
energy healer artifact found in news

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Crystals, metals, and organic compounds in layers and separations , a bit like a battery. 


( " Design inspired by crop circles "    ^_^  )


A spinoff and development of 'Wands of Horus'


(I am not advocating this as bonafide at all, just offering the info . )


Do they work ?  I dont know  ... personally I would spend my money on something else. 


I have two sets of Wands of Horus ( gifted to me by the company  in exchange for some work I did for  them ) .  Do they work ?


Put it this way ;  anyone want to buy them ... for half their retail price ?  


One quarter ?  


Postage costs ?  


(otherwise I might dump them in a cemetery   ;)  )


-  My personal opinion , also the personal opinion of an  alternative healer / registered Doctor  and Rosemary Clarke *  (via personal correspondence. )



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Saw that story in the Guardian and my first thought was "how dumb are these archaeologists?" My second thought was, "no dumber than the person who would spend $1000+ for that thing, and then leave it in the dirt".

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(otherwise I might dump them in a cemetery   ;)  )



Burial seems to be the in-thing, espcially in Jewish cemetery.


Wreaths will be optional but donations to wild life charities preferred.



Idiotic Taoist who love living wild especially if paid for by donations

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