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lama dorjes "100 days"

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this might be a reason why he insists on the 100 days of celibacy. i am not sure where i got this site from, but it was bookmarked so it must be good!


.The first stage: "Using the Post-birth chi to nourish the Pre-birth chi"

Post-birth chi is the energy we consume from our environment through the air we breathe, the food we eat, and the subtle energy from the universe. We use this Post-birth chi to nourish our Pre-birth energy, our Original chi. To build up and strengthen our Original chi also means we must conserve it, because to save also means you must cut down on your spending. Therefore it is recommended that men should stop ejaculation to conserve their Essence (jing), while women need to regulate the menstrual cycle to conserve their Essence. (We will discuss more about these energy conservation techniques later.) The Microcosmic orbit and chi cultivation techniques are taught in this stage.


on the bottom where it discusses the time in each stage it says



3 to 6 months


3 months being 90 days. the second stage, which can be found on the website, is exactly 100 days. maybe there is more to what max said about being celibate than meets the eye?

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la la lalala la la la la la


the snake eats its own tale


here snakey snakey, i have something for your head


my heel

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