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Who are you, and why upon my heart strings are you strumming this divine song, Des?

I'm your reflection - playing back to you the song you asked to hear. (Both literally and figuratively)


The more pain I feel the more love arrives, the more love arrives the more pain feels safe to co-habitate my soul.


Is there any answer in tiredness?


Is weariness the answer in such tired dragging of myself across that line, but what is in a line - a start of a finish?


Is it help or just more burdon to love more when this mind is never sated with this star struck scrambling striven strife?


I do not know, but the sun is shining at the moment.

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I wonder if Yang zhu would have prevented the abuse of a child were it within his power?




Never imagine in a Taoist forum that a straw dog argument can rear its doggy head up here especially as straw dogs is as embedded in Taoism as wuwei and tze run and actually pointed out in the TTC.


Plagiarised into the West as straw man since you so obviously still have both your feet in the West despite lurking here and using weasel argument


Yangzi was one of the earliest Taoist with Liehtze andChuangtze.  Not that we know what he said but he must have said a lot as only fragments are with us passed down entirely by his enemies.  I do not have to defend Yangzi against anyone.



Those carriers of begging bowls and wearers of hijabs and burkhas are moving into Europe out of sheer greed for a better life and propelled solely by their self interests to keep their begging bowls full.  When they get across, they will be messaging and twitting away to their extended families on the great times they having with heated tents and filled up begging bowls asking them all to bring their begging bowls with them.


The kids that they present so heart rendingly will have their begging bowls.  And if the bowls not filled up, they will likely break their legs and make them crippled so that coins and notes be encouraged to drop into their little bowls.


With their begging bowls, minarets will pop up like mushrooms in all little villages of Europe to pacify them.  Or they pray in the streets showing all how much holier they are then thou.   

The very character of Europe that I known and love will be gone in that tsunami.


Since the carriers of begging bowls selfishness must be catered for, then I assert my right to be selfish and for the world that I  known, preferably not infested by bedbugs or carriers of begging bowls.


I have planned to visit Slovenia and Croatia for 3-4 months early 2016 and of Latvia in mid 2016 as part of my search for a place to retire in.  Funded by my money and not at all by begging bowls.  That plan crashed in face of the infestation of Europe, aided by Pollyanna and wannabe Pollyanna happy to inflict their Pollyannaish feelings onto others whether they want it or not.  

By employing straw dogs or straw man arguments.


Why not those begging bowls carriers go to Kingdom of Saudi Arabia or UAE where minarets are already there on every street corners and so much nearer?  Because they will be thrown out before they can settle on a street corner and their begging bowls remain empty.



Idiotic Taoist happy to see begging bowls kicked back to the Med sea so those beggars be encouraged to stay and fight whichever *^$$%^&&&* that they should fight

Edited by shanlung
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