
why the rigmarole if nothing gained or lost?

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My guess at 3bob's enigmatic statement is that


a)  in order to remove the temporal nature of being, it is upon us.  We have the option of learning to stay in the Now, not to think in a temporal sense.  Not to buy into our personal background (which serves to bolster ego and keep us separate from each other).  To live with our minds in fear of tomorrow also serves to bolster ego, again separating us from life.


 In order to stay in the Now one must go deep within their own character so that there are no more buttons to push - so that one no longer needs to buy into arguments - so that one's mind is totally open and receptive to all, and to realize that everybody is on their own path whether they know it or not.  To accept people as they are, not as we think they should be.


In order to develop this point of perception, deep inner work must be done.


It seems we are here for the exact opposite and that's to find out about the universe that we are part of. There are many individuals that, together, can argue, debate and explore. It's that constant frisson of difference that produces learning and furthers understanding. Our reasoning gives us flexibility and potential as it equally gives us the means of our own destruction.


We don't live in the past or future, but we must make reference to it. Learning by our past and anticipating future needs. We can't avoid it. What's more it is no chore to live with it. It's only if problems are perceived with our lives that we give in to a fear that creates illusions of things in our minds. We create our own phantoms to which we must then create solutions.

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In the end some say nothing is gained or lost, if so then why the all the nearly endless rigmarole to begin with?


2. Jesus said, "Those who seek should not stop seeking until they find. When they find, they will be disturbed. When they are disturbed, they will marvel, and will reign over all. [And after they have reigned they will rest.]"


(Gospel of Thomas)

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Karl is right. The Universe by necessity has to be eternal. A first cause cannot be, as a first cause cannot come out of nothing.


Nothing comes from nothing. Therefore, something must always have been. The miracle - and paradox - of life.

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