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BK Frantzis - Mastery Program series

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I like very much what teach Bruce Kumar Frantzis ( I have some his books and old videos. Also last year I bought the Tai Chi Mastery Program. It is excellent!!!
In this year I plan to buy his Hsing-I Mastery Program. Also seems his Bagua Mastery Program and his Old Yang Tai Chi Training Circle are very good.
Any experience? :)

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EDIT March 2024: I wanted to edit this and update my thoughts 8 years on. At this point I'm entirely uninterested in anything Frantzis does. People from the lineage he claims in China have spoken and it seems that much of what he teaches may be something he made himself from various influences. About 25 years ago he decided to switch from teaching martial arts to meditation for monetary reasons according to his former students.  There are so many high quality Bagua and Xingyi instructionals available now. Mushin Martial Culture has a reasonable price and is very high quality materials. I personally use Gerald Sharp and James Saper's Baguazhang and Xingyi materials with Andrea  Falk's books. That said, Paul Andrews has an excellent Xingyiquan course. If you want legit Daoist alchemy then Nathan Brine is who I'd recommend.

Edited by GreytoWhite
2024 Update
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I just ordered the Hsing-I Mastery Program. It has 30 DVDs about the Hsing-I 5 Element Fists and the basic I Chuan standing postures:

- Volume 1: San Ti and Pi Chuan - 7 DVD Set
- Volume 2: Water Fist (Tsuan Chuan) - 6 DVD Set
- Volume 3: Wood Fist (Beng Chuan) - 5 DVD Set
- Volume 4: Fire Fist (Pao Chuan) - 4 DVD Set
- Volume 5: Earth Fist (Heng Chuan) - 4 DVD Set
- I Chuan Standing Postures for Power - 4 DVD Set (BONUS)

However the program contain also a donwloadable Online Program. :-) It seems great. Can't wait to receive all the program (DVDs) by mail. :-)

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