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West losing Russia's Eve online

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In general, at the time this news was very well known. It was not long before the introduction of sanctions. There is a game Eve online, play western and very famous. The game is dedicated to military affairs in space. It made chic. And there was a great battle between Russian and the West, with the battle had taken place unplanned and random. Just some Western team had not paid the rent for a certain portion of space and one of the Russian took it. Western people did not like it, and the battle began, which gradually joined the others. During the battle was destroyed by the virtual material 200 000 $. This is a record.
And I've learned, laughed as the West does not know how to fight. Think sami- entire West lost Russian. And I thought that the west is a very sad fact. Now, why I became a talk about it. You can imagine the sanctions of the West, as revenge for a grand loss.

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