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flouride - putting it in the water

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The purpose of this thread is to gather information about Flouride. And whether or not people agree with the government charging money to put it in our water.


I am against it. I do not use fluoride in my toothpaste and will not drink water with fluoride in it.


In the first place it is a toxic waste byproduct aluminum. It destroys the bones and it not necessary for teeth:


In the second place, chlorine, fluoride and mercury cause the pineal gland to become calcified, making things like astral projection and lucid dreaming that much more difficult:


For the record, I eat a lot of refined sugars and drink a lot of soda pop. For the last two years I have been using toothpaste without fluoride and have no increase in cavities or tooth decay.


I have other links about this, how a dentist shared some info about it, how things like a flu shot have more stuff that can keep you from becoming aware. May take me a while to find and post that info.


Edited by DreamBliss

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this has been my go-to toothpaste in recent years:


when going back to regular ones (the occasional sleep over etc) the shocking thing is how damn SWEET they are. it's crazy, tastes likes a mouth full of sugar or whatever they put in them...


water i do about 50% distilled w/ ionic minerals and the rest bottled out of convenience of not needing to run the distiller all the time. then spun up in the double egg vortexer :ph34r:

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My experience is that the distinctive cause of healthy teeth is the ph of saliva and the persistent presence of it flowing.  I have gone long periods without even owning a toothbrush, and flossing?... only when something is jammed and I have no toothpick.  Since the age of 17 I have been to the dentist twice when old fillings came loose... I turn 47 in a few months.  Each time they put in a new filling, give me a cleaning and off I go for another decade.  No flouride use here, we drink distilled water.  I am intrigued by anecdotal accounts of oil pulling and remineralization though.  

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Yeah oil pulling with coconut oil is the best, you'll never have cavities ever again, it heals the bleeding gums and is anti bacterial. The best to control the ph of the mouth is baking soda, and the best to whiten the teeth is hidrogen peroxyde which is the active substance in all whitening products.

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