
The origin of mankind

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Considering most humans develop lower back problems or hunch could be a strong correlation that we are not suitable for the gravity here. Pointing to the theory that we are aliens. 


However the use of chairs could train ourselves to align our back improperly while sitting. 


Our heavily evolved intelligence when compared to everything else on this planet is also a strong factor. 


Yeah, I watched a documentary that spoke to the disadvantages of the human body having evolved to walking upright.  But apparently the advantages have our-weighted the disadvantages.

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Yeah, I watched a documentary that spoke to the disadvantages of the human body having evolved to walking upright.  But apparently the advantages have our-weighted the disadvantages.


Greater perspective when hunting. Just like mere cats stand up to get a earlier view of approaching danger.

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Yes, I remember it.  Too bad man's evolution had to start out with violence.


Man has always to be shown as brutal, violent and uncooperative unless at war by legions of play and film makers. Be it Shakespeare or Kubrick.


Meanwhile our animal programs are full of tender hearted Lions and caring chimpanzees. The amount of time dedicated to praising the Dolphin as the mammal of supreme peace and intelligence-I love to watch the faces of animal lovers when they see what Dolphins really do to each other and other creatures in the wild.

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If you look at ancient Sumerian beliefs and ancient African beliefs* they talk about human beings being "Created" in a laboratory type setting. They point out that we were engineered. 


*many believe Africa to be the origin of mankind.


I believe in evolution, but not with regards to Humans. It doesn't explain why we are so incredibly dominant. These ancient religions are closer to the truth. 

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While we were evolving to walk upright and "think" critically.


What was everything else on this planet doing?

Evolving or becoming extinct.

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If you look at ancient Sumerian beliefs and ancient African beliefs* they talk about human beings being "Created" in a laboratory type setting. They point out that we were engineered. 


*many believe Africa to be the origin of mankind.


I believe in evolution, but not with regards to Humans. It doesn't explain why we are so incredibly dominant. These ancient religions are closer to the truth. 


I will simply disagree with you as the evidence shows otherwise.


Creation or manufactured myths are just that, myths.  If there is no evidence you can't even state that you have a theory.

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Yeah for no reason we are way more evolved than everything else on this planet. That makes perfect sense! (what?!)

I'm not saying that everything that happens is immediately understandable.  There is still some missing information regarding the evolution of man.


And then if we consider the family of the crocodile, it has evolved very little over the past 150 million years.  That is because what it does it is already well equipped to do.


We humans are still evolving.  Apparently we are still pretty messed up.

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If you look at ancient Sumerian beliefs and ancient African beliefs* they talk about human beings being "Created" in a laboratory type setting. They point out that we were engineered. 


Really ?



Which particular ancient beliefs say that ?     I am curious to hear how ancient Africans and Sumerians describe a ' laboratory type setting '  .    And 'engineered' ?   I would love to read the ancient texts  view on ' engineering'    .





*many believe Africa to be the origin of mankind.


I believe in evolution, but not with regards to Humans. It doesn't explain why we are so incredibly dominant. These ancient religions are closer to the truth. 

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I'm not saying that everything that happens is immediately understandable.  There is still some missing information regarding the evolution of man.


And then if we consider the family of the crocodile, it has evolved very little over the past 150 million years.  That is because what it does it is already well equipped to do.


We humans are still evolving.  Apparently we are still pretty messed up.


Ha, so in other words your statements are not logical or verified. 

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At least he doesnt make totally illogical and unverified statements  about ancient African laboratory engineering  :glare:

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Ha, so in other words your statements are not logical or verified. 

You have to make your own decisions.

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At least he doesnt make totally illogical and unverified statements  about ancient African laboratory engineering  :glare:



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I'd counter we're too poorly built to be intelligently engineered. 


Birth is a disaster, particularly in the past.  We're way weaker then our cousin apes.  Not great predators, nor efficient herbivores ie can't chew grass or leaves.  Not that we don't have advantages, big brains, we run well for long distances, opposable thumbs.  internet access.   That's about it.  

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I'd counter we're too poorly built to be intelligently engineered. 


Birth is a disaster, particularly in the past.  We're way weaker then our cousin apes.  Not great predators, nor efficient herbivores ie can't chew grass or leaves.  Not that we don't have advantages, big brains, we run well for long distances, opposable thumbs.  internet access.   That's about it.  

In terms of life skills ,, internet usage really may rank rather highly now vs filter feeding and venom    :)

Edited by Stosh
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My intuition today,telling me that it's all about love.I have been always interested in issue of to 'sience mankind'philosophically.

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It is ...., Tigers love venison. 

That caught me off guard.  I expected something like "Well, female tigers love their cubs."

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I didn't mean to make here reader write about cognition of animal behavior though.

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That caught me off guard. I expected something like "Well, female tigers love their cubs."

Sex-breeding isnt all there is yknow, and life is certainly not a bed of roses all the time. Theres light and dark in everything , when did that rule vanish? On a daoist oriented site, seems to me the balance of nature really should be acknowleged and highlighted and even appreciated. Should the male or nonbreeding female be considered as pointless killing machines? I want that tiger eating deer. I watched a show which told a story about lions protecting crops. Win win.... Everything in nature has its purpose, its value, its spirit,,, except for bears. Edited by Stosh

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I didn't mean to make here reader write about cognition of animal behavior though.

That's okay.  We go off topic a lot around here.


BTW  There is no missing link.  There is only missing understanding.

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