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"May all beings be happy" ?

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May all beings have happiness and the causes of happiness


That's how I know the first line of this prayer


Happiness is not a random term in Buddha dharma, it doesn't mean the happiness of buying a new Ferrari, seeing your enemy loosing his job or the happiness of a tiger killing and eating his prey (those are causes of suffering camouflaging as happiness)


Happiness is twofold in the Buddhist sense


Temporal and ultimate happiness


Temporal means - you wish beings of the lower realms to get a higher rebirth and a connection to authentic dharma (in my view that is not limited to buddhist dharma)


And beings in the higher realms to stay there and follow the authentic path that leads to enlightenment


The causes of (temporal) happiness means the ten virtues actions that lead to higher rebirth and happiness (not materialistic happiness or happiness that is the result of temporarily satisfying ego driven attachment and aversion - that is as I said acrually a cause of future suffering and in the second line of this prayer you wish beings to be free from suffering and the causes of suffering.)


Then ultimate happiness means enlightenment, freedom from all suffering and dualistic clinging


The causes of that are perfecting the two accumulations (the relative accumulation of merit is in summary connected with the 10 virtues actions and the five paramitas from generosity up to meditation -> this needs to be connected with the "three excellences" to be virtue leading to buddhahood; and then perfecting the accumulation of wisdom, that is connected with prajnaparamita - insight into non duality)


Hope that will add to the discussion

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Well RT at the end of this cosmic cycle how many beings will still be around to have happiness, I'd say only one whom some call, "the eater of death"  and that is enlightenment.

Edited by 3bob
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Well RT at the end of this cosmic cycle how many beings will still be around to have happiness, I'd say only one whom some call, "the eater of death" and that is enlightenment.

Yes, these meditations of course won't bestow happiness on all sentient beings, if they would have that power then a Buddha would bestow eternal happiness on all beings,because he/she perfected them.


like many in this discussion already said these meditations are about loosening the grip of ego clinging and also to prepare the limited dualistic mind to meet with "the eater of death"

Edited by RigdzinTrinley
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May all beings have happiness and the causes of happiness


That's how I know the first line of this prayer



I like this^^^


It is more nuanced. It reminds me, also, of the Quakerly principle of working to eliminate the causes of war.

Edited by Brian
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What's the alternative?


May all beings choke on suffering? Eat pain, suckers!



Sure. That's one of many. There are others between those.

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like being on an underperforming bowling team at alley where they play bad country western music and with lots of cigarette smoke in the air and serve burgers and fries that look and taste like they are three days old along with luke-warm and flat colas?

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Beings who search the external for conditions which impart lasting happiness to them shall instead find death and the conclusion of all they recognized as being reality.


This is an inevitability.


Today at this moment every being already contains everything inside to exist in unbreakable happiness. No matter what path you choose internal or external, this unbreakable happiness will remain as a priceless gift only you can bestow onto yourself through a mindful choice in Now alone.


Forgive yourself. Forgive all others. Love yourself in compassion. Love all others in compassion. Love this one beautiful moment of human life with unbreakable mindful commitment.


Some choices are instantly there own best reward.


Unlimited Love,


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yea, you can get a strike instead of a bad split, and a 300 game should give happiness at least for one life time.  Is there bowling in heaven - I don't know - co-ed shuffle board maybe.  

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If you think about it, all the positive virtues tend to arise naturally in a state of happiness. When you're really, truly happy, you are so nice to everyone you meet. You feel connected with everyone and everything. No obstacle seems insurmountable. Similarly, when one isn't happy, this is when problems arise. 
I mean, even non-spiritual practitioners get this:


Edited by forestofemptiness
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If you think about it, all the positive virtues tend to arise naturally in a state of happiness.

And so does that state of happiness itself.

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This reminds me of an insight I had while still embedded in the Christian world view I was given as a child.  I was reading the bible intensely in my teens, in an attempt to get some answers to all the questions that folks in church were unwilling, or unable to give.


I wasn't even reading the 10 commandments at the time, but it suddenly became apparent to me that the 10 commandments, weren't intended as actual orders, as they had always been offered as guilt and fear currency in church.  They are not a list of 'should nots', rather they are indicators or Path Markers of embodiment of Metta, or Source Love of things that you would not do.


When in the flow of Metta it is not possible to murder, or covet and theft becomes laughable.  It's not a case of Thou shall not (or else), it's Thou will not, because in the state of such love, those actions just can't manifest.  It's just not possible to engage in them while in the flow of such love.

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This reminds me of an insight I had while still embedded in the Christian world view I was given as a child.  I was reading the bible intensely in my teens, in an attempt to get some answers to all the questions that folks in church were unwilling, or unable to give.


I wasn't even reading the 10 commandments at the time, but it suddenly became apparent to me that the 10 commandments, weren't intended as actual orders, as they had always been offered as guilt and fear currency in church.  They are not a list of 'should nots', rather they are indicators or Path Markers of embodiment of Metta, or Source Love of things that you would not do.


When in the flow of Metta it is not possible to murder, or covet and theft becomes laughable.  It's not a case of Thou shall not (or else), it's Thou will not, because in the state of such love, those actions just can't manifest.  It's just not possible to engage in them while in the flow of such love.

I once did a survey thread here (I'll try to find it!) motivated by a discussion I had been having with another forum member about the similarities I was seeing in the stages in the maturation of spirituality, regardless of path or system. "Do it because parents say so", "do it to avoid something bad", "do it to gain something good", "do it because you think you're supposed to", etc., etc. -- culminating (in my view at the time) with "do it because you can imagine doing nothing else."


EDIT: Found it:

Edited by Brian
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The yearning for spiritual fruition can only be quelled thru expressing gained wisdom, not only by deeds alone, but often, thru knowing refrain and renunciation within the core of one's being. 


Renunciation is recognising the exact moment when negative emotional triggers are pulled when the mind grasps at something which then creates a reactive spark; seeing immediately its empty nature at once, the spark quickly transforms into bliss!


Over time, bliss becomes spontaneous, and work, strife and attention in noticing can, at that point, be let go off. The great masters, out of their limitless kindness, have shown to their beloved spiritual heirs... that at the moment of arising comes the opportune moment for liberation. Such treasures await those who recognise mind essence! 

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