
Stabilizing full-body breathing

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I have realized that this is the ONLY practice one needs besides holding different postures like sitting meditation or various stable standing meditations.


So it's basically melding the body with the whole breathe and I don't know the mechanics of it but breathing through the mouth or nose becomes trivial. I am sure most of you all here are quite aware and adept at this.


My question is that what promotes this practice and what deters it?


I have noticed what deters it - violence, intoxicants, afflictive emotions like guilt, shame, anger etc.


But most of all it's mixing sex with violence & anger. This is the number one cause for me at least.


Why I think this is the most important practice?


Because I feel, literally, that it gives more control over various bodily functions and more awareness of them, especially the brain. You can see how mechanical the body is, when even separating spirituality from all of it but emotions are still a mystery to me. The raw energies of them are definitely something mystical. 


Anyways, what do you guys think? Any advice is appreciated.




None of the "big" practices take their merit from the notion that they give you "more control".

The illusion of control is what "the big" practices ebb away at.


Breathing - not for control - but to help YOU - sprout into yourself - your everyday awareness - this would be the great prize in breathing related practice.


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Arya, in my honest opinion 

No no, the problem is that she WAS eyeing me up, that's why all of this happens. It doesn't help that I look like I'm in high school. Everyone thinks I'm no older than 18. This was a phase when I had excess energy so I was getting bliss from just looking at females and deep reverse-breathing.


But truly, I've stopped that now(looking at females), so that I can heal myself properly. But sometimes my eyes slip so yeah, can't help it. I can tell when they are looking at me as well. You know, how obvious the charming game of females is now to me? Incredibly obvious. Just do breathing with the whole body, they are desperate for that energy! It's impossible to be in the presence of females because they all start going into 'charm' mode automatically even though I'm skinny as heck. They are desperate for it LOL

Edited by Arya

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I really really want to feel that 'coolness' in the middle of my chest again. That's why everything seems so unbearable right now.


Where has it gone? I'm just waiting for it to come back and it doesn't, at all. I had a glimpse of it some days ago, only for a slight moment. Cool, very and free, expansive ...wondrous!


I'll do anything to feel it again. 

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Funny thing about polarity... if we think someone wants something of "ours", we're basically creating a "door" for them to take it.


See emptiness in everything, and where is there for your emptiness to be stolen to?

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I know how to anchor my consciousness into emptiness, it's not that difficult.


But I'm avoiding it on purpose because it dissolves the self too much.

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Congratulations on taking up a wholesome path, at your young age.  Many at your age would love to go party in a club, and do other unwholesome things that hurt them down the line.   I feel that you have some good practices, but i am not sure if you would  stand to benefit from a wholesome teacher - it is so easy to be misguided at young age, by the wrong teacher.   The funny thing is,  when I was young, i never thought I needed advice from parents, or anyone else - like all young people, i also thought that I knew better, and i was smarter than an average person.   Such a bad big karma - this thing called ego that shines in youth.

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Yeah, you're right. 


The problem is that I don't need a teacher. I don't have any particular goals as of now except maybe enjoying life and be of help to others, that's all. 


Lots of energy getting stuck in my upper regions. I'm grounding all of it. See what happens from there. 


But also, after seeing female behavior as it is, my life can't be the same anymore. I think enough has happened for me to renounce sexuality in this life and it feels like a great burden has been lifted.

Edited by Arya

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I still haven't able to lucid dream effectively, so I'll make an effort to do it again. 


I've been wanting to do properly for years but it hasn't happened till now.


What I wanted to do originally was lucid dream and astral travel at will, whenever I want. That was years ago. Meditation helps with this, I'm certainly sure of it but meditation also makes me completely aloof as I have mentioned before because it dissolves the self very effectively. So being aloof is kind of detrimental right now, you know? I need to work, have goals and do stuff but when I'm meditating, I just want to do the bare minimum and be completely secluded from everyone.


Yeah, I've lucid dreamed a few times and astral projected but the problem was excessive ejaculation. That's why I didn't have the motivation to accomplish them. But as of now, I think I can do both if I put in the effort and can have fun. So that's going to be my practice. To lucid dream and then astral projection.

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ahh, so I forgot how to do it properly but I've done it before. I remember why I forgot.


A girl who came to the park I went to, probably around 13 or 14 sucked all my energy in and then I forgot but that was the limit I reached when I was doing it constantly.


So it was dragging in energy right from the soles of my feet on the inhale, which is the 'feminine' energy and then letting the 'masculine' energy wash all over me from the top of the head on the exhale.


So I had mustered up all of the 'masculine' energy and then the girl sucked in from across the park, not even in near me. But I think I gave it to her and then my whole body was filled with the 'feminine' energy, top to bottom.


So this is the way to properly establish whole-body breathing I think, pulling from below and then pushing from above.


I read in an occult book once that the penis is magnetic in quality so yeah, we guys can PULL in female energy and then give them back ours. I think this is the way to multiple male orgasms during the act of sex. But you have to do this cosmic(?) breathing constantly and make it natural. I am not aware of any ill-effects as of yet, except heat and pain in different parts of the body. I hope it goes well for you/

Hi Arya,thankyou for the above description of your practice.


A home made chi gong.

This my favourite practise,drawing energy from above and below at the same time.

Entering from soles of feet,energy from planet core,combines with a mushroom of energy from above through top of head.

The two energies combine in the skull/brain in circular motion on inhale.

Exhale all energy to ground through soles of feet,returning to centre of planet,after a while doing this practice,energy field expands.

This now purified energy recycles into the atmosphere for reuse.


As your practice continues there is energy coming from everywhere,animals,ocean and all the creatures,trees.

I hold onto none of it,pushing it all to ground,but there is a natural accumulation of energy to the body.

There is lightness of step,energy for working and play.

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Hey, no problem and thanks.


Unfortunately, energy is relentlessly pooling up in the middle of chest and just below it and I can't do anything to stop it.


But I've found a way to ground or root yourself effectively so I don't have to tackle all the intrusive thoughts which come out of nowhere.


That is to follow what the body is doing, all day. Surprising I wasn't doing this even though I had 'body awareness' but my awareness was just scattered in general. So what I mean is, following the body and remembering the posture you are, nailed it down to four - sitting, lying, standing, walking. Then breathe into what  the body is doing but make a note of it. Basically any activity - eating, tasting, typing, looking, hearing etc. etc.


Then you build up your awareness from there rather than moving around with your scattered awareness. No, if you are mindful of your posture at all times then your awareness automatically builds up from there i.e. of the sense impressions in your surroundings.


So this cuts off the mental chatter or any 'evil' or unwanted thoughts that may appear.


Also stabilizes the body breathing to a whole new level.


Hi Arya,

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