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What is the Ego?

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Doctor ? Where did I say that. Just around the corner from me we have therapist that do Angel healing, Tarot reading, phrenology and all manner of new age stuff. They seem to do pretty well at it and none have degrees in those particular skills. I've met plenty of licensed practitioners I wouldn't trust with the most basic things either. A don't trust licenses or qualifications to guarantee anything. Several of our mass murder cases were perpetrated by those in white coats.

Wow...the ego is digging into a bigger hole now.  So, a psychotherapist is same as witch doctors and tarot card readers.   

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Dude, the difference between you and me and is that I am on a path and experienced various cultivation results and meditation accomplishments.  You?  You are still psychobabling.  At least, I don't go around telling people I am an unlicensed  therapist.  :)     


Hope you realise we are clocking up 'off topic' post counts that got the last thread moved ? Mind you it has languished unloved since the ball got taken away.


I'm ok with you on the path and experiencing those results. Is it that you would like to be respected more for your self achievement ?

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Wow...the ego is digging into a bigger hole now.  So, a psychotherapist is same as witch doctors and tarot card readers.   


Some do certainly say that. Some say a great deal worse than that.

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Hope you realise we are clocking up 'off topic' post counts that got the last thread moved ? Mind you it has languished unloved since the ball got taken away. I'm ok with you on the path and experiencing those results. Is it that you would like to be respected more for your self achievement ?

Son, remember what I said, this is the web.  Whatever happens here, it has no bearing to the real world.  I do have a life outside of Tao Bum, fyi.  :) 

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*face palm*


Karl, please ignore people that can't hold a debate/discussion, without letting their emotions blow off some steam.


I can see why you might be grinding gears over some of our opinions, but I personally think it's awesome to have (even more) diversity in the community. There are a lot of things you say that I agree with, as well as those that I do not; but, you always present a good argument, and have grown to be a bit more understanding of our differences in terminology. Thanks for showing a decent amount of patience with the more fiesty among us.


If the argument is plausable, it has to be considered...even if I *believe* otherwise.

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Can we hack this thread beginning at #115

It's turned into a pointless argument that is miles off topic and has zero value to anyone but the idiots arguing with each other ?

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Son, remember what I said, this is the web. Whatever happens here, it has no bearing to the real world. I do have a life outside of Tao Bum, fyi. :)




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Is it that time of year again? :)

I would be driving today to Terra Haute except this is move-in weekend for my son at the university...

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Can we hack this thread beginning at #115 It's turned into a pointless argument that is miles off topic and has zero value to anyone but the idiots arguing with each other ?

What?  Don't want people to find out that you were an unlicensed therapist?  Don't want people to find out the game you play for your little ego?  Yeah, ego is perfect and it can rationalize EVERYTHING.   Forgot, according to you, it is called "logic".... :)

Edited by ChiForce

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A conflict?? Sorry to hear. But a good confict. Good luck with everything!

Yes, a very good conflict, I think. (I hope. (The next few weeks will tell.(Fingers crossed...)))


BTW, I am now teaching Gift of the Tao I & II two days a week at lunchtime as part of our internal Professional Development program. :)

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OK, seriously...


Not quite an official intervention at this point but a bit of kindly advice from a guy standing in the corner -- take care to be kind to each other in this thread.

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Hope you realise we are clocking up 'off topic' post counts that got the last thread moved ? Mind you it has languished unloved since the ball got taken away. I'm ok with you on the path and experiencing those results. Is it that you would like to be respected more for your self achievement ?


for the record, that other thread got spilt to Off Topic because it had immediately turned into a political debate, and within about five posts was off on some gun rights tangent. The side-discussion then continued in Off Topic and all was well on both fronts.


This thread is fine as it is. I mean, just look at the title, man.


Edit: yes, as Brian says, keep the tone reasonably respectful and no worries.

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I once overheard a healer tell a client that the ego is simply the conviction that there is something to lose, and she compared it to a trapdoor in the floor of our safe room.

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for the record, that other thread got spilt to Off Topic because it had immediately turned into a political debate, and within about five posts was off on some gun rights tangent. The side-discussion then continued in Off Topic and all was well on both fronts.


This thread is fine as it is. I mean, just look at the title, man.


Edit: yes, as Brian says, keep the tone reasonably respectful and no worries.


Let it not be said that I didn't draw the line in the sand then :-) I got the feeling it was unacceptable to go off topic from the last few threads that got split and moved so for consistencies sake and all that, but if it's fine to carry on then I won't let it stop me :-)

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What?  Don't want people to find out that you were an unlicensed therapist?  Don't want people to find out the game you play for your little ego?  Yeah, ego is perfect and it can rationalize EVERYTHING.   Forgot, according to you, it is called "logic".... :)


Where would you like me to put that ? Can we make it a sticky ? Would that make you feel better ?


You appear to be confusing ego, reasoning and logic.

Ego is individual identity and the values and thoughts that are separate to everyone and anything else.

Reasoning is the higher faculty with which concepts are understood and integrated

Logic is a tool of reasoning which can be developed.

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Let it not be said that I didn't draw the line in the sand then :-) I got the feeling it was unacceptable to go off topic from the last few threads that got split and moved so for consistencies sake and all that, but if it's fine to carry on then I won't let it stop me :-)


I suggest reading the first link in my signature. I think it explans pretty well the approach we try to take here.

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I suggest reading the first link in my signature. I think it explans pretty well the approach we try to take here.


As long as it's consistent, Im just being careful not to fall foul of the off topic rule.

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Well, if we get the language right then perhaps we can get closer agreement. what do you mean by 'transcend' ? If you mean by that, to escape from cognitive conditioning then I agree. If you mean it to be 'go beyond' then I do not. Neither do I believe it's necessary to use Eastern Philosophies per se-some of their ideas are designed by early practitioners as a means of cognitive control and thus add to the problem and not end it. If people have no way of identifying the useful parts from the more control oriented parts then this becomes all but an impossible task. Our society is built on a platonic hierarchy of control and obedience and it is a highly refined methodology which gained additional insights through the works of Freud and Jung. The task of state education is to pull the claws and teeth of critical thinking from the pupils and prepare them (US) for a life within this structure. As such, attempts to rid ourselves of the cognitive condition are in effect a scattergun action. We can hit on some technique that works purely by accident, but equally we can fall for the same ancient rhetoric which utilised mystery as its key control element. Can we say the ego has been damaged, constrained and controlled in some sense and that its this damage that must be repaired in order for the individual to flourish as a beautiful, strong and resourceful individual living In voluntary cooperation and without the need for violent thought, words or actions ? I have linked to the Marshall Rosenberg YouTube training on Non violent communication which, in the first 20 minutes or so explains this. The rest of the training is worthwhile if you have not come across this method of resolution. I will post a link to John Taylor Gattos interviews which gets into the nitty gritty of how and why. Marshall is more concerned with overcoming what he describes as 'the static language' I have alluded to previously ( I actually hadn't heard this training material prior to posting it here and I found he had concluded that ideas such as; right, wrong, good, bad, reward and punishment are pivotal in the current state of education. http://soulprogress....ceGlossary.html

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Right, that's how I used to think. I've always believed in responsibility and self empowerment and was brought up to be independent. However I always new there was something odd about school, I just couldn't put my finger on it. If you have been to a state school-unless it was Harvard, Yale, Oxford, Eton, Cambridge then you have been indoctrinated.


Logic won't wash out that indoctrination. It has to be an entire different education system without any state involvement.


It's exactly the same issue with ego. If it is damaged then you (I'm talking figuratively) are a trying to fly with clipped wings. Everyone else has clipped wings as well so no one really thinks they are damaged in any way.


Did you listen to Gatto on Western Spirituality ? That really sets the cat amongst the pigeons.

Edited by Karl
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Everyone else

I'm reminded of Heinlein. Then how come some put the capstone back on? Breadcrumbs?

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