
How can I protect myself from astral plane entities?

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One of these moons I will stop my entheogen use. Been fairly steady with it for a while. I am a project, but also know that my time to depend on nothing is at hand.


Taking entheogens is probably the best way to allow astral plane entities into your system, also parts of your consciousness can remain in the realm the entheogens bring you to even after the experience has worn off, potentially creating a kind of permanent opening or tear in your energy,  all sorts of things can get hooks into your energy as a result . Nothing else is going to help you until you get clean.


I'm not saying this as a moralistic scare story, I have done my fair share of such drugs myself including master plants like Ayahuasca, but since I have been learning energetic healing I have had first hand experience of healing the negative effects of what I describe here inside of myself and others, so I know it as an energetic reality rather than just a judgemental belief. 

Edited by Jetsun
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