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Rishi Das

what are you practicing and what has it done for?

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just curious. i'll go first. :)



1. what brought you to Dao Bums and why have you stayed? 


2. what are you practicing?


3. how long have you been practicing?


4. why are you practicing?


5. what has your practice done for you?


6. what is the goal?


7. what are some things that hold you back?




1. i originally came to Dao Bums due to a longing for something i couldn't explain or find the words for. i initially thought i was searching for a movement practice like qi gong or tai qi. i also enjoy reading and writing and utilized forums as an outlet of expression throughout my teens. when i found Dao Bums it just felt right.


one reason i have stayed on Dao Bums is to utilize the personal practice section of the forum. i don't write often but when i do it's a great platform to express and share on.


Dao Bums will always have a special place in my heart for the part it played in connecting me to my Teacher. 


2. my practice primarily consists of Guru Yoga, Bhakti Yoga and Karma Yoga. i consistently practice Japa, meditation, Wuji qigong...keeping it simple.


3. i have been practicing now for a consistent 5 years.


4. i'm either really passionate or i'm being pulled to something i can't articulate or fathom - really not sure which it is. ultimately it just feels right. don't think i could get away from it even if i tried.


5. Sadhana has literally transformed who i thought i was and continues to do so. sure, there are still plenty of static pieces left but Sadhana is constantly gutting the interior and leaving space for consistent change and continous flow. that's a bit abstract so some things i've gotten from it: new perspectives, less attachment, an understanding of energy and it's flow, numerous experiences in various states of consciouness, peace, happiness, bliss, courage....


6. the goal is Liberation.


7. myself. it all seems to come back to surrendering myself to the fire.





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1. what brought you to Dao Bums and why have you stayed?



I join Dao Bums about 1 year ago.


Here, I simply enjoy reading what people are posting and respond sometimes.


I am only learning that there are people discussing internal cultivation, qigong, and all stuff I am involved in for a long time.


I had not known that kind of discussions, not known books on these subjects made in the past decades, never saw even TV shows and videos that had been put up.


So, now enjoying and looking.


Very interesting.



2. what are you practicing?



I never can "practice" anymore.


It must all be the full performance.


So for now, all "practice" is actually "doing".



3. how long have you been practicing?



I did practicing for many years - around 45 years.



4. why are you practicing?



Originally, because I realized modern way of life was totally wrong.


So seeing modern development or "progress" is false.


I was 9 years old.


Traditional gongfu school was beginning of my studies.



5. what has your practice done for you?



Everything I needed it to - everything I envisioned at 9 years.



6. what is the goal?



Become human being according to nature, and not so much just another robot slave of a few rich people and their pet scientists.


I see that such an act could contribute to the ressurection of humanity from its current state.


Such a thing is inevitable.


I am one representative of this.


This is the perfect time, and I happened to be here for it.



7. what are some things that hold you back?



Poisoned "food", ineffective and poison "medicines", corporate brainwashings presented as "education", media "programming", and all the systematic mechanisms employed in making human beings into dependent, sick, mentally stunted fluoride and mercury-soaked ass-monkeys of the corporations (straw men) created by those who believe they "own" or "control" this world but who actually hate and destroy it and everything in it but that which they have altered and made less.


Without addressing that stuff first, I saw that people seeking "enlightenment" or even "accomplishment" are just removing a splinter as they are buried in a log jam.


It taking people now 30 years to do what is really 3 months of development.


The body/mind built from toaster pastries, tortured pigs, drugged cows, and neurotoxic metals is not constructed for understanding YinYang, 5 phases - or even someone saying "hello".


It gets a human body to do something, anything, for corporations - buy, sell, work - all useable for them.


It gets people to work hard at all the various industries built to shape and control human beings.


But it cannot reach reality enough to even see that the feet it is chopping off are it's own.





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