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My Name is Ed and I live in Jakarta. Just doing a bit of research and came across your site. I like very much what I am reading, and the generally helpful and informative attitudes of your members. I have an arm injury which restricts to some extent the extension of my elbow, and would like to find some kind of physically oriented meditation. Any suggestions? - cheers

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My Name is Ed and I live in Jakarta. Just doing a bit of research and came across your site. I like very much what I am reading, and the generally helpful and informative attitudes of your members. I have an arm injury which restricts to some extent the extension of my elbow, and would like to find some kind of physically oriented meditation. Any suggestions? - cheers



Hello. I'm mostly do Mantak Chia's exercises from the universal tao. There we have something cals Iron shirt which is standing forms of meditation. Where you at first learn some different way to stand and can ad some meditaion to the practise. You learn how to ground yourself and how to make the skeleton and more find the right structure. Then you will be stronger and able to handle more energy in higher practises. You realy work with the structure and transform it to a healtier structure. (Not descibing this wery well in Englich sorry)


I can't realy say this have been my favorite exercises from his system. But I belive I have to work with it more beacase this is my own weak point. Hes philosophy about the standing exercises is that you should be able to really feel the energy before you are going in to the moving forms otherways it will be to complicated. So while standing in the forms you can better consentrate on the energy instead of consentrating on doing the movements.


I do understund this philosophy but think for some people its better to do some moving forms also. Beacase the standing forms doesnt always seems to be as easy as they where said to be. There are alot to think about anyway.


It's one possibility to have physical meditation exercises though.


Hopes it gave you something. I'm as you here not compleately convinced but also like it a bit ambivalent.


Regards F D

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