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"I heard they made it illegal to sell super-natural/spiritual things on ebay"



Ebay is writing laws?








You understand what i'm saying and you're just being incredibly rude. Simply replace the word illegal with banned if it makes you feel better. 

Edited by MooNiNite

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MooNiNite - I was not being rude.


I have never bought or looked to buy anything from internet, ever.


I have never bought or looked to buy "supernatural goods and services".


So such places or businesses "banning" what they have on web sites is not in my experience.


Couple years ago I am living with animals and insects. Never see these issues.


But I knew what "illegal" means, and what "laws" are.


Meant no offense or sarcasm or like that.


Just asked for a quick clarification of what you wrote about "illegal".






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interesting that you found that. I heard they made it illegal to sell super-natural/spiritual things on ebay


really? that's surprising seeing as though supposedly none of it is real.


just found these links


btw i would never want to buy something like that, sounds like you're just asking for trouble...


Spokeswoman Johnna Hoff said that buyers and sellers have complained to EBay that such transactions "often result in issues that can be difficult to resolve."


not surprised!

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"I heard they made it banned to sell super-natural/spiritual things on ebay"  ?   :wacko:


Any way, if you read your own link ( which you never seem to do ) ;



"discontinuing a small number of categories within the larger Metaphysical subcategory."


It's important to note that items that have a tangible value for the item itself and may also be used in metaphysical rites and practices (ie  jewelry, crystals, incense, candles, and books) are allowed in most cases," Hoff wrote."


So dolly has some value ... but something like a 'hex'  may not  ( that is; you send me money and I say I did it for you ... or supply a piece of paper with something written on it.   Some old crappy dolls do have a high antique value. 


Not so on Craigslist ;  " The post promises such confidential services as a “Big Booty Spell,”


"Mah big booties ?  I got em from Craigslist ! "

Edited by Nungali

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People are selling "spiritual things"


From a "metaphysical subcategory"


Other people are deciding what will be allowed in what categories.


This is to manage "issues that can be difficult to resolve".




Do I understand correctly when it seems that it is okay to "sell" a "spiritual thing" as long as the "value" isn't just taken to be "spiritual" but is actually just the "tangible" "value" of the "spiritual thing" without any "value" attached to any "spiritual" aspects or associations made about the "spiritual thing"?


So the "sentimental" value of an item like, for example, a hair ribbon owned by Marilyn Monroe - that's okay as long as we understand it is simply a hair ribbon that is being sold?


What about "intellectual value"? Banned, except maybe, for example, as selling only or mainly a "paragraph of text"?


"Historical value"?


What about something said to be "useful"?


So if the tablets that Moses brought down from the mountain were to be sold, it would have to be mainly as "rocks"?


Otherwise,,, they might not perform as advertised?


There might be "issues that are difficult to resolve"?


Seems like all of advertising must be banned.


Meanwhile, the spiritual realm must be made at least tangible in order to be "legally" sold?


People must be living amazing lives these days.





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