Ludmila Kniga

Each of us wants to live in the world as long as possible in a healthy body.

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Each of us wants to live in the world as long as possible in a healthy body. It's clear. But not everyone thinks about the fact that our three-dimensional vision of space narrows his consciousness in the narrow confines of the cycle time. Time in which we are counting, lived each year of life is our main "enemy", which sums up the inexorable course of life. What it is and how to contact our consciousness and time? Why do people with the same date of the birth in the passport on the appearance look different? One is younger than his years, another is older. There do not exist passport each of us has a biological clock. It turns out that the time for each of us - it is a personal factor. And aging depends on it. The time – is personality each of us. Our inner world, feelings, emotions, everything that we experience in life it is the main component that can support our organism. A consciousness? How it affects the length of our lives? Directly to the growth of consciousness we open the boundaries of time, motion, and it duration. As our personal perception of life begins to expand the boundaries of space, we merge with the flow in the realization of a strong emotion, absorb more information from the environment and begin to expand more chances in life which for us is a carrier between his inner world and external world. We become part of something of a more united and eternal. The border of time erased and goes out of fear. With the growing consciousness of cooling towers time. It means, what is time? This segment of graded consciousness. The time is personally, it towers with increasing consciousness. And our survival depends directly on the level of awareness and perception of themselves in the reality. And to artificially prolong life is impossible if you do not see them as a unified energy space wave flux.
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This  thread  title  is misguided and wrong.   Ask  most people who are over 70 and who are suffering from illness of body that naturally  comes  to  most of the older population -   i bet most would say  they do not agree with your thread  title.  


There is desire to live long,  only when you  think that  this  life is your only chance to live.  But if you subscribe to the teachings of spiritual masters  then you would  have faith that  rebirth (ie.  going to heaven or hell in christianity)  is  inevitable.  Then,   human time  span  does not matter all,  because  birth and death are simply  events of  the  infinite ONE - and we are part of that ONE.  Why bother about  death  or for that matter even living ?  Note that i am not subscribing or prescribing  nihilism or  suicide.  For me, all that matters is living without  too much  suffering, as long as it lasts, on earth.

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It may very well be a possible explanation to answer some of the deeper questions as to the real nature of existence, to ascribe a natural pattern as health and well being directing and creating life itself ... Which would infer then that the universe of life or the experiencable or perceptible gravitates to a self awareness of happiness and fluxes through time to this end.

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