
Is the earth round/spherical?

Earth Shape  

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  1. 1. Is the Earth Round?

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I would say that it is far-fetched, but possible.


No, it isn't. You are willfully ignoring geometry, physics, a couple thousand years of observations and plain old common sense, among other things, and you simply reject everything which doesn't comport with your, ummm, worldview, even when you are handed valid information on a silver platter.


I suspect ralis is correct and, like him, I would waste any more time or energy trying to help you.

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To question is one thing, but providing no evidence lends no credence to your supposition.


Show me the actual photos that they created the composites with, then you will have evidence. 

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No, it isn't. You are willfully ignoring geometry, physics, a couple thousand years of observations and plain old common sense, among other things, and you simply reject everything which doesn't comport with your, ummm, worldview, even when you are handed valid information on a silver platter.


I suspect ralis is correct and, like him, I would waste any more time or energy trying to help you.


Ad-hominem arguments are common with you i'v noticed. 


People often times attack the person instead of the subject matter, but in any scholarly discussion it is considered wasteful. 

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Show me the actual photos that they created the composites with, then you will have evidence. 


I will not fall for that one. It is up to you to provide the evidence for which you are basing your supposition.

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This Telescope that can see New York from London is interesting



The always horizontal horizon is somewhat interesting



One more thing. The tabloid articles you posted are a complete joke! A tunnel from London to NY? The pressures and heat beneath the Atlantic Ocean floor are two variables that your narrative fails to take into account.

Edited by ralis

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This Telescope that can see New York from London is interesting



The always horizontal horizon is somewhat interesting


The first one is a joke, seriously , didn't look at the second.

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Ad-hominem arguments are common with you i'v noticed.


People often times attack the person instead of the subject matter, but in any scholarly discussion it is considered wasteful.

Point of fact, there's no ad hominem attack there, unless you consider agreeing with the suggestion that you might be rather young to be an insult.


You are quoting spoofs you think are real, quoting citing stuff from Infowars as scientific evidence, etc., but then claiming this to be a scholarly discussion?


Heck! I offered several options as to how you could find out the truth for yourself without learning advanced mathematics or travelling to the Poles or acquiring special equipment or relying on evidence provided by anyone. If you were the least bit serious about wanting to explore the possibility of the Earth being disk-shaped, you would have pursued one of these avenues -- or at least asked for more details so that you'd understand how to find out for yourself. Instead, you immediately changed the topic.


Not sure whether you really believe the Earth is flat (which I, sadly, suspect to be the case) or you just feel kinda trollish lately but, in either case, I won't bother visiting this thread anymore.

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Do you mean the magnetic pole or the geographic pole? (They are currently over 700 miles apart...)


In either case, try Google. Seriously. Go to Google (or whatever search engine you prefer), click on Images and type in something along the lines of "north pole" -- you might be surprised at what you find. (Same goes for "south pole" as well...)



Well, you might not be able to fly over it  ...



... but at least you can get a hair cut there . 

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I've heard that he is not real but a creation of NSA and Government Obama health Care scam robbing fascist communists - is this correct?



No ... I assert he  is    a   square    ( I mean , look at those braces !   :wacko:  ... and those sox went out of fashion years ago.


I could also assert he is a big round ball shape too . 

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Well most of the photos on google are not actually real. In case you didn't know that. 


Here is the most real photo I have come across


However, it is also composite photo, Meaning they took dozens of different photos and put them together to create this picture.


This photo "took Suomi 15 trips around the Earth to complete."


Yet, it is still very cloudy and not easy to distinguish. 



Yep ....   15 trips  around  the  Earth .  :)


It does tend to be cloudy and a bit snowy around the pole.  But there is one interesting place in Antarctica where it is not;



It's more like a desert ;





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Your world view is such that we are being lied to regarding the shape of our planet? 



Well, as a remedy, he could see the 'scientists' as 'Daoisits' and just accept that  ...    they assert  that it  is  spherical . 

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Ok mr. composite photos. 


Also that isn't a derail as it questions the validity of NASA. (the organization taking the photos of earth)


yeah but as soon as you get a reasonable answer you bring up some other conspiratorial- new age- you tube - stuff,  


your real agenda is pretty obvious ... as well as the fact that you are 'all over the place' .

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One more thing. The tabloid articles you posted are a complete joke! A tunnel from London to NY? The pressures and heat beneath the Atlantic Ocean floor are two variables that your narrative fails to take into account.



Even so, it is supposed to be a tunnel that you look down , with high tech gear working it .   


Its as if he read the header ' a telescope can see NY from London' and just believed it at face value.


Then when  the mistakes, lies or jokes, he got sucked into are pointed out by the 'good folk' here, who are trying to help him get clear from the  BS and brainwashing he has been subjected to himself ... he starts gettin uppity !  



You really want  to believe dont you Moonie  ?   


Did you know you can see though one of these ?




... so curves dont matter. .. even if that ' telescope tunnel ' does exist. 


You are coming off like some new age cult member lacky


that has been brainwashed  and are representing the internut cult. 

Edited by Nungali

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If any thread here needs this song as an overture this thread is it  ! 


(actually this is rather clever  ^_^  ) 





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Those guys need to peace out.

Peace is the substance of tranquility,Thankyou Marblehead.


Defending egos is unnecessary,we value everyone,a little less effort,that's it,effortless harmony.

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Earth is a torus. There are no spheres in nature.




It's within a torus if projected on a plane and then wrapped to connect the edges.


I pretty much worked out that if you modeled the universe like the 64 hexagrams, or even take that 64 and converge it towards infinity, then you arrange it so that every neighbouring hexagram is a change of 1 bit (meaning that every change is 1 step separated), then when wrapped to form a 3d object it becomes a torus.


It doesn't really mean anything though. It's still a thought construct or a model, which in reality doesn't exist.

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Earth is a torus. There are no spheres in nature.



What is your basis for that supposition? 'The Flat Earth Society'?


If I am standing on the inside surface of the torus, then according to you I should be able to see the earth curve in an upwards direction? So far I have yet to experience that phenomenon.






Edited by ralis
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Glad this thread exists.  While it hasn't changed my opinion its gotten me to learn much more about many things.  I'm amazed at how many things we've landed and/or crashed on the moon >75!  The history and geography of Antarctica, the history of nearest inhabited island to it and why its been successful in a very harsh climate with very few people.  Totally fascinating.  Its a microcosm and little things like how it gets its internet has answers to the OP's question and how it manages it tiny economy is like a lab for great economic issues. 


Varying researches have taken me in a dozen or more directions. 


Yet that is also the weakness of flat earthers.  For most (imo) the passion, even obsession has religious roots.  They start w/ it's (sphere) against the bible.  From there they willfully ignore over 2,000 years of evidence from virtually every scientific field.  Rationalizing away modern science and research. 


This is dangerous because in a world where they ruled, science might stop.   Nearly every trained scientist in a dozen fields ends up being part of a conspiracy theory.  It'd be like the China's Cultural Revolution.


Science books would have to be destroyed.  Science classes closely monitored.   Geologist, astronomers, physicists, engineers, 99% of all science teachers would be stifled at best, imprisoned at worst.  As GPS systems failed and weather  and TV satellite went blank we'd be left with the confident answer 'That's the way god wants it.'


The news this week is the Antarctic is gaining ice faster then models predicted. That is the way of science.  For a flat earther this is crazy propaganda with a dozen things wrong with it.  By there reckoning no real map of it exists, there are no real scientists there, no one is measuring anything except the Elites.  No data gotten can have any relevance because its got to be faked because Antarctica isn't an Island/continent but it surrounds the world like a pizza crust extending to the ends of our very small, very young universe.


31.5 miles from where I live is Zion Illinois, home to the last 'great' bastion of Flat Earth philosophy  It was run like a theocracy and the became increasingly full of crazy and more then its share of hypocrisy.   


Regular society ain't so sane to begin with, but once pseudo science grows the dangerously crazy quotient gets increasingly higher and peoples lives and ability to reason suffer.  

Edited by thelerner
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  By there reckoning no real map of it exists, there are no real scientists there, no one is measuring anything except the Elites.


Flat earth derived from the bible is of course  only as credible as the bible, no more, no less.  But this fact does not absolve those who control science in a pretty totalitarian fashion globally, in case you haven't noticed.  And anything that seems to work only on the condition that it is controlled in a totalitarian fashion is fishy in my book.  Anything.


As Joseph Stalin once intimated, "it doesn't matter in the least who votes for whom, it only matters who counts the votes."  This fully applies to science, unfortunately.  It doesn't matter who measures what.  It only matters who puts the drill in the textbooks. 


Do you know?  I do.  I spent some time specifically following the money, finding out who finances a particular way science is sold to the public.  I don't like those people.  I'm not even sure they're people.   In any event they are not scientists, any of them, anymore than Stalin came to power because someone voted for him.  Or Mao Zedong.  No one voted.  And yet as a result, more people for a longer time than at any other point in history studied sciences that were completely "harmonized" with the party line.  No exceptions.  Not a single one. 


You think you live on the special happy island of the "free world" though, amidst the ocean of human and historical irrelevance, the island where these things don't happen.  Far more than half the globe lives on some nasty planet you want to have nothing to do with, a planet where these things happen as a matter of protocol, business as usual, where there's absolutely no other way science happens except under conditions of absolute totalitarian dictate by non-scientists.  But we of course are exempt.  All science is created equal, but some is more equal than other.


Things tend to get hairy though when someone starts revealing what the "elites" want concealed who is not a lone voice in the desert but a person of authority and credibility.  These dissenters tend to be put in heavily guarded facilities, some of them medical.  They tend to die of suicides, accidents, plane crashes, heart attacks with no history of heart disease, they tend to disappear, they tend to, in the best case scenario, get fired and blacklisted so no one else hires them, all sorts of unpleasant things happen to them.  So most of course keep their mouths shut.  Does it surprise you?  Seem unlikely?  I've personally known people who lived this...  

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I just this morning saw a short article telling of a scientist doing work on the origins of the Big Bang saw whet he believes could be evidence of a parallel universe.  He admitted that such claims require much evidence that is not currently available.


Personally, I have left this possibility open because of the existence of Dark Matter.


But I think that any other universes will be pretty much round too.

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quantum mechanics entanglement theory points to higher dimensions or holographic reality. 

Edited by MooNiNite
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I just this morning saw a short article telling of a scientist doing work on the origins of the Big Bang saw whet he believes could be evidence of a parallel universe.  He admitted that such claims require much evidence that is not currently available.


Personally, I have left this possibility open because of the existence of Dark Matter.


But I think that any other universes will be pretty much round too.



Nice article here on relativity vs. quantum mechanics and latest experiments and so on.

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Youtube has a Stanford University lecture series on classical mechanics and quantum mechanics by Dr. Leonard Susskind. I started with the quantum, but haven't had the time to finish. Absolutely fascinating!


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quantum mechanics entanglement theory points to higher dimensions or holographic reality. 

Yeah, but I'm not ready to talk with the quantum mechanics people yet.  I do listen to them a little but they go off into what I refer to as La-La land to often.

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