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The Unseen Hand

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In two ongoing threads the suggestion has arisen that there is an unseen hand shaping the destiny of the world (in particular that of Europe and America).


This unseen hand goes by many names depending on your personal view, Zionists, Communists, The Illuminati, The New World Order, The Bilderberg Group, Left Wing Liberal Twat’s etc. etc.


But is there in fact any truth to these conspiratorial suspicions or is it simply a case of zeitgeist, the west having grown soft and pathetic without assistance from any secret organisation.


I must admit to leaning towards the view that the prevalent liberal mindset is the source of most of our woe's but is this liberal weakness being manipulated with evil intent by those hidden from view - or perhaps by those hiding in open view?


What think you all?

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I've concluded its simply a philosophical failure rather than a particular group.


This failure has resulted in chaos into which the worst of humanity have clawed their way on to the top of the heap and have been busy tearing up the remaining rule book-which was the only guiding light, however divorced, from the enlightened minds that wrote it. Law and Justice have failed spectacularly and the principles from which they once derived have been perverted and polluted in such a way as to be unrecognisable.


It's easy to point at groups, because for certain they are implicated, but they are an effect and not the cause itself. Stop brushing your teeth and soon plaque builds up, followed by rotting gums and abscesses full of pus. We stopped brushing our teeth because we had been told it wasn't worth doing, it was too much effort and all we needed to do was to visit a dentist when things got painful and chuck chemicals in our drinking water.


The most disturbing part of this, is that we can't change government, have a revolution or radically improve things because we have lost the philosophical initiative. All we get is another crappy, maybe more murderous, corrupt condition. We have bounced around between communism, facism and democracy. These are all children of the same philosophical failure. It's probable that we need a flood.

Edited by Karl
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