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The level of misinformation on this thread is unbelievable.

It is well known that Stosh kidnapped the Jade Princess and left her to the lustrous dwarfs as an act of revenge on her father, his Majesty, my Emperor. He only started denying these established facts after realizing that his ally won't support him. This is the result of allying with someone whose intentions you don't know, something Sun Tzu clearly warned of.

It is true that I can't trust Marblehead either, but I knew this from the start.


Nice! :)

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Hi everybody,


As some of you may know, I am Michael's wife, and may the Dao have mercy on him, if he had an affair with the Jade Princess!


But fact is, my beloved husband is currently on a heroic mission to rescue her Majesty, the Emperor's daughter who is missing in the land of the lustrous dwarfs.

Edited by Junko
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BTW Stosh, that 'something else' I was looking for were herbs to put your camp to sleep, or at least render them unable to fight.


The mushrooms and other herbs were the means of gaining access to your camps food supply.


I did not know if these precautions would be useful or necessary, but they were taken.


Go back, and reread the post. ;)

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It is clear that illumairen has turned against you and supports my cause with her considerable skills as both a fearless warrioress and a superb herbalist.


Three against one... The situation looks very bad for you.


Especially since your men are all incapacitated now, my spies kept informing me about their whereabouts (thank you, Daeluin! :)) and my well trained soldiers are raiding your camp of snoring "warriors" as of this writing.


And alas, there is NO reset button in a war.

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The emperor rules from above on his high hill,

Yet the strings which tie him to the rule of those below,

Easily hide from him the true workings of heaven above.


As the heaven's spy, on the lofty hill-side,

I happily fly kites with the jade woman

Together we are quite free to flit and flow to parts unknown.


Turning over my palm, and appearing in camps of

Outlaws redeemed of late by emperors decree,

Framed they are, yet their strings remain free.


Troops march without feet, ever appearing as the mists receed,

Confudling the arts of those outlaws bound by creed,

Even as without intervention, they surely succeed,

All those contrived perversions of Robber Zhi.

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 Either way a new stable paradigm is established , we can trust each other because Mh sits out there waiting to take over, which he cant, because we seized the initiative. Almost everyone gets to live. 

Don't count your eggs before the chicken lays.


You have no idea where me and my men are or what we are up to.

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I'm a spy.

My forward observers saw you when you entered the area.  We have been presenting you with faulty information.

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Well thats sort of true , assuming forces to each were equal though , I don't have to overestimate yours. Game was over and stable unless you wanted to attack me uphill , or I wanted to abandon my hill. 

But your hill has no resources and I'm not going to attack.  That makes you your own prisoner.

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This war has gone to hell.



Im not sure I need resources if I have the princess, I'll blackmail you.

You can't really believe I care about the princess.

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Beware the jaded lady.  There may be plans where you see none.


Oh fear enclosing,

now circling, now foreboding.

The jaded lady at my side,

Luck rules with grinning eye.

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Spy for whom? the punishment is death if you're caught out of uniform , traditionally. 


A seer true,

To spy on you

For from heaven's eye,

Thou cannot hide.


The merchant you paid dear,

To supply an army unsettled.

The uncanny dream born into

Seed in your strategician's mind.


Fear not my friend, for your

Cause is just - in time

Dreams will converge to

Unite those who trust.

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Then Ill blackmail whoever else wants her , but the cats out of the bag that you arent on board with any rescue mission. 

It is Michael's goal to save the princess.  My only goal is to eliminate any threats to my territory.

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I figured youd take that tack, thats why I hung you round Michaels neck , I didnt expect ilumarian to make my men sick and wander off looking for some princess that Michael said I had in custody.


Your men are still alive at the moment, aren't they? Hahaha

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