The Ego is in service to the animating spirit ("animal"), whose primary function is to ensure the survival of the vehicle(body), and to create other bodies(procreate) over time, for Consciousness to function through.


The animal is only concerned with getting food, shelter, sex, and destroying any thing that gets in the way of obtaining these things.


The animating spirit resides physically In the reptilian(r-complex), and mammalian (limbic) parts of the brain.


The animating spirit is the home of e-motions (External motions =forces=motive engines). These are the source for the various "animating ("Animal") Powers. This is the body of Qi, the body of Kundalini.


The animal spirit is what moves this body. Without It, your body is just a husk of dead, and decomposing cells.


The animal spirits of the deceased can be utilized for magickal purposes. People who do this are known as necromancers.


Animal spirits that sometimes get stuck on this plane, after the persona dissolves, are what people call "Ghosts". They're automatons, repeating programs embedded on their structure, over and over again, until the energy eventually transforms, and dissipates. (No thing last forever. Time eventually kills every thing in this simulation). :mellow:


At this low level, there are also various human, and non-human discarnate intelligences, of varying degrees of power, and Influence.


And below this, the equivalent of bottom feeders (roaches, shrimp, amoeba) In the gross physical world.


Other cultures have other models of this reality (Ancient Egyptian, Taoist, Buddhist, Indus Valley,etc.), but the fundamental

principles are the same. 


Western Intellectuals tend to write all of this off as "Animism", & "Pantheism" (LOOOVve those "Isms"! LOL!) :D


To paraphrase Western Occultist Lon Milo Duquette, "It's All In Your Head. You Just Have no Idea How Big your Head Is". :D


More Modern Magickal systems do away with the J-C framework described above, and attempt to adopt frameworks around Jungian Depth Psychology. This is where we hear talk of "Archetypes".


People always tend to misquote Jung on these matters. And some Magick practitioners think that these techniques are just "mind games", effecting "the subconscious", by accessing "the collective unconscious".


And his style of writing is EXTREMELY dense (I believe Intentionally. That, and he was an incredibly intelligent persona).


But the man was very precise about all of this. He was fully aware of the society that he was presenting these concepts to. 


His exact term for these energy patterns, was "Psychoid Archetypes". His actual theory Is below:



"In later years Jung revised and broadened the concept of archetypes even further, conceiving of them as psycho-physical patterns existing in the universe, given specific expression by human consciousness and culture. Jung proposed that the archetype had a dual nature: it exists both in the psyche and in the world at large. He called this non-psychic aspect of the archetype the "psychoid" archetype.
Jung drew an analogy between the psyche and light on the electromagnetic spectrum. The center of the visible light spectrum (i.e., yellow) corresponds to consciousness, which grades into unconsciousness at the red and blue ends. Red corresponds to basic unconscious urges, and the invisible infra-red end of the spectrum corresponds to the influence of biological instinct, which merges with its chemical and physical conditions. The blue end of the spectrum represents spiritual ideas; and the archetypes, exerting their influence from beyond the visible, correspond to the invisible realm of ultra-violet.
Jung suggested that not only do the archetypal structures govern the behavior of all living organisms, but that they were contiguous with structures controlling the behavior of inorganic matter as well.
The archetype was not merely a psychic entity, but more fundamentally, a bridge to matter in general.  Jung used the term unus mundus to describe the unitary reality which he believed underlay all manifest phenomena. He conceived archetypes to be the mediators of the unus mundus, organizing not only ideas in the psyche, but also the fundamental principles of matter and energy in the physical world.
It was this psychoid aspect of the archetype that so impressed Nobel laureate physicist Wolfgang Pauli. Embracing Jung's concept, Pauli believed that the archetype provided a link between physical events and the mind of the scientist who studied them. In doing so he echoed the position adopted by German astronomer Johannes Kepler. Thus the archetypes which ordered our perceptions and ideas are themselves the product of an objective order which transcends both the human mind and the external world".
You'll hear stories, and see pictures of some of these Archetypes all over the world. People used to call them Wheels, Djinn,  Spirits, Fairies, Devas,"The Good Folk".
Now they call them "UFOs". 
You can interact with them utilizing magickal techiniques (technology). Various cultures have done so for millennia.
Aleister Crowely famously used this technology to contact one of these entities, known as "Lam".
Various Magickal systems enable you to verify the above reality, to you own satisfaction. You can also generate objective results that others can experience.
Once you re-establish yourself as Chairman of the Board again (Why do I keep seeing Frank Sinatra? LOL :D ), you now have direct control over all Psychoid Archetypes functioning In both yourself, and the world at large. Which folks here on this forum know is composed of mind. Which is composed of Psychoid Archetypes.
So you now have direct control over the fundamental building blocks of reality.
This obviously allows you to do some very Interesting things.
You can create your own forms. These single thought forms are known as Tulpas. Group thought forms are known as Egregores.
I trust that perceptive folks here can see the ramifications of all of this.
As a perfect example. Satan is not a real entity. It's an amalgamation of the Egyptian Set, Islamic Shaitan, and In Astrotheology, it corresponds to the Planet Saturn.
However, get enough people to believe In the reality of a horned, red skinned, cloven hoofed, adversary to the creator, and guess what?
Given the right conditions, a Thought Form that THINKS it's Satan will show up, and who's energy you can utilize for what you want. Millions of people believe this for thousands of years, and the thought form/energy pattern gets stronger.
Let's be clear. Physical effects can, and do show up, for people who understand the formula. 
But keep in mind, it's going to follow the personality complex given to it, taking on a pseudo intelligence as It does so. So you've been warned.
From what I can see, ancient cultures were very aware of how all of this worked. I'm positive that this is the mechanism being utilized for gain, and profit by the world's major belief systems.
Some of the knowledge based systems utilize this mechanism to bind people to a particular "Guru", or "Master", feeding the Egregore (God, Deva, etc.) or disincarnate intelligence that empowers them.
Now that you have an overview of the land, you now know how you can utilize these faculties to achieve what you will into the world.
You can utilize the power of the Egyptian Neteru Sekhert this month (sidereal moon in Saturn) to achieve things ruled by her ( career, spiritual power, your destiny).
You can utilize the energy generated by love for "My Little Pony", to manifest things into the world. ("Bronies" rejoice!) :D
You can energize your Qi, with these forms, as a supplemental energy reserve. (The Kamekameha is within reach! :D )
The applications are endless.
Just make sure that you have nothing but good, positive intentions for utilizing this, Ideally to help others (family, friends, the world, etc.).
If not, using these techniques won't end well. This is the only thing you need to be mindful of at all times. What are my motives? Are they high, are are they low?
And who is this "me", that keeps talking? Is it the human, the man, or the God?
Figure that out first.
Other than that, have fun! :D


Great Framework. Great Explanation. It's nice to see Jung represented through this paradigm (which is my interpretation as well).



Edited by Grok
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Great stuff, SOTG!  :D


I'm apologizing In advance. You know I've always got to lay the roadmap out first, In order to make my point. :D


Please bear with me.


As you know, a lot of the confusion, and fear, about this, comes from people's lack of understanding of the terms "I",

"Mind", "Thought", "Philosophy", "Psyche", and especially "Subconscious".


Everything In the noumenal (mental), & phenomenal levels of "reality", is Spirit, "Breath", "Emanation".


Spirit is energy/matter, of varying levels of density. This energy/matter takes on different patterns, different forms,

according to the Intent (Yi) of The Primary Consciousness/Will.


The Primary Consciousness/Will differentiates itself into various energy/matter patterns, and forms (Ancient Egyptian "Khepera", the Infinite manifestations of Life).


Like a Corporation (Coporeal: Matter), You have The Chairman of the Board, Board of Directors, Administrators, & Workers.


These are known In Traditional Western Magick under various names, such as Ain Soph (Primary Consciousness/Will ),  Seraphim, & Cherubim, Powers/Virtues, Dominions, Principalities, Archangels, Angels, Demons/Daemons, Elementals, Man (Adam Kadmon), & Hu-Man ("Humus/Earth" Man/Adam(from adamah"ground").


This is a Judeo-Christian framework. I used it, because it tends to be the one that Americans are most familiar with, If only peripherally. 


These energy patterns/forms/ primary Ideas (I Deities) function as different aspects of mind. They ARE mind. They ARE "the subconscious"


These are the Intelligences, the "Genii" that make up your mind. They function both within your mind, and In the world at large

(although at the end of the day, there IS no "In Here/Out There"). :)


The mind is not the Intellect. The Intellect is the faculty that handles reasoning, logic. In other words, describing, categorizing, separating things, & events. The"Left" side of the brain. The "Right' brain hemisphere allows us to Interface with mind.


What most people are talking about when they say "I", is not I. I is the Chairman of the Board. 


The false "I" is the ego, which is a mental construct. An amalgamation of memories, thought patterns, and conditioned responses to stimuli. The Ego is in service to the animating spirit ("animal"), whose primary function is to ensure the survival of the vehicle(body), and to create other bodies(procreate) over time, for Consciousness to function through.


The animal is only concerned with getting food, shelter, sex, and destroying any thing that gets in the way of obtaining these things.


The animating spirit resides physically In the reptilian(r-complex), and mammalian (limbic) parts of the brain.


The animating spirit is the home of e-motions (External motions =forces=motive engines). These are the source for the various "animating ("Animal") Powers. This is the body of Qi, the body of Kundalini.


The animal spirit is what moves this body. Without It, your body is just a husk of dead, and decomposing cells.


The animal spirits of the deceased can be utilized for magickal purposes. People who do this are known as necromancers.


Animal spirits that sometimes get stuck on this plane, after the persona dissolves, are what people call "Ghosts". They're automatons, repeating programs embedded on their structure, over and over again, until the energy eventually transforms, and dissipates. (No thing last forever. Time eventually kills every thing in this simulation). :mellow:


At this low level, there are also various human, and non-human discarnate intelligences, of varying degrees of power, and Influence.


And below this, the equivalent of bottom feeders (roaches, shrimp, amoeba) In the gross physical world.


Other cultures have other models of this reality (Ancient Egyptian, Taoist, Buddhist, Indus Valley,etc.), but the fundamental

principles are the same. 


Western Intellectuals tend to write all of this off as "Animism", & "Pantheism" (LOOOVve those "Isms"! LOL!) :D


To paraphrase Western Occultist Lon Milo Duquette, "It's All In Your Head. You Just Have no Idea How Big your Head Is". :D


More Modern Magickal systems do away with the J-C framework described above, and attempt to adopt frameworks around Jungian Depth Psychology. This is where we hear talk of "Archetypes".


People always tend to misquote Jung on these matters. And some Magick practitioners think that these techniques are just "mind games", effecting "the subconscious", by accessing "the collective unconscious".


And his style of writing is EXTREMELY dense (I believe Intentionally. That, and he was an incredibly intelligent persona).


But the man was very precise about all of this. He was fully aware of the society that he was presenting these concepts to. 


His exact term for these energy patterns, was "Psychoid Archetypes". His actual theory Is below:



"In later years Jung revised and broadened the concept of archetypes even further, conceiving of them as psycho-physical patterns existing in the universe, given specific expression by human consciousness and culture. Jung proposed that the archetype had a dual nature: it exists both in the psyche and in the world at large. He called this non-psychic aspect of the archetype the "psychoid" archetype.
Jung drew an analogy between the psyche and light on the electromagnetic spectrum. The center of the visible light spectrum (i.e., yellow) corresponds to consciousness, which grades into unconsciousness at the red and blue ends. Red corresponds to basic unconscious urges, and the invisible infra-red end of the spectrum corresponds to the influence of biological instinct, which merges with its chemical and physical conditions. The blue end of the spectrum represents spiritual ideas; and the archetypes, exerting their influence from beyond the visible, correspond to the invisible realm of ultra-violet.
Jung suggested that not only do the archetypal structures govern the behavior of all living organisms, but that they were contiguous with structures controlling the behavior of inorganic matter as well.
The archetype was not merely a psychic entity, but more fundamentally, a bridge to matter in general.  Jung used the term unus mundus to describe the unitary reality which he believed underlay all manifest phenomena. He conceived archetypes to be the mediators of the unus mundus, organizing not only ideas in the psyche, but also the fundamental principles of matter and energy in the physical world.
It was this psychoid aspect of the archetype that so impressed Nobel laureate physicist Wolfgang Pauli. Embracing Jung's concept, Pauli believed that the archetype provided a link between physical events and the mind of the scientist who studied them. In doing so he echoed the position adopted by German astronomer Johannes Kepler. Thus the archetypes which ordered our perceptions and ideas are themselves the product of an objective order which transcends both the human mind and the external world".
You'll hear stories, and see pictures of some of these Archetypes all over the world. People used to call them Wheels, Djinn,  Spirits, Fairies, Devas,"The Good Folk".
Now they call them "UFOs". 
You can interact with them utilizing magickal techiniques (technology). Various cultures have done so for millennia.
Aleister Crowely famously used this technology to contact one of these entities, known as "Lam".
Various Magickal systems enable you to verify the above reality, to you own satisfaction. You can also generate objective results that others can experience.
Once you re-establish yourself as Chairman of the Board again (Why do I keep seeing Frank Sinatra? LOL :D ), you now have direct control over all Psychoid Archetypes functioning In both yourself, and the world at large. Which folks here on this forum know is composed of mind. Which is composed of Psychoid Archetypes.
So you now have direct control over the fundamental building blocks of reality.
This obviously allows you to do some very Interesting things.
You can create your own forms. These single thought forms are known as Tulpas. Group thought forms are known as Egregores.
I trust that perceptive folks here can see the ramifications of all of this.
As a perfect example. Satan is not a real entity. It's an amalgamation of the Egyptian Set, Islamic Shaitan, and In Astrotheology, it corresponds to the Planet Saturn.
However, get enough people to believe In the reality of a horned, red skinned, cloven hoofed, adversary to the creator, and guess what?
Given the right conditions, a Thought Form that THINKS it's Satan will show up, and who's energy you can utilize for what you want. Millions of people believe this for thousands of years, and the thought form/energy pattern gets stronger.
Let's be clear. Physical effects can, and do show up, for people who understand the formula. 
But keep in mind, it's going to follow the personality complex given to it, taking on a pseudo intelligence as It does so. So you've been warned.
From what I can see, ancient cultures were very aware of how all of this worked. I'm positive that this is the mechanism being utilized for gain, and profit by the world's major belief systems.
Some of the knowledge based systems utilize this mechanism to bind people to a particular "Guru", or "Master", feeding the Egregore (God, Deva, etc.) or disincarnate intelligence that empowers them.
Now that you have an overview of the land, you now know how you can utilize these faculties to achieve what you will into the world.
You can utilize the power of the Egyptian Neteru Sekhert this month (sidereal moon in Saturn) to achieve things ruled by her ( career, spiritual power, your destiny).
You can utilize the energy generated by love for "My Little Pony", to manifest things into the world. ("Bronies" rejoice!) :D
You can energize your Qi, with these forms, as a supplemental energy reserve. (The Kamekameha is within reach! :D )
The applications are endless.
Just make sure that you have nothing but good, positive intentions for utilizing this, Ideally to help others (family, friends, the world, etc.).
If not, using these techniques won't end well. This is the only thing you need to be mindful of at all times. What are my motives? Are they high, are are they low?
And who is this "me", that keeps talking? Is it the human, the man, or the God?
Figure that out first.
Other than that, have fun! :D


Written by someone who actually practices Magick and doesn't theorize about it


If anyone wants to be a non-arm chair mage, this is the ideal approach and mental/emotional construct icon_cheers.png

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Great Framework. Great Explanation. It's nice to see Jung represented through this paradigm (which is my interpretation as well).



Thanks Grok! :D


I still have to get a copy of his correspondence with Wolfgang Pauli, "Atom & Archetype".


They had It at Amazon for upwards of $200, for a minute. 


Thank goodness, a new printing came out:


Atom and Archetype: The Pauli/Jung Letters, 1932-1958



Also getting this one:


Return of the World Soul: Wolfgang Pauli, C.G. Jung and the Challenge of Psychophysical Reality



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Written by someone who actually practices Magick and doesn't theorize about it


If anyone wants to be a non-arm chair mage, this is the ideal approach and mental/emotional construct icon_cheers.png


Thanks SOTG.


I just want to give as many people maps to walking the path safely, as possible.


I teach Tai Chi Quan & Self Defense at a senior center, here In Philly.


I see the results of not taking care of your vehicle. Not breathing correctly. 


Not managing your jing. (Out of 40 members, only 3 are men. the rest are women.

Manange your jing! It is literally the source of your life!).


They have bible study, and then I teach them the 6 Healing Sounds, Tai Chi, & how to hit the vitals

along the centerline of the body, if someone tries to give them trouble. :D I Love It!


One lady there was telling all of them how great she felt, after doing wuji standing meditation, barefoot in her backyard,

absorbing Yin Qi like I showed them!


That's the kind of stuff I live for these days.



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(not sure why my original image on it's side disappeared)


I'm sure I'm not blowing anyone's mind here, but it seems like an important addition :P

Edited by Aeran
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Thank you for the thread SotG! I have a feeling I'll be joining your forum sooner rather than later.


A few questions, as my background is in Shamanism and working with Nature "Entities." All I've learned is actually journeying to meet them, and asking them if they want to cross back over when I return. Also Michael Harner basically teaches to use "intent" to call in and merge with a power animal, not so formal and 'mapped' as your description here.



Curious how the magick you practice has parallels with this practice.



Further questions:

1. What are Metal Elementals useful for?
2. As a Shaman with the Elemental map of the world being 'Earth, Air, Water, Fire' do you have experience with Air elementals? Or are they just Wood elementals in your system?


I am also familiar with making a 'stance' or mudra for each element, from self-study of the spiritual practices of Ninjas (books by Ross Heaven and Ashida Kim). From this path I've come to realize each finger is associated with one of the five elements... in the Earth, Water, Fire, Air, Void scheme however. Starting from pinky to thumb respectively. Has this rung true at the higher levels? And does it correspond to Wu Xing?

Edited by Fate
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Thank you for the thread SotG! I have a feeling I'll be joining your forum sooner rather than later.


A few questions, as my background is in Shamanism and working with Nature "Entities." All I've learned is actually journeying to meet them, and asking them if they want to cross back over when I return. Also Michael Harner basically teaches to use "intent" to call in and merge with a power animal, not so formal and 'mapped' as your description here.



Curious how the magick you practice has parallels with this practice.



Further questions:

1. What are Metal Elementals useful for?

2. As a Shaman with the Elemental map of the world being 'Earth, Air, Water, Fire' do you have experience with Air elementals? Or are they just Wood elementals in your system?


I am also familiar with making a 'stance' or mudra for each element, from self-study of the spiritual practices of Ninjas (books by Ross Heaven and Ashida Kim). From this path I've come to realize each finger is associated with one of the five elements... in the Earth, Water, Fire, Air, Void scheme however. Starting from pinky to thumb respectively. Has this rung true at the higher levels? And does it correspond to Wu Xing?


I'm taking a hiatus brother but I will be glad to correspond with you when I return

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Thank you for the thread SotG! I have a feeling I'll be joining your forum sooner rather than later.


A few questions, as my background is in Shamanism and working with Nature "Entities." All I've learned is actually journeying to meet them, and asking them if they want to cross back over when I return. Also Michael Harner basically teaches to use "intent" to call in and merge with a power animal, not so formal and 'mapped' as your description here.



Curious how the magick you practice has parallels with this practice.



Further questions:

1. What are Metal Elementals useful for?

2. As a Shaman with the Elemental map of the world being 'Earth, Air, Water, Fire' do you have experience with Air elementals? Or are they just Wood elementals in your system?


I am also familiar with making a 'stance' or mudra for each element, from self-study of the spiritual practices of Ninjas (books by Ross Heaven and Ashida Kim). From this path I've come to realize each finger is associated with one of the five elements... in the Earth, Water, Fire, Air, Void scheme however. Starting from pinky to thumb respectively. Has this rung true at the higher levels? And does it correspond to Wu Xing?


I consider myself a shaman as well.


Metal is used in the Chinese 5 element magick scheme- I personally use the Western style approach:


Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Aethyr


But, nevertheless, from the LoneMan Pai™ drawing board of everything is inter-related~


"1. What are Metal Elementals useful for?"


Metal would be considered part of the Earth - however, for example = Iron is Mars (Gold is Sol, Silver is Moon, etc)


So for more in-depth, we can view this (iron = Mars) as Gevurah


Gevurah is the 5th sephirah in the kabbalistic tree of life, and it is the second of the emotive attributes of the sephirot.

It sits below Binah, across from Chesed, and above Hod.

Gevurah is 'the essence of judgment (DIN) and limitation, and corresponds to awe and the element of fire.



So we can view Metal (in this case, Iron) as "Fire of Earth"


Fire- weaponry- forged from Earth


Iron is also Magnetic -so it is Yin


But, fire is Yang


Here, we can say it is "Yang of Yin"



We can also add other correspondences to this as well, such as colors, direction, scent, Tarot, etc



"2. As a Shaman with the Elemental map of the world being 'Earth, Air, Water, Fire' do you have experience with Air elementals?"


I have worked with the Air Element and with Air Elementals


I have been working Magick for over 40 years- so I have worked with all the systems, elements, gods, hierarchies and Grimoires, etc


I also have designed my own way of doing Mudras for each element- as well as the closed fist for the Quintessence


I also posted your question on my forum, here:


Thank you

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