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hello people i am 20 year old guy and totally new to spiritual practices.

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I am 20 year old guy who has just started learning these spiritual practices. I find this site very informative that's why i joined it. Hope i will seek here guidance and suggestions from you all people :) thanks again for letting me in :)

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Hello and welcome. You are accepted. Glad to have you as a member.


Please take the time to read the two posts pinned at the top of this Welcome page and take a look at the forum terms and rules. This covers all you need to know when getting started.


For the first week you will be restricted to ten posts per day but after that you can post as much as you like. Also, until you’ve posted fifteen times in the forums, you’ll be a “Junior Bum” with somewhat restricted access and will be allowed only two private messages per day.


Good luck in your pursuits and best wishes to you,


Chang and the TTB team


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Welcome to the site, we have a wide variety of members with a  wide scope of obsessions interests. 

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It is awesome that you are starting at 20 years.  Choose your teacher carefully,  choose your path/habits/practices  carefully,  and  you will be  rewarded  for your choices.   Choose  unwisely, and you will wind up doing  wrong  practices  for  decades,  wasting  your life  and  not  seeing  long lasting  rewards in life.

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I don't know.  Sometimes you gotta study with the ones near you.  Get your feet wet, learn a bit, look around a bit.  As a beginner its easy to be fooled by fancy names, promises of power and high priced seminars.  But if you start with a respected local teacher, develop a practice with integrity then you can keep an eyes open for a true system that connects with you.  And you'll have some basics and discipline under your belt.


Jump in too fast to find the ultimate teacher at 20 and you may waste years looking, or be tossed out as too much of a beginner or end up in the hands of a charlatan. 

Edited by thelerner
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When I was around the OP's age, I composed a "treasure map" for my spiritual aspirations. Among other things I wrote on it: "The way that can be shown is not the eternal way."


I believe that we may need a certain kind of practice during certain stages in our life. We may maintain it all life long or abandon it one day - perhaps to come back to it later on another level.


The only instance that can truly show you your way resides deep inside you.


Best wishes.

Edited by Michael Sternbach
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Choose  unwisely, and you will wind up doing  wrong  practices  for  decades,  wasting  your life  and  not  seeing  long lasting  rewards in life.

this scares/worries me

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Even wrong, dead-end practices can be fun.

And knowing them makes it easier to decide what is right for you, which will change during your lifetime.


Try to have fun, you can be serious later.

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