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What are some of your favourite threads on the taobums?

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Since being a member here I have come across some great conversations and real gems while browsing the forum. 


The 'most liked' section has some great posts that I have revised a number of times. 


That being said, i've found that threads that have not made the top 'likes' or views section often offer great value and wisdom. 


What are some of your favourite posts and threads on the forum? Perhaps things that have resonated with you (not necessarily the most popular) that you might like to share  :)

Edited by kudos100
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There are 100's of great threads made up over the years.


This thread on Dream Yoga is great-

I look forward to this one involving studying the work of famed taoist Wang Li Ping work will be be a long deep thread- Yin Xian Fa and beyond

Many great insights from all the threads in the Interview section


This has many interesting answers What Results Have People Had Here


Here's an old one The Secret of Conscious Cocreation


Here's a long informative thread on an important subject Opening the Third Eye-

Edited by thelerner

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