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Most Important Things You Have Learned (re: Qigong, Neigong)

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There is so much BULL$*& out there....


Everything from how to swallow spit correctly, to how to drink your own urine through your nose,to having unprotected sex with hookers to drink their yin and (other peoples yang) energy, up through your penis.


It seems as though there is a never ending sea of BS, Disinformation etc, regarding qigong, neigong etc.



I am wondering if everyone could share gems of REAL information they have come across in their own practice and studies which stand out from the rest.



I will share some of mine:


Energy should be felt in addition to visualization, feeling the flows of energy is vastly more effective for qigong/neigong work than visualization.





Qigong and neigong exercises are vastly enhanced by being in a deep trance state, where you breath one to three times per minute. Also during lucid dreams or OBE's the ability to feel the flows of energy even more so than a deep trance.



Standing meditations like horse stance, can also be enhanced by being in a trance first. This is possible but requires a very slow movement, and quiet environment. Also circulation techniques like microcosmic orbiting are at their peak while in trance and horse stance.



Basic layout of your energy body.






Edited by mwight

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ey, wow.. dude, kill the motor :D


there are at least three types of "leading the energy". four, to be precise:


1. visualisation - it's for VISUAL types of person. it's psychollogy 101

2. kinestethic -

3. tactile-

4. - not leading the energy at all. it's again a lot of 101 psychollogy - the people that don't want to "lead" energy, don't like anybody "leading" them. basic issues with society, parents, girlfriends, boyfriends parents.


it's just amazing how a couple of pages of a good psychollogy book can make out of carefull tanted philosophies




PS: Everything is you need to adapt, and respect the way other people do simmilar things.

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ey, wow.. dude, kill the motor :D


there are at least three types of "leading the energy". four, to be precise:


1. visualisation - it's for VISUAL types of person. it's psychollogy 101

2. kinestethic -

3. tactile-

4. - not leading the energy at all. it's again a lot of 101 psychollogy - the people that don't want to "lead" energy, don't like anybody "leading" them. basic issues with society, parents, girlfriends, boyfriends parents.


it's just amazing how a couple of pages of a good psychollogy book can make out of carefull tanted philosophies




PS: Everything is you need to adapt, and respect the way other people do simmilar things.




Edited by mwight

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That energetic development and spiritual development have a certain amount of overlap, but are in many ways totally different processes.


That energetic development, done righly, will certainly help with health, up to a point, and that having clear channels, and connections to the world at large will provide new and possibly useful perceptions and can certainly make spiritual development easier, BUT that it is very possible to be very energetically developed and going spiritually backwards fast.


That spiritual development is without exception a subtraction, and hurts.


That teachers can be sincere, persuasive, accomplished, health and happy and still utterly misguided.

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I just want to be happy..


the best reason to do this stuff imo



There is a distinction between meditation and trance.


completely correct


good luck telling that to a lot of spiritual seekers.


they just want to space out, tune out and be unpresent long enough for something to happen to them from the faeries


let them do it until they get bored of the hamster wheel


If you are not doing a simple, formless, bare attention meditation at least one hour a day regularly, get that habit down first and see which of your questions (should I move the red fireball twirling clockwise through the backhand channel or counterclockwise?) remain.


priceless! I lol'd! total gem


To be alive is to partially embody some dark principles that are not appropriate to discuss but need to be recognized.


are you sure you are not from my home world?



not sure I have any gems to add myself


the advice I have for gung is the same for life.


It is ok to fail, as long as you get back up and move forward again, it is also ok to go backward for a time


trust your feelings and inner warnings



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Good tips. B)

Energy should be felt in addition to visualization, feeling the flows of energy is vastly more effective for qigong/neigong work than visualization.
It's not that you have the idea, the imagination, or the ability to think about chi but that you actually feel it. It's the difference between the idea of eating and actually eating-having the juices in your mouth and tasting the food. The idea will produce some facsimile of the real thing and you might go so far as to salivate, but when the real deal is present the taste and sustenance of the food is either there or it's not. There's little thought involved.


Similarly, in order to actually feel chi directly you have to go through the Heart-Mind. You have to have a direct experience of moving chi in the body. To do this the body requires that the Heart-Mind be opened, if only to the tinniest degree.


To enter the real world of chi gung you have to access the Heart-Mind. At the level of intent, only a small percentage of your being is involved. To the degree to which you attach the Heart-Mind-surface-level or deep involvement-is the degree to which your being is involved. If you want to awaken the latent parts of the brain, it can only be done after the Heart-Mind is functioning really well.

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The most important thing I have learned is that the universe, my body and my soul is a lot more intelligent than me. Through stillness meditation and qigong I let these intelligences work in me, and not the other way around.

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